PCGameplay review - Spoilers


Nov 9, 2003
Reaction score
Non - Spoiler

The PCG only gave hl 90 because of the missing MP. They have an other page in their magazine devoted to the missing mp. They started playing HLDM the minute after it came across their desk. They kept playing it for 4 years in a row during their breaks. Names like gasworks, bounce, stalkyard have almost become mythical definitions around their office. They were already looking forward at playing the new HLDM. New weapons, fun with the physics, added vehicles. They think Valve are taking the easy route by just leaving it all to the mod comunity. They think that one of the reasons HL got big is because of its MP and therefore the missing MP in HL2 seems very odd. To put it clear: They are very sad about the fact there is no MP in HL2 cause they had so much fun with the first one. They also say that it would maybe have gotten the highest score ever in their magazine if the MP had been included.

I must say that I would have loved to play HL2DM as well :(

Then it also has an interesting part about HL2 and the internet. It seems internet is a requirement. You can't play it if you don't register your version with steam first.

Then now the spoilers :)
So i warn everyone who reads this. With one of the spoilers i had this feeling that it would have been better to have seen it in the game for the first time.

There is a picture of a combine dropship carrying a patrol boat with a cool looking gun on it.
(I think the dropships are gonna be realy cool in the game, they look awesome and i think they kinda have the role of doombringer. It seems they can transport everything from troops and boats to striders)

There will be a sprint (fast run) button

The new barnacles look realy cool

Dog looks extremely cool. There is a picture of him carrying a van. He looks ready to throw it at something.

There are alot of new enemies but one of them is the zombie dog. Realy fast, scary as hell :) (i bet you will encounter them alot in ravenholm)

There are thermic grenades which can pulverize multiple enemies at once.

There seems to be some sort of upgrade for the manipulator. The picture shows a manipulator with blue beams instead of orange. I heard rumours about this too but it seems to be true. The picture shows the blue manipulator carrying a body. Looks like fun to me :p

You can place turrets yourself. They are talking about the turrets shown in the bugbait movie.

This is the big spoiler about the game story itself so dont read if you dont want to

Eli And Alyx seem to get captuared by Dr Breen somewhere in the story. The picture shows that they are both imprisoned in some metal shell.

Man when i see all these screens and i read what they say... I just can't wait anymore. Gimme teh game now goddamnit :p

About the review: They are all positive; looks great, awesome physics, big variation in levels, beautiful ingame animations, alot of original gampeplay findings.
Negative: No MP, AI squadmates get in the way sometimes

"This is a shooter of which you don't want it to end and that alone already prooves the class and greatness of HL2. If it would only be possible i would like to play the already announced HL3 because you just feel that Valve still has alot tell us. But first enjoy this almighty classic"
Dang, I WANT to highlight the spoiler!
I just want to do it!

But yeah, thanks for the info.
DaFreak said:
Non - Spoiler

The PCG only gave hl 90 because of the missing MP. They have an other page in their magazine devoted to the missing mp. They started playing HLDM the minute after it came across their desk. They kept playing it for 4 years in a row during their breaks. Names like gasworks, bounce, stalkyard have almost become mythical definitions around their office. They were already looking forward at playing the new HLDM. New weapons, fun with the physics, added vehicles. They think Valve are taking the easy route by just leaving it all to the mod comunity. They think that one of the reasons HL got big is because of its MP and therefore the missing MP in HL2 seems very odd. To put it clear: They are very sad about the fact there is no MP in HL2 cause they had so much fun with the first one. They also say that it would maybe have gotten the highest score ever in their magazine if the MP had been included.

I must say that I would have loved to play HL2DM as well :(

Then it also has an interesting part about HL2 and the internet. It seems internet is a requirement. You can't play it if you don't register your version with steam first.

Then now the spoilers :)
So i warn everyone who reads this. With one of the spoilers i had this feeling that it would have been better to have seen it in the game for the first time.

There is a picture of a combine dropship carrying a patrol boat with a cool looking gun on it.
(I think the dropships are gonna be realy cool in the game, they look awesome and i think they kinda have the role of doombringer. It seems they can transport everything from troops and boats to striders)

There will be a sprint (fast run) button

The new barnacles look realy cool

Dog looks extremely cool. There is a picture of him carrying a van. He looks ready to throw it at something.

There are alot of new enemies but one of them is the zombie dog. Realy fast, scary as hell :) (i bet you will encounter them alot in ravenholm)

There are thermic grenades which can pulverize multiple enemies at once.

There seems to be some sort of upgrade for the manipulator. The picture shows a manipulator with blue beams instead of orange. I heard rumours about this too but it seems to be true. The picture shows the blue manipulator carrying a body. Looks like fun to me :p

You can place turrets yourself. They are talking about the turrets shown in the bugbait movie.

This is the big spoiler about the game story itself so dont read if you dont want to

Eli And Alyx seem to get captuared by Dr Breen somewhere in the story. The picture shows that they are both imprisoned in some metal shell.

Man when i see all these screens and i read what they say... I just can't wait anymore. Gimme teh game now goddamnit :p

About the review: They are all positive; looks great, awesome physics, big variation in levels, beautiful ingame animations, alot of original gampeplay findings.
Negative: No MP, AI squadmates get in the way sometimes

"This is a shooter of which you don't want it to end and that alone already prooves the class and greatness of HL2. If it would only be possible i would like to play the already announced HL3 because you just feel that Valve still has alot tell us. But first enjoy this almighty classic"

I have not looked at the spoilers, but obviously you have. Was it worth finding out now, rather than waiting till you play the game?
"With one of the spoilers i had this feeling that it would have been better to have seen it in the game for the first time."

If you would care, only the last two spoiler lines contain the big storywise spoiler. But i even think that that spoiler has been posted here before so... Ah whatever just do it at your own risk ;)
i read all but the last one, nothing big really, quite a few we already knew.
It's sad that once again a mag failed to recognize that CS:S is the multiplayer part of HL2. This Dutch or belgian magazine did the same and thus gave it only 90%.
It seems like most of the mags only got to play the singleplayer part and havn't got a full copy of CS:S, which is (although i was looking forward to hl2dm a lot) a great multiplayer part.
Paladin said:
It's sad that once again a mag failed to recognize that CS:S is the multiplayer part of HL2.
Well, you know, I fail to do so too.
I cant see in what way CS:S could possibly be related with HL2.
It has abosulutely nothing in it that represents halflife2, none of the weapons, vehicles, themes, skins or whatever.
Its like C&C generals with the RedAlert2 multiplayer: Yeah, but we updated the graphics!
Chill. It'll be modded within 1 month. Someone will slave away for weeks to give us HLDM2, it'll be downloaded thousands of times on Fileplanet and played for all of about, err, a week, before people get bored and realise that CS:S is a much better multiplayer game.

DM is dead. Waaaay dead.
Yeah, it's in no way related to the single player game, but it is still the multiplayer part of HL2.
I was also really looking forward to a Half-Life 2 styled deathmatch, the weapons, the physics and everything else could have provided a great environment for multiplayer.
But it is still fact, that CS:S is the Multiplayer of HL2! Thus it should be rated as part of HL2. I wonder if they actually did that or didn't rate multiplayer at all. If it's the former then i won't complain anymore, but if it's the latter, well....
Clue as to why there's no HLDM2?

- CS; players in last 31 days: 9,244,800
- HLDM; players in last 31 days: 56,683
czrsink said:
Clue as to why there's no HLDM2?

- CS; players in last 31 days: 9,244,800
- HLDM; players in last 31 days: 56,683
Yeah duh, HLDM didnt change in the meantime, ofcourse it gets boring. But this is no evidence HL2DM wont be a blast.
Btw, I know a lot of people that like playing HLDM on lan once-in-a-while, thats because its still fun with 4 people. CS is kinda online-only.
Adrien C said:
Are the spoilers big ?

All have been mentioned in threads on this board before. If you want to stay fresh - don't read them. Simple. I read them, but I already knew them anyway as I have read a couple of reviews of the game and they all mention the same things and have the same screenshots.
You're missing my point Clavius. Death Match is past it's sell by date. Nobody wants to play for 20 minutes on the same map, time power up respawns, run round aimlessly shooting everyone and everything, and work as an individual, rather than as a team.

I think Doom 3 is testament to that. Does anyone actually play Doom 3 deathmatch?
czrsink said:
You're missing my point Clavius. Death Match is past it's sell by date. Nobody wants to play for 20 minutes on the same map, time power up respawns, run round aimlessly shooting everyone and everything, and work as an individual, rather than as a team.

I think Doom 3 is testament to that. Does anyone actually play Doom 3 deathmatch?
No, nobody I know plays doom3 deathmatch.
But, as I said in another thread a while ago, HLDM is different from the big chunk of DM's, in that it also offers the possibility to set up traps.
HLDM online, yeah that was no fun at all, too much people in one server, running around like m0tards like you said.
On LAN however, with people peeking around corners and sneaking around, I still have a blast in gasworks. This also because you can hear the person yell at you for eating your snarks.
This makes me say the steam figures do not represent the amount of games still played. HLDM is more a LAN thing.
Ah well, for the classic deathmatch, your right. Its done and buried.
On the other hand HL2DM, taken that its done well, with new maps and the manipulator, can become a big hit.
I just want to throw a chair at a sniper to topple him off a ridge.
Still, if the game is single-player only, then grade it as a single-player game.
You can't blame a single-player-only game for not having multiplayer.
That's just stupid.

"I just got this lambourghini, and it moves very fast and is definitely the best car I've ever driven in my entire life, but it just doesn't have the cargo and towing capacity of my old dodge ram.

Pros: The most perfect sports car in history. +100%
Cons: The sports car is not a half-ton pickup truck. -10%
Score: 90%"
Clavius said:
Well, you know, I fail to do so too.
I cant see in what way CS:S could possibly be related with HL2.
It has abosulutely nothing in it that represents halflife2, none of the weapons, vehicles, themes, skins or whatever.
Its like C&C generals with the RedAlert2 multiplayer: Yeah, but we updated the graphics!

i couldn't agree more on that!