perhaps an apples to oranges comparison, but IMHO GTA:SA is way better than HL2

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May 23, 2005
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Yes, one is a first person shooter and the other one isn't. If the point of view of the player in GTA: SA was changed from third person to first person view, how wouldn't GTA:SA be better than HL2, as a FPS???

I know people will deny my claim that GTA: SA is better than HL2 and say that I am wrong, and that this comparison is pointless. I don't care. All I can say is that when I compare GTA: SA to HL2, as 3D video games, what I see in GTA: SA looks *better crafted* than what I see in HL2.

Ok, but you will say that HL2 has the lighting, and better characters, and ragdoll physics. So what? Look at the airboat and the sand buggy in HL2, they look like crap next to what you see in GTA: SA. Even the crane in HL2 looks bad next to the cranes in GTA:SA. The water, the trees, etc look better in GTA: SA than in HL2, and I go could on and on.

I think the main problem with HL2 is the level design. Just go to Highway 17 and look at some of the cliffs next to the ocean; they are basically vertical walls covered with textures. You don't see anything like that in GTA: SA!

In GTA:SA everything is bigger, there is more of everything, everything is original. In HL2 everything is dull and repetitive, and that's very sad, I think, for a game that is supposed to have "raised the bar".
I agree, what the hell is so good about HL2 compared to other games!?

GTA SA brought so many great things that noone has ever seen before like GANGSTERS!!!!!1 Gangsters are so cool and it's neat to pretend I'm one sometimes!! even!!

Oh wait, Rockstar has used the same exact engine for the past 3 GTA games... HL2 sold millions in less than a month.

You are correct with the first thing you said, you can't compare the games. GTA has it's sandbox style, and hours upon hours of fun, and HL2 has it's stunning technology and a hell of a playing experience. Leave them be.

Oh, and you are in the wrong forum. Game chats go in the game forum.
The cliffs in SA are all painted in a block yellow colour, and they just repeat. In fact in SA theres so much barron landscape with nothing, its uninspiring. For the basics in a game e.g. graphics HL2 wins and SA loses easily, because it doesnt look nice at all imo. Gameplay is close. Story HL2 wins cos SA's are always the same and tiresome. I dislike SA, but i own it and play it regularly just because its there.

And i will bring up that arguement Goethe, because they are such different games its hard to say one is better than the other because they do different things well. If you want a BIG game with freedom thats SA. If you want a linear game with fantastic gameplay and originality and a engrossing story thats HL2.

And for raising the bar? Well HL2 is totally fresh and new. SA has followed GTA3 and Vice City (my fav) so the bar was raised back then, with little improvement since. Anyway off to bed now.

Oh and Generals games surely is more fitting?
::shivers:: I pirated gta:sa yesterday and played it for the first time today
The graphics made me want to cry...
Then again, hl2 is the only game i've really played since hl1, so i guess i expect too much out of games.

Either way, you are one crazy fella
Ikerous said:
::shivers:: I pirated gta:sa yesterday and played it for the first time today
The graphics made me want to cry...
Then again, hl2 is the only game i've really played since hl1, so i guess i expect too much out of games.

Either way, you are one crazy fella
Wow, funny because I did the same thing except 2 days ago. Rock on.
wrong ****ing forum!

expect flames if you say "HL2 < any other game" on this site.
You're not even comparing apples to oranges. More like apples to pizza.
... but, but... they are two completely different games! In every way! Surely you must be on some sort of stupid drug? Some sort of "I really want to get flamed for comparing two completely different games on a Half Life 2 forum, where everyone already hates me Drug."
Takashi Shimura said:
Yes, one is a first person shooter and the other one isn't. If the point of view of the player in GTA: SA was changed from third person to first person view, how wouldn't GTA:SA be better than HL2, as a FPS???

I know people will deny my claim that GTA: SA is better than HL2 and say that I am wrong, and that this comparison is pointless. I don't care. All I can say is that when I compare GTA: SA to HL2, as 3D video games, what I see in GTA: SA looks *better crafted* than what I see in HL2.

Ok, but you will say that HL2 has the lighting, and better characters, and ragdoll physics. So what? Look at the airboat and the sand buggy in HL2, they look like crap next to what you see in GTA: SA. Even the crane in HL2 looks bad next to the cranes in GTA:SA. The water, the trees, etc look better in GTA: SA than in HL2, and I go could on and on.

I think the main problem with HL2 is the level design. Just go to Highway 17 and look at some of the cliffs next to the ocean; they are basically vertical walls covered with textures. You don't see anything like that in GTA: SA!

In GTA:SA everything is bigger, there is more of everything, everything is original. In HL2 everything is dull and repetitive, and that's very sad, I think, for a game that is supposed to have "raised the bar".
I like GTA:SA better than HL2 too..but they both get boring way too fast for me..

i want some oranges.
Me too :D

I want some pizza.
I had pizza for dinner..want some?
It's funny because when I think GTA:SA, I think "crap-cake." Seriously, the game is repetitive, boring and luckluster.

"Go kill." -- Mission 1.
"Go steal." -- Mission 2.

Plus, the graphics suck so bad, it's the main reason I don't play this on my PS2. I mean... CJ looks like an Aboriginal, and not "gangsta."
I liked both games, but i was kinda surprised at how quick it took me to finish GTA:SA. 36 hours total to complete the campaign, and i really can't be bothered to do the other 35% of missions that i didn't do when i was doing the campaign. Still a great game though, but i really hope they fix up the combat system in the next game. Plus i hope they add more variety and polish to some of the missions. I thought Vice City was a much better game on the whole. Better levels, more tongue-in-cheek humour and great style. And the radio was better too. And it wasn't too big like SA is.

As for GTA:SA looking better then HL2........what are you smoking? Seriously it must be strong if you think that the water and the buildings in GTA:SA look better then the water and the buildings in HL2.

GTA:SA is definately bigger thats for sure. And yeah HL2 totally lacks in the level design department when it comes to open-ended missions and levels, because there are none. But GTA:SA is kinda the same. It provides you with a mission that has only one possible outcome, but gives you tons of ways to get there. Bah, i think i have ranted about this before in my "disillusioned" thread. So i can't be stuffed.

Wrong forum?
Sober said:
You're not even comparing apples to oranges. More like apples to pizza.

More like pizza to country music.

Country Music= GTA
Let me put it this way:

HL2 finished trice.
GTA:SA played but not finished.
I have heard so many criticisms about Carl Johnson, I am starting to think they are racially motivated. Yes, the gansta talk is lame, but you can always press enter and skip the cut scenes. Anyone who says San Andreas sucks is either a racist, nuts, or hasn't been out of Los Santos.
Takashi Shimura said:
I have heard so many criticisms about Carl Johnson, I am starting to think they are racially motivated. Yes, the gansta talk is lame, but you can always press enter and skip the cut scenes. Anyone who says San Andreas sucks is either a racist, nuts, or hasn't been out of Los Santos.
Or they are a human being with a differing opinion than you. Shouldn't you be out picketing against pictures of sea animals?
Seriously Takashi, not many people on this forum agree with alot of things you say. And i'm not just talking about GTA:SA being better than HL2, thats fine, i can totally see why as there is tons of stuff to do in GTA:SA compared to HL2. But what i mean is, you can't expect every person in the world to play GTA:SA and just bow down to it.

Nor can you expect everyone in the world to agree with you when you say Alyx is looking at the players genitals when she stares down in HL2. And no, we're never going to forget you said that. Ever
For me HL1 and 2 meant very little replay value when you count just the single player experience. However the reason is not because it was at all bad. On the contrary, it was so good that the second time going through just never gives you that same wow effect that made it so extra enjoyable in the first place, as a result it just never is the same and I can't keep myself playing for too long. Its not however a case of bad design or anything of that sort, its just the way my brain works.

Other games that have more replay value like GTA:SA or right now my current addiction with WoW are both incredible in their own right and are amazingly fun even after playing them through a second time or even a third time. However I will still say that with HL1 and 2 the first time playing through was what dictated to me the quality of the game, and the fact is the quality of those hours was far better than going through GTA:SA or WoW ever was.
You guys shouldn't take what Goethe says too seriously, he's just yanking your chain.
Q_onfused said:
It's funny because when I think GTA:SA, I think "crap-cake." Seriously, the game is repetitive, boring and luckluster.

"Go kill." -- Mission 1.
"Go steal." -- Mission 2.

Plus, the graphics suck so bad, it's the main reason I don't play this on my PS2. I mean... CJ looks like an Aboriginal, and not "gangsta."

Half Life 2

Eli: Ok Gordon ready? You gotta get here and dismantle/blow up/kill stuff....just about every chapter in this game. I mean, don't get me wrong, you'll see some interesting stuff and will definetly be wowed by it your first two times through, but really, who hasn't done all of this before?

Gordon: ...

Eli: Good man. Now, keep your hands off my daughter or I'll cut 'em off.
Takashi Shimura said:
I have heard so many criticisms about Carl Johnson, I am starting to think they are racially motivated. Yes, the gansta talk is lame, but you can always press enter and skip the cut scenes. Anyone who says San Andreas sucks is either a racist, nuts, or hasn't been out of Los Santos.

or, you know, they might just disagree with you.

Cease trolling or be banned. Closed.
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