Permanent off-world assignment?


Jul 11, 2003
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Okay, so right after that part in Nova Prospekt where Breen is scolding the Combine for not being able to capture Freeman, there comes a part with that woman dispatcher voice thing. What she said here really caught me off gaurd more than anything else she says in the game.

Basically she mumbles some stuff about an entire unit you just took out but then she says this: "Mission failure will result in permanent off-world assignment." I thought this was really cool. I'm sure people who don't like the story just don't take any notice in little things like this. Basically in HL2 EVERYTHING is part of the story.

Anyway, what do you think she could be talking about?
DarkStar said:
Okay, so right after that part in Nova Prospekt where Breen is scolding the Combine for not being able to capture Freeman, there comes a part with that woman dispatcher voice thing. What she said here really caught me off gaurd more than anything else she says in the game.

Basically she mumbles some stuff about an entire unit you just took out but then she says this: "Mission failure will result in permanent off-world assignment." I thought this was really cool. I'm sure people who don't like the story just don't take any notice in little things like this. Basically in HL2 EVERYTHING is part of the story.

Anyway, what do you think she could be talking about?

I noticed that, but it doesn't really elaborate so I didn't think about it that much. I guess it's not something you'd want to do, being away from Earth and suchlike. Or maybe it's really dangerous.
I think he means on the Combine homework. It's hinted that you need quite a bit of modification to travel back through the portal -- that's why Breen needed a "host body" since he had no mods.
Looking through the soundfiles, there's also one that says: "Citizen Notice: Failure to cooperate will result in perminent off-world relocation".

Sounds like it's a threat used all over.
This may tie into Breen's comment to Alyx and Eli, "Let's see how you'll like it on the other side of the portal" or somesuch (I'm sure somebody will give an exact quote).
It's like threatening to send the troops to Siberia. :P

Maybe Xen is one of those worlds?
Mechagodzilla said:
It's like threatening to send the troops to Siberia. :P

Maybe Xen is one of those worlds?

That'd get them working harder. Who wants to play Super Xenian 2? :E
maybe the Stalkers we see in later levels were soon to be transported humans.
Artie_Bucco said:
maybe the Stalkers we see in later levels were soon to be transported humans.


Good theory. Would fit in with Breen talking about a "host body."
In a Stalker's body? I'd take my chances with Gordon... :E
Not all offworld locations would result in death. I mean, Breen wanted the Combine to move the teleporter relay to somewhere safer. I don't think you have to be a Stalker to survive.
Feath said:
Looking through the soundfiles, there's also one that says: "Citizen Notice: Failure to cooperate will result in perminent off-world relocation".

Sounds like it's a threat used all over.

I thought the same thing. They were giving Breen shit.
Cant be to badder thing i they were to pass through the portal, they woul become immortal....
Maybe by off-world they mean Xen or perhaps moon or something. Off-world doesnt necessarily mean other dimension.
"permanent off-world assignment" is a death threat. as simple as that.
permanent like death is permanent. like "theres no way back". "off-World" is fancy dubious combine talk for "you wont exist anymore".
1. It's Re-assignment
2. The Combine Empire is an inter-universal empire
3. Off world typically would suck for humans.
Way to revive a nine year old thread fellas.

"permanent off-world assignment" probably just implies the Combine would reassign him to an administrative role on another of the Combine slave worlds, or potentially the Combine homeworld/overworld. It's a threat because 1) he would probably have to be transplanted into an Advisor or other body in order to survive in whatever environment he ended up on and 2) he is in a role of immense power on Earth - but it is not likely this would be the case elsewhere in the Combine dominion. And yes there's also 3) which is that it's a euphemism for his brains being turned into an Advisor proboscis slushie a la our dear friend Eli.

Permanent: Just forget about seeing good old safe earth again, you're not coming back.
off-world assignment: probably another combine alien front where you would fight the war on combine side to harvest aliens.

after all they are talking to the soldiers so simply punishing them would be a waste. put em to use!
It basically means: If you fail you will get your punishment, wich is getting into some weird new body and getting send somewhere else (probably even the Combine Overworld).
Nice find, if only this stuff was canon.