PCGamer review highly unlikely...

All I can say is ... I know.
However, the US english is pretty much all derived from British english and no-one elses language so my comment still stands :)

One day I shall visit your land with a spray can. Or 5 million.
Kirkburn said:
However, the US english is pretty much all derived from British english and no-one elses language so my comment still stands :)
Pffft - for "derived" read "butchered."
kaellinn18 said:
No, that's ebonics :)
Pah! It's over use of phonetics
"Thru"... "Nite"...
And dropping U's all over the shop - aluminum (aluminium), humor (humour), color (colour) - what's wrong with you!?

As Oscar Wilde said: " The Americans are identical to the British in all respects except, of course, language."

As GB Shaw said: "We (the British and Americans) are two countries separated by a common language."

And as Eddie Izzard said: "You say 'erbs' we say 'Herbs'... 'cause there's a f*cking h in it."
Couldn't have put it better myself, el Chi :)
The aluminium thing is what really gets me tho - you pronounce it as if it's a totally different word to the spelling! Then again, how do we say lieutenant ... none of it makes sense!
Kirkburn said:
Then again, how do we say lieutenant ... none of it makes sense!
Ssssh! Don't let on that we might be wrong!
Anyway lieutenant is, I believe, one of those throwbacks from the French influence that KagePrototype was on about.
So blame them.
The review isn't for Sims 2, Q4 or Rome: Total War.. it is for Duke Nukem Forever
I thought it was confirmed weeks ago that this issue doesn't contain HL2 review, but instead it was postponed to the next issue (December issue?) which is coming out in October
We can pretty much be assured that magazines dont know squat and are just hyping everyone up to buy the next months copy to see if there is a HL2 review or not, when it's really just the sims.
PC Zone have Quake IV already, in fact I was reading the article on Monday. As usual, PCZ claimed they were the only people to have it...when it seems they are actually the only people to have it out before anyone else (due to PCZ mag coming out a good week or two before other publications).

Needless to say, if you discount the verbatim, the actual 'preview' amounts to the equivalent a 3/4 page of A4 text and a few pictures which really give nothing exciting away whatsover.

Disappointing in the extreme, IMHO.

PS I'm back after taking a week and a half off to appreciate my lovely ickle baby duaghter who was born last Monday (6th September). Think I'll upload a pic for my avatar :)
US English was changed at the time of the Revolution (by an American scholar), to help define the new country as being separate from the crown.