Periculum Electee Thread (Vote Now)


Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score

Periculum: A Science of Horror
Cinematic Teaser: Coming Soon (2 weeks approx
Interactive Demo: Coming Soon (3 weeks approx)
Voting Page:

Comments and critisim are greatly excepted.
I'm sure there's something witty I could say about "excepted", but I can't think of it right now.

I'm a little confused by all of this... maybe posting some information too would be possible?
No offense or anything... but judging from the website and the info found overall it seems as if the mod team in general is completely full of themselves. I read the 'about' page as well as the 'team' page and I saw nothing special. I noticed the mod leader calls himself "the next HR Giger". What's that suppossed to mean? Has he ever published any work and who exactly gave him this title?

I know who HR Giger is and as far as I recall he was an artist, if anyone on a team were to compare against him it should be the concept artist not a mod lead/mapper.

You should really consider being more humble until you prove yourself to everyone else by releasing some work, so far I see nothing I haven't seen in thousands of mods that never get finished.
That site is pretty ugly. It's the most anticipated HL2 horror mod? Didn't know this.

Never knew it was legal to use a bands song in anything now days (even in a free mod), unless they have permission from them already.

I couldn't vote for this mod, considering there isnt much to make a decision on.
Where's the poll? and what a boring tidbit... are you part of this mod???? And yes i was Yombied..!!! Eeeeeekkk!! :sniper:
No I'm not apart of the mod. I was just trying to help get this voting thingy to the public. Its not like I made a news post. Its just a friendly heads up. Though the first post doesn't look like the way its suppose to. It was suppose to display an image which is kinda like an advetisement. Anyways, thanks guys. I just want to give you a heads up for whatever.
I thought you were team leader of Periculum, UberSoldat.