People think i'm gay syndrome

How do you deal with it

  • I have sex with women!!

    Votes: 15 24.2%
  • I don't do anything people can say what they want

    Votes: 18 29.0%
  • This forum is so dead

    Votes: 29 46.8%

  • Total voters
Who cares what anyone thinks, so what if you become gay, other people don't like it, it's there problem.
Just don't give a damn about it. And get some wise-ass responses:

"Hey, are you gay?"
"You're looking for a partner or what?"
"If by gay you mean taking a bath regularly, then you sure as hell are straight."
People are always commenting on how carefree and merry I am.

It's just so good to be gay.
You post the weirdest threads.
no one has ever thought i was gay i don't think

usually because i'm too busy making an ass of myself over some girl to really seem like it
I'm only called "Gay" by 13 year olds who use it as a general insult.
im not seen as gay, although there was one unfortunate episode last year in college when a mate of a mate of mine who was gay saw me and asked who i was before stating that was I cute.

I shivered violently for hours, at that point i knew i was definately straight lol. Got nothing against gays really, but hanging out with two lads as a couple, man that would be uncomfortable
lol I've never thought about the dynamics of a gay relationship before, that IS a bit strange. i similarly don't have a problem with it, but i can't even imagine how awkward i would feel with another guy in a romantic setting, i'm much better off when it's a girl
I'm only called "Gay" by 13 year olds who use it as a general insult.

Pretty much.

Me : "*insert intelligent statement*"

Kid : "*unable to comprehend large words* ...Haha, you're a fag."
Never happened to me, but I can think of a simple solution.

Buy hooker.
Bang on pub table in front of friends.

Problem sovled.
Now there's something the whole family can enjoy.
Sometimes, I wish I was gay. Or a complete nonsexual. Women are f***ing loopy.
I often get asked if I am gay, and I am not in the least. If its a guy I usually respond by saying "Why don't you bend over and find out".

I think the reason so many people think that I am gay is because I have a sense of fashion(not as much as a metro mind you) and my voice is a little nasaly so it probally sounds a little gay. I wish I knew how to fix it because i used to be monotone instead of gay sounding.

Oh well, it usually doesn't get to me as most everyone knows im straight and just make a joke of it.
People have asked me if I'm gay before. My reactions either varied from cracking a joke in return or pretending I seriously was just to see their reactions. I've never really cared.

However, it is extremely awkward when your father, of all people, broaches the question in the car one day.

Dad: So, Chris. How's life in North Carolina?
Me: It's alright.
Dad: Got a girlfriend?
Me: No.


Dad: Got a boyfriend?
Me: WHAT the ****?
Dad: I don't mind if you do! Seriously!
Me: ...
Dad: Are you...?
Me: No.
"Hey son, shopping for your birthday and I was wondering, did you want the Blue or Pink bike?"
no I dont get mistaken for gay but I have been hit on by gay men ..I think it's more wishful thinking than an overly sensitive gaydar
Sometimes, I wish I was gay. Or a complete nonsexual. Women are f***ing loopy.

I'm getting worried that that's actually happening to me.. I've hooked up a couple of times the past week, and it's literally meant nothing to me at all, at any level. The thought of it, looking back, just doesn't turn me on.. if anything, I feel kindof disgusted.

EDIT: maybe I'm gay! :O
Dad: So, Chris. How's life in North Carolina?
Me: It's alright.
Dad: Got a girlfriend?
Me: No.


Dad: Got a boyfriend?
Me: WHAT the ****?
Dad: I don't mind if you do! Seriously!
Me: ...
Dad: Are you...?
Me: No.

it would hav been funny if in that moment he was taking you to a stripers bar

Every time I read one of these threads, I question my sexuality.


Does that make me gay, or just overly analytical?
a little from column A and a little from column B ...but mostly column A :naughty:

Every time I read one of these threads, I question my sexuality.


Does that make me gay, or just overly analytical?

well if you hav a urge for gay porn them yes
"A" for "Awwright, gigity gigity gigity"? :naughty:

[edit] But on a more serious note. I don't have an affinity for male imagery or anything. It's just that I seem susceptible to the "seed of doubt" phenomenon. Maybe it's just me being naturally insecure from all those times I got called gay in grades 2-8?
What I do:
Act highly gay. It can really freak people out, it's often quite hillarious.
It's not gay if you're thinking of a girl while doing it.

Hey, every guys needs some help now and long as you're not getting a stiffy over the guy, but over the action. it works out.
actually, getting a stiffy resulting in touch is gay, or so i heard in seinfeld
actually, getting a stiffy resulting in touch is gay, or so i heard in seinfeld

That's silly. Any male can get a stiffy off of any touch. Hell, if a dog started to lick your balls when you were sleeping, you'll get hard, does that make you a beasialitist?
No it would make you a necropedobeastialitist!