Pennsylvania Judge Rules in Favor of Sharia Law

Jul 17, 2003
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The Article said:
Last October 11th, Ernie Perce showed up to march in Mechanicsburg’s parade. To put it more accurately, Perce and a fellow member of the Parading Atheists of Central Pennsylvania marched in the parade. Perce’s bud dressed as “Zombie Pope” while Perce opted for a robe, long dark beard and the moniker “Zombie Muhammed.” As he marched down the main drag in Mechanicsburg with a sign around his neck reading “Muhammed of Islam,” Perce repeatedly yelled out, “I am the prophet Muhammad, zombie from the dead.”

Most of the people lining the street probably just looked at Perce like he was an idiot. But not Talaag Elbayomy. The 46-year-old Muslim man found the getup offensive and confronted Perce, who says that Elbayomy tried to choke him. The cops were called in.

Mechanicsburg police officer Brian Curtis responded to the scene, charging Elbayomy with harassment. Curtis thought it would be an open and shut case, since he says that Elbayomy admitted going after Perce. District Court Judge Mark Martin disagreed. Martin dismissed the case, saying there wasn’t enough evidence. But it’s what the judge said during the ruling that has raised quite a few eyebrows.

In a lengthy diatribe highly unusual for such a simple lower-court proceeding, Judge Martin scolded Perce calling him a “doofus.” Martin referred to a copy of the Quran he just happened to have at the bench and challenged Perce to show him “where it says in the Quran that Muhammad arose and walked among the dead. I think you misinterpreted a couple of things. So before you start mocking somebody else’s religion, you might want to find out a little more about it.”

But that’s not all. Judge Martin went on to explain that he spent two-and-a-half years in Muslim countries and that mocking Muhammad is against the law in many nations. “In fact, it could be punished by death, and frequently is, in their society,” noted Martin, apparently an expert on Sharia law. “Here in our society, we have a Constitution that gives us many rights, specifically First Amendment rights. It’s unfortunate that some people use the First Amendment to deliberately provoke others. I don’t think that’s what the forefathers intended. I think our forefathers intended to use the First Amendment so we can speak our minds, not to piss off other people and cultures—which is what you did.”

So, according to Judge Martin, free speech is all well and good, just so you don’t go around annoying anyone? I agree that Perce is most certainly a doofus, but if what he did wasn’t covered by the First Amendment, well, we’ve got ourselves a big problem. And I might need to find another line of work.

Judge, this is the USA, not ANY OTHER country and we couldn't give two ****s what they punish for there. They punish women for being raped, too, should we adopt that law? This judge needs to resign ASAP. It is his duty to protect the US Constitution, and he is violating the first amendment by acting as a government official respecting the establishment of a religion.
The judge held a copy of the Quran and challenged Mr. Perce "to show me where it says in the Quran that Muhammad arose and walked among the dead."
So basically he was saying to go as zombie Jesus next time?
He wasn't a real judge though, just one of those elected guys who rules on bugger-all.

A moron, but only one who won the popular vote rather than being properly appointed. Dumb system though.
He wasn't a real judge though, just one of those elected guys who rules on bugger-all.

A moron, but only one who won the popular vote rather than being properly appointed. Dumb system though.

I don't understand what you are saying. He is a real judge. Unless you're saying he's not a real judge because he's not on the Supreme Court?

We elect our judges here. He is a real judge and if this were a case with a conviction he could sentence someone to prison, etc.
Not these ones.
Who may run for judicial office in Pennsylvania?

Under the current system, the only requirements for an individual to run for judicial office are:

United States citizenship;
Residency of at least one year in Pennsylvania (or, for local elections, in the county);
Membership in the bar of the Supreme Court; and
At least 21 years old.
Judicial candidates are not required to have tried any cases or even actually practiced law at all, let alone for any minimum number of years.

Apparently judges like this dude only hear small-fry stuff like traffic violations, minor civil and criminal charges. The charge here was only harassment, not assault.

Dumb judge. Dumb system.
these guys are the first court. there arent tiered criminal classes for courts. misdemeanors and felonies are tried in the same criminal court. He can sentence you to prison time for any crime in a trial that he presides over. you can appeal his decision to a higher court if the higher court will accept the case, however (all the way to the Supreme if they will take the case)
RakuraiTemjin said:
I agree that Perce is most certainly a doofus

I dont agree. he was wearing a costume during a parade. the only idiot here is the muslim who took offense to someone wearing a costume. there are plenty of offensive costumes. being offended out of religious concerns should never get special consideration
I dont agree. he was wearing a costume during a parade. the only idiot here is the muslim who took offense to someone wearing a costume. there are plenty of offensive costumes. being offended out of religious concerns should never get special consideration

I didn't say he was, the article stated that. The only doofuses here are the attacker and the judge. could care less if somebody goes dressed as zombie spaghetti monster or zombie buddha or zombie pope. It's up to them to do it. Not harming anyone else.
ya sorry should have made it clear it was your article I was quoting
I can't find any update on this judge. Hoping he's been pressured into resigning. Anyone else have any luck? I can only find copies of the original article/incident. Looks like the mainstream media glossed over this guy.