PC Gamer US Scores Half-Life 2 at 98%

I'm taking a quick break from playing CS:S, and I'm ready for more... Bring on HL2!
I was hoping Half-Life 2 would be the first game in PC Gamer history to score a 99% or higher, but I guess I can settle for 98%. By the way, this is only the second game in PC Gamer history to score this highly. The other was Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri (and, yes, it also deserved a stellar score).
I'd rather have my squaddies in my way. Well, as long as 'in my way' translates to 'in the line of fire.'
The Silhouette said:
they've been posted and said countless times you dumbass.

The recommended specs after the game has been played, on varying systems? Well what are they? Btw that "dumbass" remark wasn't necessary.
bigdeezy23 said:
The recommended specs after the game has been played, on varying systems? Well what are they? Btw that "dumbass" remark wasn't necessary.

I second on that dumbass remark... no need for that language in this community :)

96 96 97 98 enough said, last three are by the top PC game magazines in the world!
The only reason the AI is a con is because the combine are unable to do backflips while they are on fire and shooting at you.
SubKamran said:
Squad gets in your way and low-res textures in outdoor areas. :|

In other words, HL2 is perfect (since they needed something to put in Con).


lol yeah basically, I mean they had to find something wrong

squad in your way means the sqaud has their auto meat shield ability activated :cheers:
NeoNight said:
lol yeah basically, I mean they had to find something wrong

squad in your way means the sqaud has their auto meat shield ability activated :cheers:

actually it means, the citizens are being prepared as dinner for the masses of hungry zombies :cheese: :burp:
yummeh! :E
Is this all hype? Cant be, If it was sh*t one of the reviewers somewhere would have said something by now like "nice graphics, shame about the game" or "OMG what rubbish AI" etc etc. Its got to be good to keep getting high score but we will see.

I have a slightly off topic question, In the Ravenholm video, just after Gordon whacks the first zombie, he breaks the planks across the door with the crowbar. My question is if you chuck the explosive barrels that are just to the right of the opening at the wood with he manipulator would the wood burn or just fragment like hitting it with the crowbar?

I am just curious.
cod56 said:
Is this all hype? Cant be, If it was sh*t one of the reviewers somewhere would have said something by now like "nice graphics, shame about the game" or "OMG what rubbish AI" etc etc. Its got to be good to keep getting high score but we will see.

I have a slightly off topic question, In the Ravenholm video, just after Gordon whacks the first zombie, he breaks the planks across the door with the crowbar. My question is if you chuck the explosive barrels that are just to the right of the opening at the wood with he manipulator would the wood burn or just fragment like hitting it with the crowbar?

I am just curious.
it probaly not burn it would fragment but that would def cool :afro:

We really haven't been waiting forever for nothing!
StooMonster said:
Read EDGE, they gave Doom3 the 7/10 it deserved; and have yet to be wrong in any review. EDGE rate 5/10 as mediocre, the "average" kind of game, not 75% that most mags seems to think means the same.

Wonder if Half-Life 2 will be the sixth game in the magazine's history to get the awesome 10/10 accolade?


I read in another magazine, and they gave it 6/10 , so there are magazines that gave it a fair score

I'f you sum up all the review's of doom 3 i think the score will be equitable
have you been able to get the beverage machine to work yet? :cheese:
When is the game scheduled in your country because in South Africa it is expected in November
Aaaa Doom 3 kind of is quite cool buuut....... HL2 is much much bettere