Penny Arcade dukes it out with Sony (SOE)


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
ok some backstory ..a few days ago the guys at PA did a few articles and comics pretty much saying that Everquest 2 was pretty dull in the artistic design dept ..but they've also targeted other SOE games like the Matrix and Star Wars galaxy saying that they couldnt pay them enough to play the games because they're such poor quality.. are the articles:

fast forward to today when the guys from PA got this from the president of SOE, John Smedley:

"Normally I like you guys a lot.. even when you dig on us.. but it felt like you went personal on our artists. Low blow IMO

We have some of the most talented artists in the business and EQ II is a gorgeous game. Certainly art style is a subjective thing.. and if you want to bag on the art then that’s certainly your right. But unless and until you’ve had any of your art in a game calling people robots just seems weak.

John Smedley
President, Sony Online Entertainment "

so PA looked back at their relationship with SOE and they say they've nver been on friendly terms fact they reveal an incident that happened over SOE's refusal to donate anything to Child's Play (a childrens charity they run)

very interesting read ..and Gabe pwns sony at the end by saying:

"I’m sorry, Chris- are you saying you won’t contribute to a charitable organization that helps sick kids because of a poor review of your art book?"
If god was a website, it would be Penny Arcade.

"I’m sorry, Chris- are you saying you won’t contribute to a charitable organization that helps sick kids because of a poor review of your art book?"

Haha, brilliant.
It's almost time to unleash the rootkits.....the time of judgement is near...
I remember reading about EQII on PA a few days ago. They were 100% right about the graphics. Soulless.
Harryz said:
If god was a website, it would be Penny Arcade.

"I’m sorry, Chris- are you saying you won’t contribute to a charitable organization that helps sick kids because of a poor review of your art book?"

Haha, brilliant.

hehe QFT.
hey if SOE so stuck up about not donating to a charitable cause, they deserve whatever bad reviews come their way.

*shakes finger at PA*

I thought EQ2 was fun. PA can bash a game just because of it's graphics, but that doesn't say anything about the gameplay.

IMO, this doesn't look too bland to me, and I had to run the game at medium settings...


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Penny Arcade is ok but it's not as good as Ctrl Alt Del.
it's not really that it's all around bland.. they game just needs more unified art direction. More flavor if you know what I mean. I also played EQII for quite some time and I dont think it's a terrible game at all - it just could use a little more pizazz (woot).
Their beef with EQII was that its art was entirely uninspired, and didn't take chances with anything.

Also, for the record, they removed that email exchange from the front page, deciding that it was in bad taste.
Penny Arcade > CAD. By far.

Although I must say, CAD is much more accessible to less hardcore gamers, and even non-gamers... but PA is just awesome.
VG Cats > All

But yeah PA and CAD are still excellent, however VGcats is a cut above them
Anthraxxx said:

*shakes finger at PA*

I thought EQ2 was fun. PA can bash a game just because of it's graphics, but that doesn't say anything about the gameplay.

IMO, this doesn't look too bland to me, and I had to run the game at medium settings...
Graphics != Art

They aren't bashing the graphical technology of EQ2, they are bashing the art department for not being creative enough. This is the reason why Half-Life 2 is often said to have better graphics than Doom 3, it may not be as advanced technologically but it is far superior in the art department.

I'm not saying they are right though, I havn't played EQ2 and I have seen very few screenshots so I don't have an opinion on this matter.
CptStern said:
"I’m sorry, Chris- are you saying you won’t contribute to a charitable organization that helps sick kids because of a poor review of your art book?"
I didn't read the articles or anything, but I'm gonna go and assume something here.

So, since Sony didn't donate to their charity, Sony is evil? What the hell? Why bring it up here, as well, on a completely different matter all together? Really detracts from any point PA may have had. :|

Also, Ctrl Alt Del is one of the shittiest webcomics ever made. It isn't good, it never was good, and it will never be good. It's only a content-stealing wanna-be Penny Arcade, and no one has yet to prove me wrong. You can be a video game comic without ripping off Penny Arcade. Look at VG Cats. :|
Although most of VGCat's jokes are used over and over again...

Well, not really. But a lot of them are just extreme violence jokes.
Erestheux said:
I didn't read the articles or anything, but I'm gonna go and assume something here.

So, since Sony didn't donate to their charity, Sony is evil? What the hell? Why bring it up here, as well, on a completely different matter all together? Really detracts from any point PA may have had. :|

no, he's just trying to show that there was bad blood before due to criticism of their products despite SOE's claims in the first email ..and he took it down and posted this:

"I had a bit about SOE and Child’s Play here and if you saw it that’s fine. I thought about it some more and I decided to take it out. I’ve always said we need to keep CP separate from PA and I should listen to my own advice. "
Getting offtopic... :|

I agree with Erestheux on the Child's Play point, what does that have to do with it?
Well...I consider PA's art style pretty dull, it's all a matter of opinion. Freeport was pretty stunning though, didn't get much further than that, not my kind of game.
meh online comics stopped being funny after reading so much of