PCZONE Preview, for those who missed it


I can't wait to play the game and see more of City 17.
Wewt i'm famous! Yeh the screens are pretty good. I thought I was going to be flamed to hell for this actually, but I forgot many people didn't have access to it. No probs Chris.
Do I need to subscribe to pczone.com before it's possible to access this? I clicked the link and was allowed to read two first pages of the preview, but when I clicked "page 3" I got the "subscribe to pczone" screen. That's strange. Maybe their site is slow, so it takes some time before it recognizes readers who are not subscribed :p
I hate that website....read 1 page and constantly asks me to sign up for the magazine.

Would anyone please post the other pages content here!
I had to sign up for the site but it's never asked me to subscribe to the magazine.
Yeh i think you need to be a member of the site. This site is running pretty slow today aswell, or is it just me?
digsy said:
Yeh i think you need to be a member of the site. This site is running pretty slow today aswell, or is it just me?

Something's been going on, we've been up and down a few times, and now we're alternating between crawling to a slow and speeding up. Very odd.
Got signed up - thought it was for the mag....doh! :D

Anyways - not really that much new info, was cool to read about the first lvl they played (city17).....

Can't wait to get the game - tho i'm quite surprised that even in this one gabe tells us that they'd most likely have a date in or around E3...:(

Here's to hearing a date this week
I've just got back from reading the real thing while in ASDA :p
I'm liking the sound of those recommended specs, fair bit lower than I expected. Didn't they say something like a 2GHz CPU would be the recommended aaaaages ago? Or did I dream that? Now saying anything over 1.2GHz would make a negligable difference (with the other bits).
Any news about this, as it would be a sign of release....????

"As reported a year ago, Valve plans to hold a weekend-long modding workshop near its offices in Seattle before the game ships, in order to give the mod-making community a head start. "We're looking at holding this in either April or June in the Hyatt (a hotel next to Valve's offices). "
I don't think anything about that has been mentioned starfish. That's pretty cool of Valve though, they must really care about the community. After all the money they are going to land with projects like CS2 etc.. it's obviously very beneficial for them to keep in touch with the community.
lol you don't need to sign up for it. When you want to watch the 2nd page it only asks for your user name. I just typed in a random name (gordon :p) and I logged in no need to type in a password.