Performance warning: Mark bone 'ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Hand' in model 'player/terror.mdl' as being used by bone merge in the .qc!
Does any 1 else get these warnings? is it a sign from Valve to get a new Graphics Card
Its not to bad with cl_smooth 0 but still laggy in places.
Specs are XP64 3200+, Radeon 9600pro 128meg, 512RAM ddr 400mhz.
Any help plz? :x
Does any 1 else get these warnings? is it a sign from Valve to get a new Graphics Card
Its not to bad with cl_smooth 0 but still laggy in places.
Specs are XP64 3200+, Radeon 9600pro 128meg, 512RAM ddr 400mhz.
Any help plz? :x