Hey everyone,
First of all here are my cpu specs:
Celeron 2.0ghz
1.00 gb of ram
Radeon 9800 pro
Syncmaster 955mb monitor
What really help get high fps is it cpu speed or graph card? Because I tryed to play dod whit a fx5200 whit the same spec and I got about 30 fps at 1024*1028, and now I play whit a radeon 9800 and I get 30 fps at the same resolution, could someone explain becuase im kind of lost...
Now when I try to play halflife2 whit everything low and 640*380(or something like that) at the level outside the museum where u fight striders I get 10 fps whit the radeon and the fx.
Now can someone explain how is it possible to get 87 fps like the benchmark they did that that site : http://www.anandtech.com/video/showdoc.aspx?i=2281&p=8
And if I get myself a pentium 4 3.0 ghz would that get my fps up to the 70-80.
First of all here are my cpu specs:
Celeron 2.0ghz
1.00 gb of ram
Radeon 9800 pro
Syncmaster 955mb monitor
What really help get high fps is it cpu speed or graph card? Because I tryed to play dod whit a fx5200 whit the same spec and I got about 30 fps at 1024*1028, and now I play whit a radeon 9800 and I get 30 fps at the same resolution, could someone explain becuase im kind of lost...
Now when I try to play halflife2 whit everything low and 640*380(or something like that) at the level outside the museum where u fight striders I get 10 fps whit the radeon and the fx.
Now can someone explain how is it possible to get 87 fps like the benchmark they did that that site : http://www.anandtech.com/video/showdoc.aspx?i=2281&p=8
And if I get myself a pentium 4 3.0 ghz would that get my fps up to the 70-80.