PC's SUCK!!!

Milo 7

Jun 28, 2004
Reaction score
Atleast mine does grrr...

+- 2 years ago i bought a:

P4 3,06ghz
512mb ram
audidy2 6.1

only to play games on :cheese: first i wanted to buy a geforce5700fx because they said it was gonna be sooo good lol
but it turned out to be crap so i didnt buy it.
so my nice brother lend me his 9700pro
i have had so many shit with it. like it didnt want to install GAMES (and i bought it only to play games :rolling: ) most of the times i had to try 100 times, it installed everything else though o_0

after a while i figured out it was because of win2000 so i installed winXP, then my games installed fine......................BUT then my sound was crackling in a lot of games omg
after a while we fixed that to and everything was ok i could play :cheese:

now 2 months ago my pc or broke down completly and had to sent back to shop........1,5 month later i get it back uuugh.
but then the fun shit starts i get it back it doesnt even work :/
the videocard wasnt screwed in completly :sleep: .
so i get it on windows etc work i try to install internet boomboom crashcrash :angry:

after 2 weeks of looking at it i found out my soundcard slot was messy (sticky shit on it o_0?? )

i clean it and woopidoo it works!!!
(woot i fixxed it myself first time i ever tried something inside my pc had no clue what i was doing =D )
i didnt sent it back btw because i didnt want to wait 1,5 month again ;)

and this brings me back to 3 days ago with my pc working and omgomgomg MY X800XTPE ARIVES omg i was SOOOOOO happy
finally my gfx card i waited 2 years or something on so i could finally play with maxxed out shit wOOt.

then i installed it yay everything works, then last night i was gaming zap boom my pc shuts down :flame: i try to turn it back on nothing............smellsmell i smell something buring :eek:
uuuh ooh..

my power supply burned out :angry: maaan just when i get my new card and pc running FFS, and now im hoping only my power supply was fried and nothing else :O

man im soo pissed right now

this is why i hate my pc grrr im getting sick of it, i love online gaming but damn........

i just hate to post this shit

lol nobody is problably gonna read this long ass crap
I read it :D

Don't worry about it, as soon as you get a new power supply and boot up you game, all these problems will melt away leaving you with a powerfull feeling of acomplishment. It feels good :D

I had this countless times allready (harddrives failing, powersupplies burning out, monitors burning). It sucks, i know, but once you fix it yourself..nothing can beet that feeling.
Uh just one thing. If your psu burned out, how powerful was it in the first place?

And I've had 5 PSU's go in 5 years. I've done nowt wrong with them, and I've been just under the 12 month warrenty for all bar 1, They've all 'just failed' Oh well at least I have my laptop for emergency gaming therapy... (and a GC)
I read it. Just goes to show how important a high quality PSU is for these next gen cards :thumbs: