Period Monster Mod Needs Mod Team


Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
Period Setting Monster Mod Needs Mod Team

Mod team needed to get idea off the ground.

Half-life 2 (Episode2) Based mod needs any and all to help with a RPG/FPS mod based on the Half-Life 2 engine?

The theme is a Period Monster hunting /quest driven linier story with side quests.
The basic idea is a singleplayer mod, with a character and NPC's tracking/Hunting a monster across the english countryside.

Im a Uni Graduate interested in seeing this Mod through to completion; I already have the basic story/ideas/locations(at leats their settings), weapons and game mechanics/playing style roughed out

The expected team is 8-12.

Any questions/interest please mail me.
I could work on it if you want, I am a mapper who is pretty good at like effects and stuff so depending on what you want and I can help.
:D nice to know someone will respond, any chance of some past works.. doesnt need to be finished?
I do not have any past works on a computer I can get to at the moment (on my other hard drive) but when the mod starts I will send you stuff and if you don't like it you don't have to use me.
haha cant get any fairer than that : P.

Shame you dont have anything you can show.
There nothing at all.. not even soemthing you were part of?

I will keep in contact, seeing how many people respond.
Well I could whip something up later on this week, I have never been on a full mod project before but I am sure I will work hard.
OK one more time....

My biggest piece of advice to a potential modder is JOIN AN EXISTING TEAM..

Here's why.

- You get experience of working with other modders.
- You get to see how a mod is run (right or wrong) and this will help when you do your own.
- You make contacts in the modding world which will be incredibly valuable
- You get to help make something and build a portfolio without having to worry about the details of running the mod
- You stand a better chance of seeing a finished product, hundreds of mods are started a year, each year about 10 are released. That should give you an idea of your mods success out of the gate.

Plus your idea is going to be there in a year when you finish the project you are working on and the experience and knowledge you will have gained will be your largest asset.
Thanks for the advice Zunni, I can see the logic in those words, but I have waited long enough to try and make a mod of my own.. I would prefer not to join the LEGIONS of Cs/Zombie clone mods, and in all honesty I wouldnt be motivated..

Thankyou anyway. :)

And to Flie, that will be cool, I plan to do some research and pin down the Era, and thus style of buildings ect.
looking foward to what you come up with.
Mod sounds interesting, but I wouldn't be of any help beyond "concept artist" :p

(Which I have previous experience in)
Que. I said i needed all types... if your really interested in helping (taken a look at the web page?).

if still... any examples of work ?
my girlfriend becomes a period monster once a month.
:) yes I know... likewise with mine... you would not believe how many people think that before period setting...(god the bad puns!)
I wish I had a girlfriend but playing guitar and being a gamer makes you a nerd haha. When you have some concepts drop me a line and I will get right on it.
See I traded guitar for girlfriend : P I'm a nerd as well.

And yeah I will get back to you when I do. :)
Yeah I thought guitar would get me girls but I guess jazz fusion isn't so great.

Now I thought it was common knowledge that Jazz scared off women !!

And I love the Chloroform poster :d I have alwyas wanted some...
Ohh i have 30 min to kill...
out cold
30 min later..hey that saved me being bored!
Hah noone told me and it probably does not help that I am **** ugly.
yeah yeah..Anyways I'm working on information packs + the research so by this time next week it should be good to start building in some way/sketching/modeling ect :)
Thanks for the advice Zunni, I can see the logic in those words, but I have waited long enough to try and make a mod of my own.. I would prefer not to join the LEGIONS of Cs/Zombie clone mods, and in all honesty I wouldnt be motivated..

Thankyou anyway. :)

And to Flie, that will be cool, I plan to do some research and pin down the Era, and thus style of buildings ect.
looking foward to what you come up with.

I finally got back to this thread (wish work was optional), and as always my advice is just that, but don't kid yourself in terms of the variety of mod types out there. Check out the HL2 section of ModDB to get a better idea of what's really out there. Who knows there might be someone making something similar or exactly like what you are wanting to do.

I just see way too many posts (and have spent time with many first time mod makers as a courtesy) and not one of the 'looking for help' posts has EVER completed an alpha let alone a released mod. (Possible exception Revolt but I don't think they ever came here looking for help). Point was more that I hate to see motivated people leave the Hl2 family because they can't make 'their' mod, when there are so many good potential mods out there that need help.
Looking at the wiki, unless Null-Entity is both a gifted modeler with a slew of free time and a skilled programmer with an equal amount of free time, this mod is an abortion waiting to happen.
Once again Zunni its all words of reasonable logic...and I don’t doubt its a long shot to get this mod going, but if no one tries to start an original idea who will..I understand there is a SLOT load of work involved.

But I have had the idea in my head for about a year of two now, floating around.
I finally reached a point in my life where I think I feel motivated enough and confident enough that with the right people it can be done.

I'm in it for the long haul, even if I have to build every 3D asset myself (which kinda appeals for the want of control :p ).

As for joining another mod I have tried before on the only ones that ever caught my attention and never got anywhere.

In reply to Yorick.
I wouldn’t say I’m gifted, more determined and i do have shit loads of free time(plus i don’t sleep much).

And no I cant program, I’m looking to recruit those (possibly through a contact in my local Uni).

Thanks for the positive diagnosis.
What I will say then sir... Good Luck.. Keep us appraised of your progress.
Just got back home after a Megadeth gig in London.
So to those words Zunni I say thankyou and here we go.
Just got back home after a Megadeth gig in London.
So to those words Zunni I say thankyou and here we go.
Hmm my brother went to that, but then I guess so did a lot of people.

Your idea is too 'blue-sky' at the moment (i.e. it knows no bounds, is very imprecise and pure conceptualisation). You need to rein it in a bit and start concentrating on cold, hard facts. E.g. the weapons section should contain a list of no more than 10 weapons (for a first release). All of these should have full damage values, rate of fire, range, ammo capacity, etc. (even percentage is fine, just so you can see how they interrelate). Approach each part of the game like that and you might begin to realise how much work you are taking on, then hopefully you will be brave and cut half of it and stand a chance of releasing something.
Yeah I;m guessing another 3999 people went :).

Yeah I know its ambitious but in all honestly I have the time/drive to want to make it.. if needs be I would gladly bulild every 3D asset in the game myself.

And you are right about pinning down all the details.. but admitantly it is still in ideas/concept stages...most stuff is a best case senario so. :)

thanks though.. constructive and you didnt bash the hellout of it!.