People Bitching Regarding People "Bitching" Regarding HL2 Graphics


Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
As I said in the splash thread, I'm getting really sick of seeing people complain about the posts that criticize the demos. What is wrong with seeing room for improvement? There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with knowing that Valve CAN (and will) do better than the demos we have seen. Properly aligning the dock plank textures and adding some shine to G-Man's teeth are certainly not unreasonable suggestions to make. Nobody is saying that Valve sucks because of these little problems we find in this early version of the game. If anything, we are merely taking a guess at what will probably be fixed in the final version.

Nobody is basing their final judgement of the game on these early demos, so everyone just relax.
Did we really need another topic on this subject?
I don't believe we have one.

edit: Well, not on this exact subject, anyway. It's just the opposite of the rest.
Wow I just saw the topic and though I should answer "how old are you really" or something....but then I see you share my opinion :)

Its just so stupid that on every forum like this, everyone praises the actual game, how stupid a thing even is in the game everyone (almost) must defend the game with theire life.
Thats just to stupid and silly, we can complain all we want if we're gonna pay 50$ for it.....though there's no reason taking it to the extreme of course.

Stop taking complaints so personal....its just a game....and its not even you guys who made it :D
oh god... please just stop complaining about anything!

of course valve needs some constructive criticism, but "Gmans teeth SUXXX!!!1!!" is not consctructive.

and this post is just another complainer-thread... It'll never stop until someone just stops altogether... "stop whining"-topics are as useless as the whiner-topics....
Originally posted by Seb
Wow I just saw the topic and though I should answer "how old are you really" or something....but then I see you share my opinion :)

Its just so stupid that on every forum like this, everyone praises the actual game, how stupid a thing even is in the game everyone (almost) must defend the game with theire life.
Thats just to stupid and silly, we can complain all we want if we're gonna pay 50$ for it.....though there's no reason taking it to the extreme of course.

Stop taking complaints so personal....its just a game....and its not even you guys who made it :D

If it's "just a game", why are you bothering to criticise every tiny detail? What purpose does it serve, Valve don't read this forum..
I agree with symptom. We should be critical and hope valve can fix some of these flaws.
I'm just tired of people seeing it as "bitching" and "complaining". It's just honest discussion, and automatically all these Valve fanboys freak out, saying that we value graphics more than gameplay, or that we are judging the game before it is even released.
Originally posted by symptom
As I said in the splash thread, I'm getting really sick of seeing people complain about the posts that criticize the demos. What is wrong with seeing room for improvement? There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with knowing that Valve CAN (and will) do better than the demos we have seen. Properly aligning the dock plank textures and adding some shine to G-Man's teeth are certainly not unreasonable suggestions to make. Nobody is saying that Valve sucks because of these little problems we find in this early version of the game. If anything, we are merely taking a guess at what will probably be fixed in the final version.

Nobody is basing their final judgement of the game on these early demos, so everyone just relax.

The problem (in my opinion) is not what people say but how they say it. Some of the people "criticizing the movies" are stating their opinions but they do it in such a manner that basically says "I think they this feature sucks so then it sucks for everyone" Personally I think the movies and graphics are great and i have NO complaints. That is my opinion and no one else has to share it...but i'll be damned if i'm going to let someone else state that the videos suck for everyone just because they dont like some aspect of it.

I am not saying you are this way but some people post this way whether they mean it that way or not. Just be carefule how you state things and make it clear that it is your opinion...not a global fact.
Originally posted by anarchy
I agree with symptom. We should be critical and hope valve can fix some of these flaws.

We meet again Anarchy :).

You say fix a flaw? Like what out of curiosity. WHat some people call a flaw Valve might state it is by design. For instance, take the water splash. SOme people think that the way the splash looks is bad. Fine, they can think that. But is it a flaw? What if valve designed the splash to be that way? Why should they fix it?

The "flaw" i will agree with that i ahve seen so far is that some of the textures dont seem properly aligned and it would be nice if they were aligned as close as they could be but if they are like that by their choice then so be it.
Originally posted by Abom|nation
If it's "just a game", why are you bothering to criticise every tiny detail? What purpose does it serve, Valve don't read this forum..

I didn't know I did lol

But if someone finds something stupid, then why dont make a thread and just spread your opinion.....cant be that bad with two sides of it.....I thought thats one of the meanings of a forum, but I slowly start to see I might be wrong on that one though :(
Ah I can just see the next topic now

" People bitching because of people bitching about people bitching regarding HL2 graphics"
Re: Re: People Bitching Regarding People "Bitching" Regarding HL2 Graphics

Originally posted by Banana
The problem (in my opinion) is not what people say but how they say it. Some of the people "criticizing the movies" are stating their opinions but they do it in such a manner that basically says "I think they this feature sucks so then it sucks for everyone" Personally I think the movies and graphics are great and i have NO complaints. That is my opinion and no one else has to share it...but i'll be damned if i'm going to let someone else state that the videos suck for everyone just because they dont like some aspect of it.

I am not saying you are this way but some people post this way whether they mean it that way or not. Just be carefule how you state things and make it clear that it is your opinion...not a global fact.
Well yeah, there are always going to be idiots in every group. That's to be expected though.
Originally posted by Banana
We meet again Anarchy :).

You say fix a flaw? Like what out of curiosity. WHat some people call a flaw Valve might state it is by design. For instance, take the water splash. SOme people think that the way the splash looks is bad. Fine, they can think that. But is it a flaw? What if valve designed the splash to be that way? Why should they fix it?

The "flaw" i will agree with that i ahve seen so far is that some of the textures dont seem properly aligned and it would be nice if they were aligned as close as they could be but if they are like that by their choice then so be it.

Well personally, by flaw, I was thinking of G-mans teeth. To me his teeth stand out like a sore thumb. It kept distracting me from the realism of his face. I did like the splash, however, but I would love to see an improved version of it. And to me thats what this is all about, getting a better version or a better overall game.

You are right banana- beauty is in they eye of the beholder, ugly to me might be perfect to the next guy. I do think valve considers our opinions and I hope with threads like this we can help them produce a better game by giving them majority opinions of likes and dislikes.
im sick of people complaining about complainers wich makes me a complainer... hmm.. die-burn.....