Perfect Dark Zero media/discussion thread

You guys are funny. :D

I must agree with True Canadian; that video sucked hardcore.
Horrible voice acting with a lousy attempt at accents. Crossing that bridge "secret agent" style and diving into a forward roll onto the middle of a wide open roof! for no apperant reason. I about died. :x
And then there was her dad saying, "I will never complain about garbage(?)" after the bridge he was on gets blown up by rockets. WTF! (Actually I think that the voice audio is way out of sync with the video, but that still makes it suck.)

The other ones weren't too hot either. It looks like it will be a very...newb game if you ask me. Waypoints on the ground showing you exactly where to go? Every step of the way?! I've never seen such powerful guns in my life. Each bullet has the effect of bludgeoning the corpses with a baseball bat. The ragdolls themselves suck.

I think you should look elsewhere for a good example of a great 360 game Axyon. AKA Gears of War and TES4:Oblivion.
All this running around in circles with the next xbox is making me dizzy. :rolling:
That first 'trailer' was effectively a dud, now take a look at the bloody fireworks:

Two gameplay videos that just scream excellence. My faith had faltered for the few hours after that trailer and snippets of gameplay video, but these new ones have heightened it further than ever.

Edit: Just noticed that they're for Insiders only :o

There's other footage here and here though, I'm downloading them myself so I don't know what they're like. Okay, they're the same footage but the second link is of a higher detail. Looks brilliant, too.

Edit2: Some more footage here which shows Multiplayer and Co-op.
Those 2 vids do look much better. It all looks a little too 'Timesplitters' for my liking, though, both in visuals and gameplay.

I don't think this will be the 'Golden Eye' of this generation - but it should turn out to be a decent game. Co-op alone will probably make it a good purchase.
I don't think the GFX are going to be anything to worry about.

The controls will undoubtedly usual. It just doesn't work....controlling these games with a dual analog controller does it no justice. FPSs with control schemes similar to Metroid Prime are the best to date for a console, IMO. This game is pretty as all hell, but the mounting frustration from the inability to move and manuever as you would on the PC ruins the experience. Bring on the Revolution.
it's gonna be capped at 30 FPS... you'd think they could work on it to make it move a bit faster than that
Random screenshot at the X05 floor, the texturing in the game is sublime:


Icarusintel said:
it's gonna be capped at 30 FPS... you'd think they could work on it to make it move a bit faster than that
Watch this movie and say that 30FPS is going to be a problem. The motion blur alone totally negates it.
Yes, the texture quality is very good.
The animations aren't though. I still stand by everything that I said.
The animations are beter than the original vids suggested.
I still didn't like it.
Is it just me or have they made it really... not only easy. But just ruined some of the things that made it fun? I just didn't like that cover option.
Well... phew! That little shitty promo trailer and the latest videos are like completely different games. I'm no longer worried. The co-op play looks like it will be incredibly fun. The acting / storytelling / presentation may be a bit goofy... but it looks like there's some really solid gameplay to be had.
SearanoX said:
I saw the trailer today...looked horrendous. The framerate was unstable (inexcusable for a trailer) and it looked like some rip off of Bloodrayne. Ugh.
Watch a few of the most recent videos I've posted to get a true feel of the game. The trailer is nothing.
Axyon said:
Decent res video of the garage level with no sound. The guy playing sucks, but it's a good video.
Don't you hate it when the person demonstrating the game is touching the controls for the first time? Half-Life 2's first 3E demos suffered from that same thing. :x

I'm really against this waypoint thing too(arrows on the ground). It's like they're holding your hand every step of the game to make sure you don't get lost. I don't think that that could happen as it looks pretty linear from what they've shown us. We're not kids for goodness sakes! (well...most of us aren't)
If you watch the videos they tell you the waypoints are for the really low difficulty setting, IIRC.
Yeh - the waypoints are for easy settings. As you up the difficulty they'll vanish, and extra objectives will be added (just like in GE)
MF-Boltress said:
Half-Life 2's first 3E demos suffered from that same thing. :x

You sure? I thought that every video was just a playback?
Warbie said:
Yeh - the waypoints are for easy settings. As you up the difficulty they'll vanish, and extra objectives will be added (just like in GE)
That's good to know. Don't you think that whatever difficulty you play at you should have the same opportunities/responsibilities?
Loke said:
You sure? I thought that every video was just a playback?
Yes it was, but the person playing it still couldn't aim worth a dime.
MF-Boltress said:
That's good to know. Don't you think that whatever difficulty you play at you should have the same opportunities/responsibilities?

It worked very well for Golden Eye and Perfect Dark. The easier settings allow you to get used to the controls, the levels, how the AI works etc Once you're a little more familiar with the mechanics of the game it introduces content to keep you involved and adds to the challenge to keep you on your toes. If it's anything like GE and PD it will be very challenging indeed on the hardest settings, and you'll have needed a good deal of practise on every level to stand half a chance.