Perfect Dark XB1 videos leaked.


Companion Cube
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
ya what's with embedded gametrailers videos not working?
For one, that is not XBLA Goldeneye. I don't care how "smooth" it looks like it is running. There is no way it wouldn't get enhanced graphically. Then again the trailer is running in horrible internet resolution. I still stand by saying there is no possible way that is Goldeneye on the 360 Arcade.

Now, the PDZ trailer obviously looks more Beta like. To me, it looks like it was on the Xbox, and from what I can tell, it looked pretty good for an Xbox title.

Anyone else getting pissed at the ****ing ship's horns going off every 15 seconds?! :|
Oh man. I would get a 360 just for Goldeneye.
For one, that is not XBLA Goldeneye. I don't care how "smooth" it looks like it is running. There is no way it wouldn't get enhanced graphically. Then again the trailer is running in horrible internet resolution. I still stand by saying there is no possible way that is Goldeneye on the 360 Arcade.
Have you seen any other ports for games on XBLA?

I don't see how it's so improbable when it was already confirmed the game was in development till a couple months ago when it was canned cause of that copyright crap.