PC Gamer UK gives Dragon Age 94%


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
snippets from the review:

"Thus begins Dragon age, one of the most enormous and astonishing of games. It's an unashamed high-fantasy RPG, rooted in the most traditional soil, yet set in a highly original world."

"This is not a game that can be simply explained. How does it begin? It begins in six completely different ways, and each of these can be met with a wildly different approach."

"Whether you play as a human, elf or dwarf, a rogue, warrior or mage, a noble or a commoner, Dragon Age requires a smart use of your wits and weapons"

"You can approach combat in a couple of ways, depending upon your personal preferences and the difficulty to which you've set the game. In theory, setting it to easy should let you fight in real-time, where you select opponents and issue instructions from a row of tiled attacks, spells and special items familiar to any MMO player, as the fight happens."

"As you and your party level up, at levels 7 and 14 you get a point to spend on a sub-specialism that opens up new talent trees. A warrior, for instance, can choose to be a berserker or champion, among others. A mage might opt for shapeshifting., allowing her to morph into an animal during battle. A superbly useful talent for a rogue is ranger, which allows you to call an animal to join your party."

"Humans are the dominant race in Ferelden. Dominant in some extremely unpleasant ways. Until a few hundred years ago elves were the slaves of humans. In theory they have been freed, but those who live in cities remain second-class citizens, forced to live in slums, either begging or finding menial work in human houses. A small number of elves broke away to live in the Dales, these "dalish" elves are attempting to recover their lost culture. Bitter and vengeful, they kill all humans who wander into their territory. The dwarves live in the Frostback Mountains. Mages are feared and loathed by all. Your first two hours playing as a human noble will have almost nothing in common with those of a dwarf commoner or Dalish elf. While you're taught the basics of combat, and introduced to party mechanics, the rest is unique."

"Whether you play as a male or female, there are various characters with whom you can fall in love. However this isn't a genderless universe, and a gay relationship will be recognised as such."

"The ending, which is different depending upon how you've played, manages to deliver on the anticipation built up, surprising you with new twists, and creating an appropriate sense of scale."

The reviewer took 80 hours (over the course of 2 months playing it) to complete it with a first playthrough. He goes on to say:

"This is the most enormously detailed game world I've experienced, its history stretching back thousands of years, its cultures vivid, beautiful and flawed, the battles enormous, the humour superb. Roleplaying games now have a great deal to live up to."

A truly astonishing game. Vast, vivid and microscopically detailed. Dragon Age is the RPG of the decade "


80 freakin hours ..that'll take me months

this has me concerned:

"You can approach combat in a couple of ways, depending upon your personal preferences and the difficulty to which you've set the game. In theory, setting it to easy should let you fight in real-time, where you select opponents and issue instructions from a row of tiled attacks, spells and special items familiar to any MMO player, as the fight happens."

kinda burned out of the point and click gameplay hopefully it's more fun than it sounds
Mother of God.
I guess I picked the right time to start getting into RPGs.
Glad the wait (for the PC version!) should be worth it! I have been waiting YEARS for a proper follow-up to the Baldur's Gate games and their ilk, so this will likely be a welcome addition to my library. CAN'T WAIT!!!
I'm getting the 360 version, but apparently the only difference between the consoles and PC versions when it comes to gameplay is difficulties, easy on PC apparently represents(partially anyway) normal on console.
there'll be a ton of differences between the console and pc version ...once mods start coming out. I wouldnt even consider the console version for a game like this
there'll be a ton of differences between the console and pc version ...once mods start coming out. I wouldnt even consider the console version for a game like this

I would get the PC version if it supported GFWL :p

I'll probably end up buying the PC version when it's cheap by then lots of good mods will be out.

But I'm stating facts, the devs themselves stated at the official forums that the only gameplay difference between the PC and 360 version is the difficulties. Nothing more, nothing less.

Of course the PC version will support mods but that's not a gameplay difference to me. It's only a gameplay difference once you actually mod it.
I would get the PC version if it supported GFWL :p

oh that's not even remotely believeable. no one in their right mind would ever support anything to do with GFWL ...you sir are clearly insane

I'll probably end up buying the PC version when it's cheap by then lots of good mods will be out.

But I'm stating facts, the devs themselves stated at the official forums that the only gameplay difference between the PC and 360 version is the difficulties. Nothing more, nothing less.

Of course the PC version will support mods but that's not a gameplay difference to me. It's only a gameplay difference once you actually mod it.

this type of game is probably best suited for pcs. I havent played so I'm just speculating. when I think of consoles I dont think of diablo/BG type of games
oh that's not even remotely believeable. no one in their right mind would ever support anything to do with GFWL ...you sir are clearly insane

this type of game is probably best suited for pcs. I havent played so I'm just speculating. when I think of consoles I dont think of diablo/BG type of games

I am indeed insane, I am an achievementwhore, hence why I want GFWL.:LOL:
zommmggggggg im so wet now lolol this is like the next baldur's gate, except a bit gayer. BUT STILL AWESOME.
Pre-ordered. This is the only game I was really waiting for in 2009. The character creator alone made me hyped up.
a hands on review:

As an RPG, it's engrossing, easy to grasp, and moulds itself to how you want to play it (as long as that includes a willingness to invest time in its characters, story and the wider setting of a new fantasy world that, it must be said, struggles to assert a strong identity - there doesn't seem to be much new about it).

It's also beautifully presented, with a superb interface, crisp graphics, and a stable, smooth and scalable engine. If only all PC games were this well sorted this far in advance of release - or even at the point of release, come to that. For once, the tables are turned, and the question mark hangs over the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions that we haven't seen yet (aside from one brief glimpse) and that, to be honest, we find difficult to imagine. Perhaps that's no more than an indication of how perfectly this version has been tailored to its format; it feels like the consummate, traditional PC RPG. BioWare has come home.

certainly more balanced than the PC gamer review

oops posted this news in the other thread. Oh well. Kinda want now.
John Walker from www.rockpapershotgun.com did the review, and although I like him, he's a bit over enthusiastic at times. Personally I'll be holding out to see what EDGE say. I can't quite reconcile the dreadful trailers I've seen with 'RPG of the decade' hyperbole.
PC Gamer:

''It's an unashamed high-fantasy RPG, rooted in the most traditional soil, yet set in a highly original world''
EG Hands-on:
As an RPG, it's engrossing, easy to grasp, and moulds itself to how you want to play it (as long as that includes a willingness to invest time in its characters, story and the wider setting of a new fantasy world that, it must be said, struggles to assert a strong identity - there doesn't seem to be much new about it).

hmmm. Which is more correct?
The trailer's make the game look like garbage, so its interesting to hear a good review, I shall keep my eye on it.
I'm on the fence on this one, should I get the PC or the Xbox version?? its single player so maybe I'll get it on the PC because its $50 as apposed to $60
I believe that the camera angle is static behind the player for the console version as well, so no Baldur's Gate-style overview of battle to pause and dole out orders. That is a dealbreaker in my book, though I am with Stern on this: there is NO WAY anything but the PC version should be bought. :E
Well this all sounds rather encouraging. I may wait till Christmas to get the game however, I have enough to keep me going.

It doesn't seem to have multiplayer though, which is a pity. Even if it was a rather Spartan implementation like in BG2 it's nice to have.
But mah PC sux :(

Could some-one tell me a bit more about the combat? It's turn-based yes? Not really my thing that.
I'm on the fence on this one, should I get the PC or the Xbox version?? its single player so maybe I'll get it on the PC because its $50 as apposed to $60

best buy says the console and pc versions are the same price ..oh wait that's only in canada. **** you best buy it's supposed to be $49 not $69. I'll get it on steam before I pay $69

jimbo said:
Could some-one tell me a bit more about the combat? It's turn-based yes? Not really my thing that.

it's like World of Warcraft; point and click
best buy says the console and pc versions are the same price ..oh wait that's only in canada. **** you best buy it's supposed to be $49 not $69. I'll get it on steam before I pay $69

it's like World of Warcraft; point and click

yeah steam says $49 and I know if I get on Steam I'll have it for life
After all my blathering about how, despite my concern, I'd be getting this game no matter what, I think it might now have become a discount-only proposition for me. All the gushing reviews in the world are worthless as long as they throw up the sort of contradictions that jimbo highlighted, over issues which I consider to be central to the game's quality (such as how well or poorly conceived the game world is).

To top it all, the Steam store page, with its 'exclusive' items and adventures, seems to suggest that we're going to be drip fed pay DLC for this one. Rather than get fleeced for an incomplete package on release, I feel like I should probably wait 6 months or a year and get the inevitable 'Game of the Year' package, or just keep an eye out for a Steam sale.
they said they were planning on 2 years worth of DLC ..so you might be waiting awhile
It won't take long before we all find out whether the DLC is worth waiting for or not...
No open world? Load zones between areas?
This game is defined by events, not places, and the locations are relatively contained, with travel between them happening on a small, windowed world map.

Kinda less want.
Personally I'll be holding out to see what EDGE say.

In a preview a month or two back there was mention that the difference between console and PC versions was more than obvious tailoring to format - the console versions having a closer perspective and more action based combat, while the PC had more focus on planning and party setup. I think - I can't remember the exact details - but it did sound like the experience will be different when it comes to game mechanics and not just in a 'console players get a dumbed down version' way.


They mention action being more akin to kotor and nwn on the console versions - you execute actions yourself - with the overall experience being 'tighter in' and giving more direct control. On the PC we take 'more of a directorial seat, controlling rather than inhabiting these characters'.
There's no way I'll ever use the behind-your-back view for this type of game... so how anyone is even going to be able to play it on a console is beyond me. Of course, anyone who can play an FPS on a console is beyond me as well.

And no, "MMO style" is -not- point and click. Baldur's Gate was point and click. MMO style is more hotkey/action oriented. I guess you can play MMO's like World of Warcraft point and click, but you'd be absolutely terrible! Even from crappy gameplay trailers, though, I can see there will be a bunch more abilities to use in combat than Baldur's Gate, especially for the warriors and rogues.
AFAIK you're not forced to use a behind-your-back view in the console version either.

IIRC you can use a more wide overlook of the battlefield if you wish and pause the game to issue orders etc just like the Baldur's Gate or Neverwinter Nights series.
No open world? Load zones between areas?

Kinda less want.

Uh, so what?
Baldur's Gate, Mass Effect, KOTOR, etc. were all exactly like this and they were all awesome.

It's not meant to be like Oblivion or any other RPGs like that... it's a party-based pen & paper RPG translated into video game form.
And no, "MMO style" is -not- point and click. Baldur's Gate was point and click. MMO style is more hotkey/action oriented. I guess you can play MMO's like World of Warcraft point and click, but you'd be absolutely terrible! Even from crappy gameplay trailers, though, I can see there will be a bunch more abilities to use in combat than Baldur's Gate, especially for the warriors and rogues.

you point and click at the hotkeys in dragon age; it's still pointing and clicking
AFAIK you're not forced to use a behind-your-back view in the console version either.

IIRC you can use a more wide overlook of the battlefield if you wish and pause the game to issue orders etc just like the Baldur's Gate or Neverwinter Nights series.
Right insofar as you can rotate it, but according to Kotaku's Stephen Totilo the camera is severely gimped on consoles:

Dragon Age: Origins is being billed by publisher EA and developer BioWare as a spiritual successor to the studio's beloved Baldur's Gate games. But the ability to back the camera out and up, to go from behind-the-back action-gaming perspective to top-down strategic-perspective has been dropped from the console versions of the game. A BioWare rep told me that players who will want to zoom out will need to do so via a mouse scroll wheel. Then they'll get that Baldur's Gate look.

On the console, as far as I could see, the view will be much closer and into the action. It fits the platform, but it's a difference consumers with options should note.

And as far as DLC goes, why does anyone really care with a great toolset available to modders???
Still getting the 360 version, I doubt this old computer from 2006 would run it well.

*Kicks his XFX GeForce 7900GS 256MB :(*
Still getting the 360 version, I doubt this old computer from 2006 would run it well.

*Kicks his XFX GeForce 7900GS 256MB :(*
Hahaha! Ah, that explains it. Sounds like it is time for someone to upgrade...even just a little. :)

*hugs both GeForce GTX 280s in SLI*
Hahaha! Ah, that explains it. Sounds like it is time for someone to upgrade...even just a little. :)

*hugs both GeForce GTX 280s in SLI*

Yeah been pondering getting a monster machine(As in high-end quad-core and dual GTX295s, but I'm also pondering waiting for the next series of GPUs from nVidia, not sure yet.

Besides I have a decent amount of cash saved up at the moment in my account but planning on buying a lot of games that are coming this year and I don't want to build my own comp(I'm lazy and have problems with my finer motor skills, 'fraid of messing something up if I try to put it together myself.

We all know it costs a lot more to buy a prebuilt one than to build it yourself.

Besides, if I spend all that on a comp then I'm without any cash at all for a month, so I can't buy any new games etc.

Besides, I game more on my 360 and PS3, not sure if it's really worth it, only truly mega-intensive game I have for PC that I really want to play is ARMA2.
Would anyone in the US be willing to gift me the game on Steam if i give them the money on paypal? The UK deluxe version is lacking 3 out of 4 exclusive items and has the longest release date. I'd be very grateful if anyone can help me out.
80 Hours? Man, it took me two years to finish Final Fantasy XII and that was the same length. Why do they do this?
80 Hours? Man, it took me two years to finish Final Fantasy XII and that was the same length. Why do they do this?
Yeah, I didn't have time for that thanks to the pressures of the real world. The auto-leveling that can be done with gambits in one of those tombs worked like a charm over the course of a night or two. I mean, once you get to lvl. 80, it just takes too long to grind up!

The good thing about Bioware RPGs is that grinding is kept to a minimum which leaves much more room for great storytelling and adventure. I hope such is still the case here.