PCZone Review Next Month!!!


Jul 19, 2003
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Posted on the PCZone's forum is a post by PCZone's editor saying they will have their Halflife2 review next issue and that it will be out a week earlier on 8th October. I am a subscriber, so can't wait until I get my copy :) .

Yes, it does indeed look like that. Or Nov 1/2 like all of the retailers are mysteriously reporting.

Note that two retailers I've checked online here (In NZ) both say November 1. I suspect this may be the actual date - pity I didn't check this earlier when we heard all the other major chains changing their dates. I think it's somewhat unlikely that small NZ chains would copy the dates off of US stores the minute they were released - more likely they would have gotten it from an industry announcement/mailing list/whatever. But as I don't know when precisely they changed their dates to Nov 1, it's impossible to tell if they were informed officially or if they just followed the crowd.
Several PC Magazines has a review of HL2 in the beginning of October. I can't see that it will come at christmas, but I can't see that it will come in October either, since HL2 hasn't gone gold yet.

But we'll pray :D
Darn it, I'm gonna have to buy this now and try to get to the end page of the review and then close it till I've finished the game. It's not going to be easy :(
Wow. Lots of magazines seem to be having HL2 reviews coming up....hmm
Could you like give an exact link to where it sais they are reviewing it? I cant find it anywhere.

EDIT: thx you beat me to it :p
normally PcGamer/PcZone/All pc magazines are a month ahead.

so the pc magazines that come out on OCTOBER well they will be NOVEMBERS addition!

so november release could be possable as well
Wohoo!!! First PCGameplay (which I receive every month =), next PCZone! Doesn't this mean that it can't be any longer 'till we have hl2 in stores? i mean they're reviews, not previews
PCGameplay's ocotber issue is actually released in octobre so normally that would mean HL2 would have to be released this month.

Btw can anyone read whats on the cover of PCZ? :p
commando said:
normally PcGamer/PcZone/All pc magazines are a month ahead.

so the pc magazines that come out on OCTOBER well they will be NOVEMBERS addition!

so november release could be possable as well

this is what i first said above....

also here is another qoute below...

Next issue! No really! It's true! After the mighty Quake IV exclusive, PC Zone is proud to present the definitive Half-Life 2 review in our December issue. Watch out though, as we can't wait to bring you the review you've all been waiting for and are going on sale almost a week early. We'll be in the shops October 8. Pitch the tents now as the queues on the day will be legendary.

As u can see Yes the magazine is out in October 8th But it is the DECEMBER addition.

so that means Half-life2 could come out Nov-Dec time. because it is a december addition. doesn't mean october release date.

I so hope and i kinda feel like it will be october! :D cant wait.

but i know magazines are always a month ahead so beware.
The question is: which magazine will have their scans on the web first?

Not that I promote that sort of thing :naughty:
I can't be arsed to register. Could someone save/upload the page?
All great news...

Apart from one thing. Now everyone is going to be faced with the ridiculous situation of a game being reviewed from a multitude of sources without actually having a release or a gold date beforehand.

Not that this hasn't happened before, but in consideration of Half-Life 2's immense profile, for the reviews to hit the street before we have an indication as to when the game is going to come out...

Well that's either going to send the anticipation levels of people through the roof, or make them even more frustrated at Valve due to the game's (likely) confirmed brilliance in the face of uncertainty (unfair considering the ball is in Vivendi's court now).

I just hope by the time we get to early October and before the reviews start to hit us, Vivendi issue confirmation the game has gone gold and at least has a date too...

Otherwise, for me at least, I find the situation a little absurd. The most eagerly awaited game on the planet reviewed without a release or gold date...

It'd be madness, but in all consideration of past developments in the Half-Life 2 saga, I wouldn't be surprised if this happens.
PCZ subscribers usually get the magazine at the start of the week. Given that the 8th is a Friday, that means subscribers could get a nice surprise on the 4th.
What the hell am I supposed to do?????????
I live in Australia and our local mag (PC Powerplay) doesn't come out until late Oct!!!!!!!
waylander5 said:
What the hell am I supposed to do?????????
I live in Australia and our local mag (PC Powerplay) doesn't come out until late Oct!!!!!!!

dont worry i am sure ME or alot others will SCAN and send to you by PM or something ;)
commando said:
dont worry i am sure ME or alot others will SCAN and send to you by PM or something ;)
how about me :( ?
i live in Kuwait
And its AGES for the magazines to come to Kuwait :(
commando said:
normally PcGamer/PcZone/All pc magazines are a month ahead.

so the pc magazines that come out on OCTOBER well they will be NOVEMBERS addition!

so november release could be possable as well

This has nothing to do with game release dates, simply their publishing schedule. They are normally a month ahead so that they can have a "Holiday Issue" at the end of the year.
Yeah, its one issue every 4 weeks, 13 a year. The month named on the cover becomes out of sync with the calander as the year progresses.

edit: Unless HL2 isnt released until November, i might skip over reviews and take a Vacation from Hl2 forums. Spoilers will be rife :/
commando said:
normally PcGamer/PcZone/All pc magazines are a month ahead.

so the pc magazines that come out on OCTOBER well they will be NOVEMBERS addition!

so november release could be possable as well

And whats kinda funny is the November edition is completed before the October one comes out.
What's with this favoritism. Damnit Gabe, show some pride! The US needs a review too! :)
ShadowFox said:
What's with this favoritism. Damnit Gabe, show some pride! The US needs a review too! :)
They probably already wrote up reviews but have either decided not to reveal it yet or they were unable to write it up before the next magazine went for publication so they are being forced to put in the review next month.
Yeah, people were saying that it was weird only that Belgium mag had a review. Now we know at least two UK mags have reviews to it's near enough certain that US magazines will have the review are well.
yeah, it's really snowballing right now. I assume at least a dozen highly regarded magazines got the review copy but were actually not supposed to tell anything before october 5th. But when PCGP spilled the beans, everyone else started farting...
The Mullinator said:
They probably already wrote up reviews but have either decided not to reveal it yet or they were unable to write it up before the next magazine went for publication so they are being forced to put in the review next month.
Sorry, forgot Canada. You guys need one too.

Forget Mexico. :)
ShadowFox said:
Sorry, forgot Canada. You guys need one too.

Forget Mexico. :)
I don't think we have any real gaming mags. Everyone I know just gets PC gamer or another US magazine.