Personalities of everyone here..

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Although funny and energetic, is perhaps considered strange by most people for his random humour.

And he sucks at Halo 3. /o\

Underestimates my strangeness and ability to rape those who question my Halo 3 skills.
Stigmata Stagnates Superflueously, 'specially since Santa sold sea-shells selfishly.
Azner alternates alliteratively, always asking all anchors as animals attack.

Man, I wish these made sense.
Counts other people's posts. Is either an incredible time-waster or loves statistics.

Possibly stalking Acepilot.
Hates my G-man theories. Especially the one about G-man being Eli.

Qonfy, Wonfy
is the best
better than
bouncy, woncy
bobbing breasts
Despite consumer lobbyists and protests, remains flammable.
His sales, after recent announcements, have increased 1200%.
BREAKING NEWS - Man humps Monkey
Dinosaur that jerks off, or jerks off to dinosaurs judging by the name.

ಠ_ಠ Lol Hypnostig is dead.
ಠ_ಠ Lol Hypnostig is dead.

All glory to the Hypnotoad!

Can't spell hypnotizing. :D

EDIT: damn you, Raz, with your fast posting and what-not
Not as much of a jerk as he'd have you believe. Rather pleasant fellow, actually.
A hithero-undiscovered dinosaur who lurks in backyards.
The only one to be spared when I discover the anti-life equation.
You will meet your defeat at the hands of your son, in the Armaghetto of Apokolips.

(Pleaes don't Omega Beam me)
Is most definitely going to be Omega Beamed, for spelling "please" wrong.
Doesn't know that Beta Beams don't exist, silly!

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