Peaceful music

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Apr 29, 2004
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I've been into peaceful music lately. I love the Oh brother where art thou songs and a few Oasis songs. Anyone know some other peaceful songs that really make you think.
I posted this in the other forum...but I really have never found any artist (and truly, his music is ART) more peaceful, soothing, and all-around beautiful as the music of Nat King Cole.
neptuneuk said:
it burns!! IT BUUURRRNSS!!

*melts and dies*
Are you putting down Nat King ****ing Cole? Don't make me hop a plane over there. I'm just crazy enough to do it.
Nat king cole is good, but it is mostly christmas music. You should download or whatever "down to the river to pray" from the "oh brother where art thou" soundtrack.
No, he has a Christmas album, but the majority of his music isn't, you just have to look for it. Try "Sentimental Reasons" or...I think it's called "Twilight Time".
i like the o brother where art thou stuff as well.
Oh, and yes, the Oh Brother Where Art Thou soundtrack is quite possibly the highest quality (and best, in my opinion) movie soundtrack in the past 20 years, if not ever.
alot of church music is also very peaceful. I hate when on my computer the song changes from something peaceful to something fast. I just think, "that last song was so much better."
Don't worry, you'll grow out of it. When you get older, you'll realize that Manowar is the only band worth listening to. :rolling:
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