People too political now days?


Well, an example would be the beef protests over here, when we decided to resume beef imports from the US, and leftist groups spread rumors (esp. on the internet) about how US beef would kill everyone through BSE, and that ground US beef bones would desecrate the land and turn plants into mad cow disease carrying pathogens. Some mass media helped spread it, and despite the efforts of the goverment trying to quash those rumors with reason and logic, it didn't stop people from rioting for over a month, causing trillions in damage.

And so, the gov decided the best way to put reason in the minds of citizens would be to hammer some into their skulls with batons, and thus the cycle began.
Well, an example would be the beef protests over here, when we decided to resume beef imports from the US, and leftist groups spread rumors (esp. on the internet) about how US beef would kill everyone through BSE, and that ground US beef bones would desecrate the land and turn plants into mad cow disease carrying pathogens. Some mass media helped spread it, and despite the efforts of the goverment trying to quash those rumors with reason and logic, it didn't stop people from rioting for over a month, causing trillions in damage.

And so, the gov decided the best way to put reason in the minds of citizens would be to hammer some into their skulls with batons, and thus the cycle began.

i love that though, regarding mad cow; a freakin parasite invades the body of an ant, then the ant acts like a slave and dances on the top of bright flowers and weeds in the fields where some cows eat them then go crazy themselves.
Well, an example would be the beef protests over here, when we decided to resume beef imports from the US, and leftist groups spread rumors (esp. on the internet) about how US beef would kill everyone through BSE, and that ground US beef bones would desecrate the land and turn plants into mad cow disease carrying pathogens. Some mass media helped spread it, and despite the efforts of the goverment trying to quash those rumors with reason and logic, it didn't stop people from rioting for over a month, causing trillions in damage.

And so, the gov decided the best way to put reason in the minds of citizens would be to hammer some into their skulls with batons, and thus the cycle began.

So what you're saying is... people in korea need to be better educated? I agree.
So what you're saying is... people in korea need to be better educated? I agree.

Truth is, we're prolly better educated than the average American (nearly 86% of all Koreans nowadays go for a higher-than-university education). But no amount of education cannot defeat the virus of paranoia.

High school is not mandatory, unlike middle school education in Korea. However, according to a 2005 study of OECD member countries, some 97% of South Korea's young adults do complete high school. This was the highest percentage recorded in any country. [1]

With a 84.7% rate of collegiate education, it far exceeds the 50~60% of that of Japan and the United States.
Well then I guess you crazy Koreans seem to like to riot over anything.
Truth is, we're prolly better educated than the average American (nearly 86% of all Koreans nowadays go for a higher-than-university education).
If you were really that well-educated, you would know that your reasoning is fallacious :p
Everyone is too political, which would be nice if everyone was smart.
Well, an example would be the beef protests over here, when we decided to resume beef imports from the US, and leftist groups spread rumors (esp. on the internet) about how US beef would kill everyone through BSE, and that ground US beef bones would desecrate the land and turn plants into mad cow disease carrying pathogens. Some mass media helped spread it, and despite the efforts of the goverment trying to quash those rumors with reason and logic, it didn't stop people from rioting for over a month, causing trillions in damage.

And so, the gov decided the best way to put reason in the minds of citizens would be to hammer some into their skulls with batons, and thus the cycle began.

Nobody explicitly pointed this out, although they all obviously realised it. This example you've provided is daft. It's not an example of people being enlightened or awakened. It's an example of people being totally misguided and in dark about reality.
Truth is, we're prolly better educated than the average American (nearly 86% of all Koreans nowadays go for a higher-than-university education).
Sheer proof that technical, scientific education has no bearing on social knowledge or critical thinking.
Truth is, we're prolly better educated than the average American (nearly 86% of all Koreans nowadays go for a higher-than-university education). But no amount of education cannot defeat the virus of paranoia.
If S. Korea was as large as the US, there would be just as many uneducated idiots tbh.

I do agree though that large masses of people need to be herded like sheep.
What does that even mean?
If there's a big crowd of people, you need dogs to get them into the next field?
What does that even mean?
If there's a big crowd of people, you need dogs to get them into the next field?
Basically. Except no dogs.

When dealing with large groups, there are two types of people, sheep and goats and both need to be herded.

Sheep tend to dislike goats, i.e. "omg he's a politician, all politicians are bastards!" but goats tend to respect other goats who have a higher pecking order. If not, they get seriously dealt upon.

Most leaders are goats as so are the rubbish of society like burglars, thieves, and murders. The similarity in the two goat sub-types is that they both have the balls to be either a leader who sometimes need to make decisions that are the better for the nation/situation, but not necessarily liked by the sheep, or a cold-blooded, thieving bastard.
Man, you make up so much shit Saturos. I dont even know how your brain can come up with so much bullshit.
Man, you make up so much shit Saturos. I dont even know how your brain can come up with so much bullshit.
Ya, your right. The analogy from the movie Team America makes more sense than my bullshit tbh:

There are three types of people: pussies, dicks and assholes.

Dicks- (i.e. George Dubya, religious groups, most Republicans and conservatives)
Pussies- (i.e. pacifists, anti-war protesters, most Democrats and liberals)
Assholes- (i.e. Kim Jong Ill, Saddam Hussein, Hitler)

Pussies bleed most of the time while assholes just shit all over everything. Dicks on the other hand can f**k both pussies and assholes.
believe that the general citizenly, with the exception of the elite, technicians and sociologists and other experts, should be more like docile sheep.

that's certainly true in your case. Do you sit in the "docile sheep" section during official government parades?

Saturos ...sigh and a facepalm
I'm actually starting to believe that Numbers is playing a parody character, like a Korean version of Stephen Colbert.

Saturos, on the other hand, is just completely off his rocker.