Perfect Dark Anyone?


chris here, I'm design and mapping on it!
^^^^ Which is why it will be bad.

On a side note, that picture looks cool.
thats it im getting my crowbar
This a joke or something? Posting some cheesy logo is not going to draw people in... Get some REAL screenshots or concept art, then start posting.
Eldritch said:
This a joke or something? Posting some cheesy logo is not going to draw people in... Get some REAL screenshots or concept art, then start posting.
Fair enough.

Now go be productive.
Jarrod here, lead for the mod (Ennui is sub-design).

I love it how people assume that one simple thing posted is suddenly a huge announcment and hype generator. Educate yourself, please, before commenting.

When the time comes to show people whats being done, the people will see.
EatChildren said:
Jarrod here, lead for the mod (Ennui is sub-design).

I love it how people assume that one simple thing posted is suddenly a huge announcment and hype generator. Educate yourself, please, before commenting.

When the time comes to show people whats being done, the people will see.

HOJJEN said:
A Glimpse of things to come... (click the link below)

Dark Conflict

Gee, I wonder why anyone would assume such a thing...

You lead this project and you choose the name "EatChildren"? I'm guessing you're about 13 years old. Yay! another mod from a bunch of middle school kiddies!
Eldritch said:
Gee, I wonder why anyone would assume such a thing...

You lead this project and you choose the name "EatChildren"? I'm guessing you're about 13 years old. Yay! another mod from a bunch of middle school kiddies!

And what, your 10 for trying to start arguments on a forum? No thanks.
EatChildren said:
And what, your 10 for trying to start arguments on a forum? No thanks.

Me? haha! Who implied I was uneducated for posting? Sorry kiddy, but be careful where you shit.

I firmly believe that until you have some sort of mod work complete, concept art, or website. You shouldn't be posting about a project. Stop wasting everyone’s time and bandwidth with crappy logos.
EatChildren said:
And what, your 10 for trying to start arguments on a forum? No thanks.

Are forums no longer to be used as discussion and leading arguments and merely for telling others what you're doing and what you [dis]like? That's like saying you're childish for throwing snowballs in a snowball battle. And I'm quite sure that just because I've grown up, it doesn't mean there no longer are 13/10 year olds capable of better conversations than the one here.

Anyway, this hasn't got much to do with editing. Sure, the wallpaper is for a HL2 mod, but it's not very interesting unless you created it with the help of Source's editing programs.
Well, ok, perhaps my comments were a little uncalled for.

However, I dislike people giving blatant and unnecessary negative comments on something that is not only doing no harm, but isn’t trying to do something its not.
I highly suggest you guys shut the **** up until YOU guys could even make a logo yourselves. Eatchildren and his team are hard at work, something you've never done, and they have talent, something you don't have. So until you can be even a decimal percent of what EatChildren and his team are, shut the **** up noob.
ShinRa said:
I highly suggest you guys shut the **** up until YOU guys could even make a logo yourselves. Eatchildren and his team are hard at work, something you've never done, and they have talent, something you don't have. So until you can be even a decimal percent of what EatChildren and his team are, shut the **** up noob.

Where is this talent you speak of little one? It sure as hell isn't here; defiantly isn't that logo.
ShinRa, you drooling blatherskite, I suggest you think a little before posting such nonsense. I've been modding since the Quake days. You know, back when you where in diapers. I also know Photoshop like the back of my hand and could in fact, create a logo that could crush the one linked above. Will I? Perhaps I will, after my kids are in bed tonight.

Ps, love the “noob” comment, it shows what kind of dipshit you really are.
Considering this thread has skyrocketed off topic, I request for it to be closed, as its not going anywhere.

People either have something nasty to say or nothing at all.

Oh, and Eldritch, we all get the point. You’re an amazing and wise adult who's a modding master. Stop reassuring us, and yourself.
I'm sorry, I'm sure your mod will be great but perfect dark was gameplay wise a great game, the story/atmosphere/setting/weapons/sound/music were all shit. The characers where cardboard cliches, the story was a shit attempt at sci-fi (3 alien races, a government-corperate conspiracy with a american-flag turned vest wearing 'grey' alien?), the music was neither ambient nor good at all. The weapons were over-abundant (like what over-40, when I only use like 5-6?) and some were thrown in just for the exetremes (lets make a melee machine-gun!), and the whole game felt like Jet Force Gemini for adults.

Enough of my rant... hope the mod is better than Pefect Dark.
I agree with the post before this one. The good elements should be kept, but your team shouldn't be afraid of altering alot of things you thought were pretty bad. We're not just looking at a remake of PD, GBA style, are we?
For all flame-happy posters who might see this, this is a constructive comment and not meant to be offending.
We're doing a MP only (for now) remake of Perfect Dark, trying to capture that classic deathmatch feel that could only be found in games like PD and GoldenEye, but we ARE going to make changes to improve on the flaws and perhaps add new elements for more fun, but while still retaining the feel of the original.

And for those of you commenting on the amount of work we've done; we're actually extremely well organized and hard at work already, so shut your mouth unless you somehow have access to our private discussion via email and forums, kthx.
All I'm going to say about the issue is the organization level has been most satisfactory, and no plans have been made without logical reason.
Eldritch said:
Where is this talent you speak of little one? It sure as hell isn't here; defiantly isn't that logo.
ShinRa, you drooling blatherskite, I suggest you think a little before posting such nonsense. I've been modding since the Quake days. You know, back when you where in diapers. I also know Photoshop like the back of my hand and could in fact, create a logo that could crush the one linked above. Will I? Perhaps I will, after my kids are in bed tonight.

Ps, love the “noob” comment, it shows what kind of dipshit you really are.

Ouch...I hope I don't have kids and still are making mods and arguing with a 17 year old on a hl2 forum. No..unless I'm in the gaming industry, I wouldn't want to be modding at that age. You should reflect on your life. Your modding and you have kids....ouch. :stare:
That's possibly the stupidest thing I've heard anyone say all day... and that's usually quite a hard contest to win.

If you guys need a music composer.. im up for the task. Im doing another game mod right now, and ive won a couple online awards. if youre intersted PM me or just reply :p