Peon takes Knight: BiA dev criticizes critic?


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
minor ownage if this guy really is a developer:

GunnyMo (knight):

"I've played the console version and I have to's no Call of Duty on PC. Sure, great game, incredibly done storyline and realism that just sucks you in but the combat...lord, the combat. It's not even combat. They should have called it "Brothers who Flank and Supress the Big Red Dots..............."

Akuma (peon):

You do realize you can turn the suppression indicators off?

Why might we have left them on by default you might ask? Well, tightly integrated fire and maneuver tactic has never been married together so closely in a FPS quite the way BIA does it, and we wanted to ensure players .....................I'm sorry you hate these game mechanics, but Brothers in Arms has delivered on everything we said it would, and people love it.
I agree with what the guy said, BiA is good, but the combat eventually just got kind of stale. COD in over all gameplay "funness" was better.
Medal of honor Alied Assualt(AA)/Pacific Assault(PA) is just alot more fun for me than COD, haven't tried BIA

COD was great too, I just hated how repetetive the machine gun fire sound was in some areas.., especially the turret mounted machine guns. :sleep:

To it's credit, COD felt alot more real or something, has ALOT better graphics than AA, and felt more like real warfare instead of a supersoldier like in AA. But thats also what i like better about AA than PA, its more fun to kick ass by the dozens. :thumbs:

but call of duty expansion still hasn't been installed by me yet, and I've had it for months.... (lazy)_
From what I'm hearing, BiA is a FPS WWII Full Spectrum Warrior.