PCGamer review highly unlikely...


Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
Fairly recently the possibility of a PCG Halflife2 review in the upcoming issue has been discussed, mainly citing the "Senses-shattering" review. Due to the fact that PCG ships in a few days, I find the chance of a HL2 review highly unlikley.

First of all, I get the PCG two months ahead, suggesting that any article must be written at least a month prior to me reading it. Since a month ago we had just barely begun to play CS:Source, I find it unlikly that it was "declared gold" during that period secretly, especially as people were saying HL2 were released after the beta. The only option is that PCG got only a near-completion version, which, unfortunately PCG often proves true.
Despite their history, I still think that there won't be a review, but recently Doom 3 proved that the review was, in fact, written soon after it had gone gold (if editor-in-chief Dan Morris is to be believed).

The only game I see as even being possibly another "earth-shattering" review would be a highly positive review of The Sims 2.
It has been confirmed that the review is indeed for The Sims 2.
Why do you get the PCG 2 months ahead?
Chris_D said:
It has been confirmed that the review is indeed for The Sims 2.

Oh, sorry about that, haven't been online in a bit ;)

As for getting the mag 2 months early, I have no idea why.
Art they just have it 2 months earlier on it for some reason. It isn't really "2" months earlier.
I mean you really think they can put stuff that will happen 2 months in the future in an article?
I think not.
Are you sure it was for Sims 2? I know for a fact it contains a review for Rome: Total War (which received a 92% review rating), which if you can humble yourself, is infact a highly anticipated game...

As for PC Gamer working "in the future", it's true- they really do. Developers allow them to test their games months before the general public, and they often receive news reports/previews for upcomming games much earlier than when they are finally reported. Computer Gaming World (and I'm sure most other magazines do as well) follows the same format, so if you don't want to take my word for it, subscribe to one of the mags or just buy a copy. They often talk about it...
I thought it was the big exclusive article on Quake 4. In fact I'm almost positive it is...
Chris_D said:
It has been confirmed that the review is indeed for The Sims 2.

Wrong, it's the Quake 4 preview, don't you follow the news? tsk tsk.
But I thought. . .

Actually I don't know anything.
And getting pre-gold versions of games is different from having the articles written and shipped to houses a month before it's supposed to go on sell.

In case anyone didn't know, magazine's don't have the month they come out on their spine, they have the month LATER. so if this was an interpretation error, that still means some random person got an issue 1 month before anyone else got it. What would account for that? I can't think of much. It doesn't take 4 weeks to send publications.

Actually, I just got the november issue of EGM. That's kinda odd isn't it, being mid september and all. gah
Quake 4, that is still in early developmental stages, they are probably into their first alpha build... which would be a modified Doom 3 engine anyways... Quake IV probably wont be talked about for some time. But the article/review in PCGamer is Sims 2.
mirageacg said:
Quake 4, that is still in early developmental stages, they are probably into their first alpha build... which would be a modified Doom 3 engine anyways... Quake IV probably wont be talked about for some time. But the article/review in PCGamer is Sims 2.
Quake 4 scans from PCZone are already on the net, lol.
mirageacg said:
Quake 4, that is still in early developmental stages, they are probably into their first alpha build... which would be a modified Doom 3 engine anyways... Quake IV probably wont be talked about for some time. But the article/review in PCGamer is Sims 2.

No, No it's not. the sense shattering article was/is the Quake 4 article. you think with a cover like this http://www.shacknews.com/images/image-o-matic.x?quake4/pcgamer_nov04cover.jpg they would be hyping a sims 2 review? bahahaha.

and scans from pc gamer are online also.


BTW the exact quote from PC Gamer was:
You won't believe what we've scored for you. Hot on the heels of our Doom 3 review, we've snagged another SENSES-SHATTERING WORLD EXCLUSIVE -- one that's going to have the whole industry racing to these very pages.

it says nothing about a review, it says world exclusive, sims 2 isn't an exclusive, there is info about it all over the ****ing internet, quake 4 on the other hand is "exclusive" (other than the leaked concept art from ages ago and the simple knowledge of it's existence).
Yeah, it is the Q4 exclusive as some people have mentioned (NOT The Sims 2 review which, while good, is hardly "sense-shattering".)

Anyway, the clue is in the pun ... 'shattering': as in an earth'quake'.
ytinupmi said:

Pointless. (BTW: no one else posted a link to the new PC Gamer cover)

I wish it was HL2 in the new PC Gamer. But oh well. Maybe next issue *fingers crossed* :)
You've just elevated a topic from redundant to spam- please stop. As for PC Gamer scans, I would advise against it, as it is most likely a copyright infringement to do such a thing.
Gahahahaha, Sims 2 didn't even make the cover. I'm more interested in the RTW review anyways.
Chapstick said:
Pointless. (BTW: no one else posted a link to the new PC Gamer cover)

I wish it was HL2 in the new PC Gamer. But oh well. Maybe next issue *fingers crossed* :)

actually I posted a link to the cover on page 1 of this thread.
Chris_D said:
It has been confirmed that the review is indeed for The Sims 2.
Actually, the "senses shattering" bit was referring to the Quake 4 preview.
ytinupmi said:
actually I posted a link to the cover on page 1 of this thread.

NM, I'm retarded. :rolling:
Your link only seems to work if you copy/paste it (for me anyways).

I really dont consider Quake IV to be "sense shattering". If it came out before Doom3, then maybe. As for Sims 2 being sense shattering....no.

Half-Life 2, now thats sense shattering.
Ok guys, I just got home and checked my mail and what did I find? The November PCGamer... Here's the low down:

Quake 4 is the big story, nice long article, cool screen shots (including some big outdoor areas)! I haven't read it yet, but it looks pretty in depth. They're calling it the "biggest shooter of 2005."

The big review is Rome: Total War. They give it a 92%. Haven't read this article either and I probably won't.

Flipping through, I don't see any reference to The Sims 2 whatsoever.

And for next Month's issue, they mention several reviews, but HL2 isn't one of them (neither is Sims 2 actually). Here's their cliffhanger quote: "And if we should happen to have yet another barn-burning exclusive announcement...well, don't be too shocked. See ya!"

There we have it...Quake 4 looks cool, the rest of the issue is a bust, especially where HL2 is concerned! And the teaser for the next issue sounds pretty sad if you ask me...
trantjd said:
And the teaser for the next issue sounds pretty sad if you ask me...
Indeed. It basically says, "We might have another big exclusive next month! Or we might not!"
trantjd said:
Ok guys, I just got home and checked my mail and what did I find? The November PCGamer... Here's the low down:

Quake 4 is the big story, nice long article, cool screen shots (including some big outdoor areas)! I haven't read it yet, but it looks pretty in depth. They're calling it the "biggest shooter of 2005."

The big review is Rome: Total War. They give it a 92%. Haven't read this article either and I probably won't.

Flipping through, I don't see any reference to The Sims 2 whatsoever.

And for next Month's issue, they mention several reviews, but HL2 isn't one of them (neither is Sims 2 actually). Here's their cliffhanger quote: "And if we should happen to have yet another barn-burning exclusive announcement...well, don't be too shocked. See ya!"

There we have it...Quake 4 looks cool, the rest of the issue is a bust, especially where HL2 is concerned! And the teaser for the next issue sounds pretty sad if you ask me...
thanks for the news... ish. does it mention sp?
SubForce said:
thanks for the news... ish. does it mention sp?

sp? single player? If you mean HL2 single player, then no, there's no HL2 mention...

But I have a feeling you mean some other sp that I'm going to feel stupid for not realizing when you tell me...oh well...
The big review is Rome: Total War. They give it a 92%. Haven't read this article either and I probably won't.

Probably the most important part of that magazine.
Even PCPP here in Australia only had Quake4. I have no frickin' interest in Q4, give me Half Life 2. All these magazines can burn in hell :)
Me have the Swedish PCG... I already have mmy copy! The Sims 2 in all it's glory it is! XD
Art_Crime said:
I find the chance of a HL2 review highly unlikley.

Me too. Reviewing a game that isn't finished is always difficult.

I find it unlikly that it was "declared gold" during that period secretly

I don't think any developer has ever kept gold status as a secret.
Mountain Man said:
Indeed. It basically says, "We might have another big exclusive next month! Or we might not!"

Wait a second, we might/we might not? That's a 50/50 shot or 2 halves...2 half?...half 2?...Half-Life 2! Woohoo! HL2 review next month!!
jet jaguar said:
Wait a second, we might/we might not? That's a 50/50 shot or 2 halves...2 half?...half 2?...Half-Life 2! Woohoo! HL2 review next month!!

Ah...how about you're clutching at straws......

ytinupmi said:
that was humour.....you know what humour is....right?

Some people are what we call "humor impaired." (Stop throwing "U"s everywhere you Brits! :) ) For instance, the armed forces have their senses of humor surgically removed.
Perhaps I should say - stop destroying the english language :) We invented it, remember (well, obviously u wouldn't as u'd have to be about 4 million years old, starting with the first 'ug')

Perhaps on topic would be a good idea? On that subject, I think it is pretty conclusive now it's not HL2 ... sorry.
Kirkburn said:
Perhaps I should say - stop destroying the english language :) We invented it, remember (well, obviously u wouldn't as u'd have to be about 4 million years old, starting with the first 'ug').

Well, actually, we kinda stole pretty much all of it from Germanic, Latin, French... we just changed a few things around so no one will notice. :p
Kirkburn said:
Perhaps I should say - stop destroying the english language ...

well, obviously u wouldn't as u'd have to be about 4 million years old...

And you're telling me to stop butchering the English language? :) I know your comment was directed at the US in general; I just thought it was funny. :)
Dabs said:
Yeah, it is the Q4 exclusive as some people have mentioned (NOT The Sims 2 review which, while good, is hardly "sense-shattering".)

Anyway, the clue is in the pun ... 'shattering': as in an earth'quake'.
Yeah, I find it hard to think of The Sims as "senses-shattering" in any way shape or form.

And if that actually was a pun - and I don't think it was - it was a rather obtuse one.