People take counterstrike too seriously

What really pisses me off in CS is this harsh attitude everyone has. People on a server either say absolutely nothing, or they yell "noob lucker asshole hacker dipshit" every second, and they laugh at people who run with their guns just because it's faster to run with knife, they whine at absolutely everything and they have to prove to you how good they are constantly.
It's so fast, it's so frantic :)

UT 2004 seems too slow now :E

And the best thing, the best players there, are really nice people :) it's the crap ones who don't know anything at all who tend to be most insulting ;(

Like 'wtf! how u shoot thru walls?'
'****ing cheater'

etc... and a special little messager for the most stereotypical Opposing Force DM player ever : rafe

I was playing with a lass called anna, who's bloody good, a little better than me :) and the first thing he asked was 'anna r u a girl?' and then later 'wanna chat on MSN?' and when he kindly turned him down, he told us all to **** off, and left the server :p

:D The girl gamers who play Opposing Force are... ****ing lush ;(
I hate CS. I hope CS:S will fix my rants. IE: You can shoot through 5 feet of stone and still kill someone.
:LOL: Rafe :p I hate playing with that guy. "is any1 here girls" :p

Y'all go play Deathball for UT2004. Best. Mod. Evar!
The harsh attitude thing in CS is infectious. I could play something like Call of Duty or even Diablo II (anyone else think those advertising bots should ****ing die?) without getting agro about it, and I take my CoD pretty seriously. But when I play CS it always manages to get the best of me. I'm sure many people will play it without those effects, or in spite of them, but unfortunately it's just that kind of game =/

Plz no "omg cs went shit at <version number>"
ComradeBadger said:
It's so fast, it's so frantic :)

UT 2004 seems too slow now :E

And the best thing, the best players there, are really nice people :) it's the crap ones who don't know anything at all who tend to be most insulting ;(

Like 'wtf! how u shoot thru walls?'
'****ing cheater'

etc... and a special little messager for the most stereotypical Opposing Force DM player ever : rafe

I was playing with a lass called anna, who's bloody good, a little better than me :) and the first thing he asked was 'anna r u a girl?' and then later 'wanna chat on MSN?' and when he kindly turned him down, he told us all to **** off, and left the server :p

:D The girl gamers who play Opposing Force are... ****ing lush ;(

Yeah, most of the people I play with (even members) in Opfor DM are very friendly and humorous. They're not hesitating to say "good shot" and stuff like that. :)

Oh, and lush, eh?
/me changes name to hot_stud and joins a few opfor servers
The problem with the CS comminuty is too long they have had their cake and eaten it.

Now they've got this inflated sense of purpose. People think companies give a (Insert random potty mouthed word) about their views. Companies run for one purpose, make money. CS has 'sold out' and gone mainstream... All the CT's are waring Suits and Ties under that Kevlar. This means its now running like a company suddenly these little people are back in their place but refusing to accept it.

CZ is truely the icing on the cake. After all the time spent playing a FREE game thats constantly being updated for them, they come out in arms because the people who make it 'suddenly' decide that you have to pay out a tiny amount of money. And it is a tiny amount of money, £30 is less than 2 nights outs, for who knows how many hours of entertainment. Its not the amount of money for the person, its the principle. And really thats as wrong as it is funny.
CrazyHarij said:
Yeah, most of the people I play with (even members) in Opfor DM are very friendly and humorous. They're not hesitating to say "good shot" and stuff like that. :)

Oh, and lush, eh?
/me changes name to hot_stud and joins a few opfor servers
Yeah :) even the snipers.. :E

And by lush I mean good players :p
ComradeBadger said:
Yeah :) even the snipers.. :E

And by lush I mean good players :p


*girlgamer [knife] hot_stud

girlgamer: pwned n00b
hot_stud: wanna cyber
*girlgamer [ban] hot_stud
Heh :p

best girl I've played is [MDR]Babe, and infact, I'd say shes one of the best :)

Plus sehr freundlic :)
dream431ca said:
I just wanna play counterstrike..and it pisses me off when people think I should follow them and when I die they lecture me. It may be the number one action game in the world but some of the people need to get outside sometimes. I want to have a good experience playing counterstrike but these people ruin the experience for me.

You should follow teammates, that's the point.

Anyway, I used to take online gaming seriously, too. But at some point I grew up and realized that it doesn't matter how good you play on a public server.