PC Problem


Nov 8, 2004
Reaction score
Here is my problem MY COMPUTER LAG when I play video files and when I play games. Its lags more when I play games than when i use other programs.
Did any one face this problem before????

I have a 2.4GHz, 1GB ram and ATI 256MB (I think its Radeon 9600 256MB)
hard drive specs? if you know, scan for spyware and get rid of any extra running processes, but you have 1 gig of ram which should run it decent enough. meh format lawlz
Sounds like typical slow down. Games are one of the most demanding apps out there. You HD could be pretty full and windows has no room for a page file so it uses your processor instead and over taxes that. A nice easy fix would be to delete the partition and reinstall windows. Fresh clean start.
Glirk Dient said:
Sounds like typical slow down. Games are one of the most demanding apps out there. You HD could be pretty full and windows has no room for a page file so it uses your processor instead and over taxes that. A nice easy fix would be to delete the partition and reinstall windows. Fresh clean start.

My c: drive is 50GB and I only have 4GB free isn’t that good or I need to delete more files???? Rather than formatting

(My PC was good two weeks ago but now it lags I don’t think the ram is not enough because the pc was working without any lag)