PC Gamer US give Half-Life 2 a...

He said it didn't come with a DVD, only a CD, which contained Dawn of War demo. I'm not going to ask to take screenshots of it, since I believe him officially now.
yeah, i believe it too. I hope the review isn't as super blah as the pc gamer uk one.
Narcolepsy said:
Alpha Centauri got a 98%, and not all editors agree with it. Possibly they wanted to take back the throne of best game with a game that actually deserves it.

That's what I was betting on all along. The original HL deserved that coveted highest PC Gamer score ever (considering how many times it's been at the top of PCG's "Greatest Games of All Time list"), so I was wagering that if they deemed it worthy, PCG would make sure HL2 got the top spot.
dream431ca said:
No it's not. Gamespot (website) gave chrono cross a perfect 10. The only game they ever game a 10

soul caliber was their first 10

or was it oot... I dont remember
Raidea said:
Urm, so you've played it? :rolleyes:
I'm basing my opinion on the reviews we've seen so far

US PC gamer may overrate games but 98% is still insanely high
That's so high lol...

ALL these magazines giving VERY VERY high grades; Hl2 must rock..rock alot..
You guys are funny.
When it gets 96% you say it's low. When it gets 98% you say it's high.
pc gamer doesnt overrate games guys, farcry may not have held up so well when we all looked back on it, but it was the best fps for a couple of dry years there. plus it looked nearly as good as doom3 and came out way before it.
I think HL2 should make a news % scoreboard. Where HL2 is 100%. Farcry is 50% Doom 3 is 40%.
Then they can get ready to have it changed for HL3.
Why dont we have any pics of the mag cover yet!

It's always the people without cameras that get magazines first. :p
Homer said:
pc gamer doesnt overrate games guys, farcry may not have held up so well when we all looked back on it, but it was the best fps for a couple of dry years there. plus it looked nearly as good as doom3 and came out way before it.

haha, Far Cry good? It had pretty graphics and that is about it.

It was not deserving of that score, even if it came out during a FPS drought.

PC Gamer constantly overrates games.
City17 said:
Why dont we have any pics of the mag cover yet!

It's always the people without cameras that get magazines first. :p

Omg, he's right! *runs away* :P
blahblahblah said:
haha, Far Cry good? It had pretty graphics and that is about it.

It was not deserving of that score, even if it came out during a FPS drought.

PC Gamer constantly overrates games.

I cant stand farcry. it feels like your running through molassis, but you have to admit when you fist played it it seemed pretty damn good. It wasnt until I beat it that I looked back on it and just went... wait a second, that sucked! It deserved a 95 because it was a huge technicologically revolutionairy fps(with its own multi btw) that came out in a strech of years where most developers idea of single player for a fps was a botmatch.
Farcry was a good game, why do alot of people dislike it?
Anyway, i believe that it's true, GO HL2!!!
Well, it doesn't seem fake. The dawn of war demo on CD was expected.

Still, I'm waiting for an excerpt of the intro passage from docgordon - that is unless he's making one up right at this momment...
I tell you what, I hope this is true, cos if it is, phew! This is definately the best game ever!
Not a clue.

You guys honestly consider yourselves gamers?
L337_Assasain said:
Farcry was a good game, why did everyone hate it?

Because the plot/story was awful, reminded me of some bad eighties action flick starring an unknown Steven Seagal wannabe :laugh:

Besides the pretty graphics, it had nothing to it. Repetitive gameplay and boring weapons contributed to its' short life span.
There sure is a lot of hate for Far Cry. I cant be the only one that liked it.
CB | Para said:
Because the plot/story was awful, reminded me of some bad eighties action flick starring an unknown Steven Seagal wannabe :laugh:

Besides the pretty graphics, it had nothing to it. Repetitive gameplay and boring weapons contributed to its' short life span.

Your standards are to high because of halflife.
is pcgamer us in stores yet??? anyone??? barnes noble?????

/someone anyone real answer!!!!
I think we will know the moment it shows up.
You know, sometimes the worst movies make the best movies.
Jakeic said:
You know, sometimes the worst movies make the best movies.

What does this have to do with HL2's review?
lol, why is it "way to high"? Doom 3 was mediocre and they gave it a 94%, a 98% for HL 2 seems completely reasonable. Besides, its freaking HL 2, what did you expect a 93%? Once again THIS IS HALF LIFE 2 a.k.a. The second coming of Jesus.
Ownzed said:
Well he said he swear to God....I'm always telling the truth when I say swear to God...:)

good dog :E

rtp: i think 98% is the right score. remember cliffe said that the 96% score that was posted before was fake, so it makes sense that valve knows the game got more than 96%.
rluto said:
lol, why is it "way to high"? Doom 3 was mediocre and they gave it a 94%, a 98% for HL 2 seems completely reasonable. Besides, its freaking HL 2, what did you expect a 93%? Once again THIS IS HALF LIFE 2 a.k.a. The second coming of Jesus.

Second coming??? Screw that Gordon is the REAL Messiah!!!!!!!