You know what really makes me mad? People extolling the greatness of their "souped-up" rig that will "put HL2 in the dog house" in their forum signature. I use quotation marks because those are, yes, real quotes. I didn't think it could get much worse until people started bragging about athlon 2200's with a 9600 XP. NEWSFLASH: THEY SUCK. What makes you think I want to know about the rig that you mowed a good hundred lawns to buy? Unfortunately, I can't find solace anywhere else, because this has become an international internet phenomon. The only thing that changes it the witty comments that go with it and the games that are going to be put "in the dog-house". Not to mention the "highlight" to read ones, as if they're something special.
Now, if you went on about how your artwork rocked or something, I'd be okay.
Just remember, the only thing that separates you from the masses is a couple thousand dollars, so shut the hell up already!
Now, if you went on about how your artwork rocked or something, I'd be okay.
Just remember, the only thing that separates you from the masses is a couple thousand dollars, so shut the hell up already!