Pentagon wants to nuke entire earth


words here to avoid getting caps owned
That sounds awesome if it's doable. Reminds me of reading something about transmitting power wirelessly using coils vibrating at the same frequency. My immediate reaction to this was "cool no more worrying about charging my phone". This, however, appears to have no real drawbacks once its up there and would be an incredibly vast source of power. Assuming the waves don't fry us.
Nothing ever gets off the ground when you're spending alot of money making sure a war on the other side of the world doesn't fall to pieces.
The idea has been around for a while, not sure how I feel about the US Military being the first to implement it but I suppose at the very least it would prove that it can be done and is useful.
The mirrors would focus the solar energy onto a receiver point on Earth but then what happens if the solar panels are realligned onto somewhere else i.e. that crappy James Bond with Pierce Brosnan.
The idea has been around for a while, not sure how I feel about the US Military being the first to implement it but I suppose at the very least it would prove that it can be done and is useful.

Well, they were the first to implement the space shuttles.
The mirrors would focus the solar energy onto a receiver point on Earth but then what happens if the solar panels are realligned onto somewhere else i.e. that crappy James Bond with Pierce Brosnan.

In the article is states that the radiation is 1/6th the energy of solar radiation on a normal cloudless day.
In the article is states that the radiation is 1/6th the energy of solar radiation on a normal cloudless day.

Ohhhh, should have read the article more closer, i thought it worked more on the way conventional solar plants work i.e. deflecting a large area of sunlight on a tiny spot to boil water to create storm, etc. Would be great when these become commercially viable for power companies, green energy.
Then all we need to do is get this stuff to surround the entire sun.
This sounds strangely familiar...
Fast forward to about 1:59... shows a beam for a split second. :p

Terrible movie and he was a terrible Bond, or was he just a terrible Bond due to only Goldeneye being a any good? Anyway, the power is transmitted by microwave energy rather than a solar beam how i originally thought it would be would be cool though :thumbs:
Terrible movie and he was a terrible Bond, or was he just a terrible Bond due to only Goldeneye being a any good? Anyway, the power is transmitted by microwave energy rather than a solar beam how i originally thought it would be would be cool though :thumbs:

Brosnan was an awesome Bond.

Die Another Day was just probably the worst Bond movie ever made though.
i would be ok with destroying every living person on this planet. we're all evil and the whole place would prolly be better off with out us muckin it all up really.
All his movies, apart from Goldeneye, were shit.

They were all cheesy as hell, sure... but I wouldn't say they were complete and utter shit.

They're all fairly entertaining action movies, I'm not a huge Bond person so maybe that's why I happen to like them.

And considering that Pierce Brosnan was my introduction to Bond. :X