Jut bought & read that myself. I think it was a very accurate review. A lot of the comments made were similar to the views the players of the demo were already talking about such as - The AI can be either incredibly smart or terribly stupid, mewntioning the occasions when your close to a vehicle with a gunner, they can't get an angle on you but they keep shooting anyway! This aspect of the AI could be so easily fixed. It's really bad that Crytek have allowed this sort of thing to slip through the net. You'd never get something this blatantly obvious & crap in a Valve game. They'd sort it out for sure. Shame on Crytek for letting in go.Just got my copy of UK PC Zone who tend to more critical of games than most magazines and they've given crysis a score of 92% and pc zone gold award. A very good score from zone but bear in mind they gave HL2 97%.
Extreme reason for lower score spoiler ahead!!