People are not rushing to buy the PS3 to play...


Aug 29, 2003
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This is a working explanation, hypothesis that I am open to agreement, criticism, and expansion.

The multitudes right now are not all rushing to buy the PS3 to play it. Rather, it is the PS3's intense resale value that is making it so attractive. Like oil and gold, the PS3 has become a currency more than a gaming system. I've heard at least two friends thinking of reselling the PS3 as a business proposition. Until demand wilters by the beginning of next year, Ebay-ers, craigslisters, and entrepreneurs are looking for close to 150+% profits per system.

The mob is not a testament to the popularity of the PS3, but the popularity of its demand. As long as people are willing to pay up to $1500 for a $600 system (comparable to the earnings of buying Google stock back in 2004), the frenzy will continue. The true gamers know that the PS3's true value comes later, when the price falls and better games are released.

The stories are growing more ridiculous. But the fighting, drive-by shootings, and pregnant women aren't there to play Resistance: FoM or MGS, they are there for the money. And money is based on time. The rush for the gaming system is no longer for the killer app, but for the window of time where demand is close to inelastic and the supply close to monopolistic. It's a monopoly's wet dream and people are looking to cash in. I see this as a new trend due to the internet that feeds the streak of entrepreneurship amongst people.

I close this argument with this: Video game spinsters (I'm looking at you Gamespy, Gamespot, IGN, gametrailers, Sony, Nintendo, and M$) should take into account that the frenzy on opening day is not for all fun and games, it's also economics. The demand for the product can no longer even 90% be a benchmark for its popularity, its quality, or staying power. The "next-gen" of consoles, amongst heralding a new era of visuals and control, also brings with it a new business, one beyond the control of the company, and governed by the consumer.

Comments? Think I've discovered a trend? Think I've merely stated the obvious but the first to explicitly communicate it? Sound off.
Next-gen Economics 101.

Thanks professor. It would be totally different if there were any really incredible games to play. Right now, supply vs. demand ftw!!!
Most Playstation 3 systems are selling for $2,500 on ebay. That's a $1,900 profit right there for just standing in line for a few hours.
Wait I got it.
Everyone to buy a work for SONY.
Sony wants to make money right?
Well right now there loosing a pretty dime with every Ps3 sold.

So what do they do? They buy them all back and resell them for much more than there worth online!

That way..that make quite some $$.

There was a drive-by bb gun/airsoft shooting in my area last night. LOL :rolleyes:
You think you're the first to explicitly communicate this?

You're absolutely right, by the way.
Somebody got shot waiting in line near where I live.

This is ridiculous... :|
I wonder if police will take a hint and attempt to secure such stores a little bit when the Wii releases? Not that it will be as big as the PS3, the police probably don't care about that and would rather be safe than sorry.
There will be much more to go around with the Wii. Shouldn't be any major problems.
Yeah, Nintendo isn't totally retarded like Sony, they'll have enough
Hmm, how does Sony profit from people reselling their PS3s?
The only way is if the frenzy of publicity elevated the PS3 to near-Tickle Me Elmo status, making them the gift that everyone will do anything to find just because it's so rare and coveted.
I heard a Wal-Mart gave out tickets, so people wouldnt wait outside the store.......why cant they all do that?
I heard a Wal-Mart gave out tickets, so people wouldnt wait outside the store.......why cant they all do that?

Most places did that from what I've heard (Best Buy, Sony Store, the big ones).
That whole smashing the PS3 thing would've been a lot better if the people in line seemed to care. The general reaction seemed to be, "well that was a waste." I mean isn't the whole point of doing crap like that to get a rise out of people?
Maybe this was sony's plan all along. Massive shortage to the PS3 would cause mass hysteria and chaos and put the PS3 in the news like wildfire. Hey it could happen :eek:
That whole smashing the PS3 thing would've been a lot better if the people in line seemed to care. The general reaction seemed to be, "well that was a waste." I mean isn't the whole point of doing crap like that to get a rise out of people?

Agreed. Personally I think they're a bunch of tossers. Why not have, 'smash a nice tv' or 'spoil a painting'. I'm looking forward to the day they do 'peeing on a train line' - that'd be worth a watch.
why go bashing people waiting for the console?
they think they will get fame or what?
Agreed. Personally I think they're a bunch of tossers. Why not have, 'smash a nice tv' or 'spoil a painting'. I'm looking forward to the day they do 'peeing on a train line' - that'd be worth a watch.

The last part actually doesnt work in real life. You dont pee a perfect stream so you cant get electrocuted.

And they did it as a protest against sony. Because sony is a douche bag.
MEH @ all this frenzy over PS3.

In a couple of years, they will release the PS4 and we will get to see this happen all over again. Ill just stick to playing games on my trusty PC. :D

Whatever happened to the days when people bought consoles to *gasp* PLAY games? I am not surprised by the things some people do to feed their greed.
I have a freind who's doing that, buying them then reselling them... He bought two PS3s and a couple revolutins I think, and he's auctioning them off. He got twelve hundred for one of the PS3s already, and he's not letting the other go for less than two thousand.