People at valve - bunch of filthy stinking liars??

Sep 9, 2004
Reaction score
I learned that there's been a so called update to half-life 2: DeathMatch. Apparently for example you were to respawn with a few seconds of invincibility so you wont get spawnkilled on the the spot. Every single damn server I've been to apparently haven't applied to this update or something cause I still get killed all the time by some spawn camping lowlife with a crossbow. I ask you, are these guys at valve nothing but rotten liars?:frown:
just because you aren't great at the game doesn't mean that the anti spawn camp thingy isnt working
I does'nt work for me i still get spawned killed by campers. I don't even have time to move or do anything. I think your invincible for 0.0000001 seconds
People would set tripmines directly over a spawn, so the second you spawned you died. They prevented that by giving like .001 of invincibility, but it still doesn't protect against crossbow spawn campers. :(
Relax Wolfy, you're probably expecting a couple seconds of invicibility...not going to happen. It is only very minute.
PimpinPenguin said:
I does'nt work for me i still get spawned killed by campers. I don't even have time to move or do anything. I think your invincible for 0.0000001 seconds
You're're invincible for a small fraction of a second. The only reason for this feature is to stop "SLAM camping".
Damnit slam camping almost never happens to me. I just keep getting crossbowed. The new update is completely 110% useless.
cry me a river.

if they made it any longer youd be complaining "OMG teh spawnn time is so gay u fink so? WTF valve iss ASS."
Wolfy Snackrib - whiny little noobcake?