PC Gaming in your town


Sep 15, 2003
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How is it? Sometimes I feel like I am the only one who plays computer games in the shit stain of a town. Everytime I am in EB I am almost always the only one looking at PC games (what little there are :( ). I remember the days of visiting out of town malls just to go to an Electronic Boutique and see wall to wall PC games. Now it's pitiful. Just recently a section for PC games has become a section for Gamecube games. :flame:

We have no computer cafes/labs or whatever in my town either. There might be some underground lan parties floating around but I doubt it. Everyone is hung up on consoles around here. I just never got into the XBOX and I don't own a PS2. I've been to and thrown a couple lan games for Halo/Halo 2 but only because my friends aren't into computers.

What makes my situation worse is that I am on dial up (I bitch a lot about this) and can't even play multiplayer. My gaming experience has been sub par since my days of playing Tribes 1 and 2, TFC, and early Counterstrike. There just isn't enough Sinleplayer games to keep my interest. I have spent numerous dollars on games I havn't even finished or barely played. The last game I actually beat was HL2, which was 3 days after buying it. :hmph:

I would just like to know how others fair in their towns.
Wow, sounds like you live somewhere near my town. I swear its the exact same thing here. No cool computer hang outs or anything, and everyone is console crazy.
Out of all the people I know, friends, family, co-workers, I am the only one who spends money to keep his PC upgraded and or has a high end PC. It's my hobby. Everyone else has a Dell or something else shitty.
Where in the US( assuming the you live in the US) are you located? There are generally a good number of larger lan parties going on. If you are anywhere near Louisville, KY... i highly suggest going to www.lanwar.com I always go when i can. It's usually about 400 people for the smaller ones and about 1200 people for the big one during the summer.

The closest place for me would be Buffalo, NY. I probably wouldn't drive all the way to Buffalo by myself to go though, I have re-developed my anti-sociality. If I knew atleast a couple people, locally, that followed pc gaming then I would go.
Everyone here plays Counter-Strike or a racing game at the LAN.
Everyone here is either
A ) Console Exclusive.
B ) An RPG freak that hates action games like CS or BF2.

There's lan areas but they're getting closed down soon.
I think that PC gaming is dying out within the small towns. I am not sure how things are going in big cities but if it's like how it is here then I worry. Though I do worry a little now because it feels like I won't be able to buy any sort of PC game in town in the coming future.

I think the release of the new consoles may wipe out most of the PC game sections in small towns.
Anthraxxx said:
Where in the US( assuming the you live in the US) are you located? There are generally a good number of larger lan parties going on. If you are anywhere near Louisville, KY... i highly suggest going to www.lanwar.com I always go when i can. It's usually about 400 people for the smaller ones and about 1200 people for the big one during the summer.


Ah, a fellow Lanwar patron! Do you also worship Burden and chant for him to throw boxes into the crowd?
I only know of one person that's actually into serious gaming...everyone else is a console freak or buys popular licensed PC games (Lord of the Rings, Star Wars). I keep on telling them they're not getting the real thing, but they prefer Battlefront to 1942. If you get a game because of its license and not the gameplay, you're not serious about PC gaming...
I live in boston, and I know ONE person who plays counter strike, I don't know one other person who plays video games, whether console or PC.
shadow6899 said:
chu do u live in ny? if so syracuse has a lan center now :D

I live near Olean, NY. Syracuse is a little ways out there.
Lot more PC gamers than console gamers here. I have enough people with BF2 to form a squad :D.
In Hawaii, you'd be luck to find somebody who knew what an ISP was.

Here, the word Roadrunner is synonomouse with Internet.
here in my city the cybers are almost full everytime,unfortanely is pure counter strike or vice city but a lot of people play it and sure are some others that hav theyr owns PC
My neighorhood is full of old dieing people. They play CS:S alot and they pwn me sometimes.
Pesmerga said:
My neighorhood is full of old dieing people. They play CS:S alot and they pwn me sometimes.

OMFG my grandma lives in Pesmerga ville!
Why do you guys have to ruin this perfectly fine thread <Pesmerga, Sinkoman> Seriously no one cares how big your post count is you dont seem any "funnierLOLESZ".

On the other hand a couple of my friends play cs, diablo 2, stuff like that. Some of them are really not wary of computers probably dont even know what FPS are. I have one friend who si somewhat adequate in computer knowledge but hes kind of immature at times. theirs a couple of lans here but i dont bother attending them just because i dont have a car, money, and it probably would bore me after about 10 minutes.
nofx said:
Why do you guys have to ruin this perfectly fine thread <Pesmerga, Sinkoman> Seriously no one cares how big your post count is YOU DONT LOOK ANY cooler nor was that anywhere near funny.

Where the **** did that come from?

Calm the **** down dude, i'm not trying to ruin the thread.

Infact, I made a perfectly able contribution to the thread. Same goes for Pesmerga.

Looks like somebody is trying a bit to hard to look like a good guy.

EDIT: I can see where my second post could seem like spam, but still, you're overreacting way too much. Sit down, be quite, and let the modderators do their job.
Im not trying to look like a "good guy," or brown noser. If youre going to troll by posting nonsense do it somewhere else.

edIT: im not going to even bother posting a new reply the cure is simple: ignore :D
I'm not trolling. I seriously live in a neighborhood full of old dieing people. Ffs some people are so sensitive.
nofx said:
Im not trying to look like a "good guy," or brown noser. If youre going to troll by posting nonsense do it somewhere else.

If anybody is ruining the thread, it's you and you're vigilante antics.

And i'm offended that you'd call me a troll. Again I say, if anybody, you are the one trolling this thread.

Oh and cure? Cure for what!? You're the one that started this whole crapshoot in the first place.

Oh well, life goes on.
My town is alright, considering that there are three shelfs for PC games compared to PS2 or Xbox, that have at least 5 shelfs each. You will normally see college students and older people picking up PC games during the weekdays and console games by the younger generation during the weekends. If you were to count the number of sales, usually find the Ratio for purchasing PC/Console games is 1:1 or more precised 5:6
my town's okay, mainly we've got Halo or CS:S players (ick, I know) but we do have a few real gamers here aside from me. There's a small group of people who still worship Descent 3, Kohan, and a few other more obscure games, and then there's a huge group of CS:S d00dz at the 2 lan centers here.
Dumb Dude said:
Wow, sounds like you live somewhere near my town. I swear its the exact same thing here. No cool computer hang outs or anything, and everyone is console crazy.

Oxymoron anyone?
same with me chu, my town is like that except for a handfull of people that will play, but most people here are halo 2 crazy or any kind of console because they are too dumb to work a computer.
Baal said:
Oxymoron anyone?

Hasn't anybody told you yet? Gaming is cool now, woohoo!

Get out of your parents basements guys, and proudly play you Gameboy in the streets.

Back on topic, there's few places to play pc games in London, but everyone I know tends to play them at home. Occasionally there's a lan party, but we tend to play console games when we meet up, pc games when we're home.
ahah good one warbie. I'll pass on the gameboy option...can't play world of warcraft on that!
Mostly the same here, too. All of my frieneds are PC gamers though, so we haev our own 6-8 person lan parties.
I have my trusty 3 friends in Utah that ALWAYS lan. We used to Lan 5 outta the week and his net is blazing fast. Until I moved away from them. Now i live in a town of 300 people, but a good portion of the youth play video games. About half consoles, half PC.
I wish there were lan parties here in Hawaii :(

I know there's a cyber cafe in Nu'uanu that does birthdays, but I don't think they ever host lan parties :(
Lethal8472 said:
Ah, a fellow Lanwar patron! Do you also worship Burden and chant for him to throw boxes into the crowd?

Dude. I want to have Burden's children.... <3<3<3

what's your LW handle? Mine's [ACC]Anthraxxx
Anthraxxx said:
Dude. I want to have Burden's children.... <3<3<3

what's your LW handle? Mine's [ACC]Anthraxxx

Same as my name here, Lethal8472. I haven't been able to go to one in awhile, been too busy with college and work. :(