per pixel hit accuracy?


Sep 5, 2003
Reaction score
sorry if its been posted, but i didn't find it... willl hl2 be per pixel hit accuracy like doom3 claims will be?
Originally posted by Quotidian---
sorry if its been posted, but i didn't find it... willl hl2 be per pixel hit accuracy like doom3 claims will be?

no. hitboxes are used in HL2.
OMG just at least TRY searching before you make another thread.
okay well, the fact is animal. that the thread has been created. And your post doesn't answer my last question. In fact it really has no realivence to anything in this newly made thread that you are un-able to delete. So just what is it that you were trying to acomplish? Isn't flaming a banable offense?
they haven't stated how it works exactly yet, but they still use hit boxes.
you could email someone and ask if its a technical limitation or a design decision.

or you can pretend to be gabe and just keep telling yourself its a design decision.
yeah man, plus i'm sorry if i didn't search hard enough to find it? whats the big deal this thread will be near the bottom in 30 minutes unless you want to continue flaming me and make a big deal about it?

thank you to those who answered the question regardless of wether you've answered it before or not, i will do the same in teh future.
there is no pre-pixel or per-polygon because it is very cpu heavy and hl is for a very broad audience, they did say that they were going to use a updated hit-box technology and im sure they'll do a good job.
per pixel sounds really cool to me, cuase im sure you all have played cs, which i believed used the same hit box tech. as hl and just flung your mouse towards someone and fired the awp... usually turns up with a positive result..

same thing with just DM it seems little effort is really needed to aim even with the high speeds...

but updated hit boxes.. who knows what that could mean maybe it'll be tougher to shoot someone...

but then will we have more of that dumb jumping in circles running into eachother back n forth before someone dies. I hate that! thats the only reason my friends and i used to play this paintball mod for hl and turn down the run speed as admin, the gameplay felt so much closer to real life play that you get in open paintball fields. but it did take more work, there was less just running, and more sitting behind a berrier to wait for the sound of the balls smacking against it. but we loved it
He obviously didn't use the search function because you would find the many topics on your first search.
yeah man, plus i'm sorry if i didn't search hard enough to find it? whats the big deal this thread will be near the bottom in 30 minutes unless you want to continue flaming me and make a big deal about it?

actually this thread will probably stay at the top of the page until tomorrow morning, with plenty of people flaming too knowing this your in a for a long haul

*puts on flame protective suit*
What is the difference between the two? What can one do that the other can't and what are the advantages of each? A brief explaination please before I make up my mind as to whether this is good or bad.
The hit detection system DooM III uses is per polygon, also demonstrated in the Alpha. You can shoot between a hand and a torso, or between the legs of your enemy and not hit them because the bullet will pass through. Unfortunately, HL2 does not feature this brand new technology and therefore will continue to use hit boxes like the original Half-Life.
Isn't flaming a banable offense?

Isn't coming back to boards over and over under a different name each time after the last one has been banned a bannable offense?

The hit detection DooM III uses is per polygon, also demonstrated in the Alpha. You can shoot between a hand and a torso, or between the legs of your enemy and not hit them because the bullet will pass through. Unfortunately, HL2 does not feature this brand new technology and therefore will continue to use hit boxes like the original Half-Life.

With high-res hitboxes, you achieve exactly the same effect (you can shoot between open spaces).
But its not completely between each space, its just a simulated area where the player should be, moving legs? for example.

and no, this is my first time on teh bored, and i've done nothing wrong.
obviously no one knows everything.dont assume that u can and cant do things without proof to back u up. hit boxes can be complex especially if they are for a next generation game. dont bag on wut u dont know.
and no, this is my first time on teh bored, and i've done nothing wrong.

Sure, your name is just an unlucky coincidence, right?
comon guys, if there is a post you dont like. then leave it alone, dont flame it.

i dono why, but people are getting really up tight lately. this one guy got mad at me for posting on a topic and bringing it back up to the top of the thread!
yeah i know, its rediculous, its like no one can openly just ask a question anymore on a forum, it has to be a question worthy of the l33t people on the forum everyday or you are considered as a menace.
I believe that people are worried about the kind of hitbox technology used in HL2 because as we all know, the hitboxes in HL1 (ie. CS) were complete trash and sometimes you could shoot in the general facility of a person and they would get hit, shooting at their feet gave you headshots, etc etc. I really wish HL2 would use per-pixel technology because it would dramatically reduce the 'BS' factor in the online function of HL2 and mods alike. But then again they could have developed some new technology that will actually form to the shape of the model, and be fairly accurate, but just not as accurate as per-pixel.

To clear some things up, hitbox technology, such as that used in quake3 and HL and previous games is that there are 3D rectangular boxes placed within a wireframe of the model, a few for the arms for the arms, a few for the legs, some for torso, and one for head. No matter the size of the model, the hitboxes are static and remain the same. Being that they are rectangles that means there are flaws, they don't conform to the body. That's why alotta times in Q3 you can shoot clear through the models head, and in HL there are times when your bullets kareem right through the shoulder or crotch of the enemy without any damage being done.

With per-pixel technology wherever there is a polygon for the model, there is a hitbox. So the entire model isexactly that, a hitbox. This meaning you can shoot under arms and through legs, and it being directly accurate as to how it would with real life, no BS here, thus making Doom3's technology superior in that sense.

HL2 on the other hand, is not using per-pixel technology as far as anyone knows I think, I could be wrong. But if they developed new hitbox tech. that actually molded and conformed to the model, there would still be flaws, although much less significant and alot more realistic. We'll just have to wait and see. That or someone needs to make an email to a dev.
Originally posted by Quotidian---
But its not completely between each space, its just a simulated area where the player should be, moving legs?
Actually the hitboxes are attatched to the same bone as the body part they simulate in HL... so the hitbox is always in the same place as the body part.
The only thing wrong with the hit boxes in HL, CS, etc was that they didn't accurately match the shape of the body (either because there were too few of them or they were too big).

To improve hit box accuracy you either have to make more, smaller hit boxes so the inaccuracies will be smaller... or you could redesign the technology to allow for shapes other than boxes.

Here's an example of how inaccurate the hit boxes are in the standard pose of the CS "leet" model:


  • leet_boxes.jpg
    72 KB · Views: 291
and to think animal was flaming me for this thread..

thanks ocyber that pic is awesome
Gabe has said the upgraded hit box technology employed in Half-Life 2 will be virtually indistinguishable from per-pixel collision detection at a huge CPU savings over the latter technique. They've been working on the game for five years and have spent at least the last six months playtesting the hell out of it. They'll do it right.
LOL, thats messed up...looking at the poly levels HL2 uses, I'd say it will be better then that..
ahaha strike up another one for hl2

that makes it about what? hl2 4,000 doom3 - 0?
what do you mean?

There's no point in keeping up the ruse. It's not like you picked a new name variant or anything.
Originally posted by Apos

With high-res hitboxes, you achieve exactly the same effect (you can shoot between open spaces).
I understand what you're trying to say, but are you sure that is possible? Are there any games that use high resolution hitboxes, and is it as efficient (CPU-wise) and effective as per-pixel/polygon hit detection?