Personality traits you wish you had


The Freeman
Jun 12, 2009
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I'm sitting here with a pencil in my hand staring at a page full of sketches. I got reasons to finish these pieces (both personal and to show them off), but I'm just sitting here trying to find any excuse not to do them. And so I came up with an idea for a thread (which is also helping me put off drawing).

What personality traits do you wish you had? What're your character failings or deficiencies you'd like to improve upon? Alternatively, if you have negative traits that you just can't shake, what would you like to get rid of?

I wish I had drive. I never have any drive to do anything. Work, everyday tasks, even hobbies that require extended effort or time like drawing or gaming I tend to shrug off.

What about you,
A work ethic.

More altruism.

No ****ing testicles.
I could be here all day, write an essay on how much my life sucks/i hate myself/no-one likes me/what I need/what I wish I had etc. But I'm not going to bore you with all that. Tbh, the only trait I actually do have that anyone's ever mentioned is the fact I can play guitar. The other traits that anyone ever mentions are all bad. So first off I wish I could get rid of them. A second might be drive, as you said, I just somehow manage to procrastinate infinitely. Even now, I'm sat in work, supposed to be working on a project (which I can't tell you about, because it's confidential :p), and I'm just sat here on the internet replying to this topic. Eventually, in like half an hour, I might get off my arse and actually start soldering or something. I keep telling myself that I'm only doing it because I don't have internet access back home, but really I know that I just can't be bothered to go and work. Even this morning I was so reluctant to get out of bed, even though I was already verging on late (later than I should be getting up, as I don't seem to be able to be "late" for work). So procrastination would be one thing I could scratch off my list.

But the biggest thing I'd wish for would be sociability. Sure, I can talk to people, and it's not like I have no life, but constantly I'm stuck in an awkward situation, and there's not really many ways out of it. And alot of people, who don't know me, just find me odd most of the time. That's why it feels better hanging around with older friends, or just generally odd people. It's ironic, because even after being in a long-term relationship with my girlfriend, I know that now I'm on my own, I'm going to be alone for a very long time. Funny, because I met her off the internet (long story, it's not as bad as it sounds).

So yeah, that's about it. A million other things that I could wish for, but I'd be happy with that.
Don't think I've put so much thought into a post before. *punches Darkside for making me think*.

Edit: And no testicles??
I do think women have it better off.
Wish I was more punctual

And a lot more self control

And I wish I was really able to shoot laser beams out of my eyes.
And I wish I was really able to shoot laser beams out of my eyes.

Lol, don't we all :P.

And if we're going for the stupid, I wish I was so alluring, Alyx would de-digitize from my computer and spawn before me :naughty:
My stubborn-ness, probably. It's what's keeping me from drinking a moderate amount of alcohol (which is better for you than abstaining, ****ing reality) and even though I don't notice, it's probably keeping me from doing a lot of other things too.

That's about all I can think of though, I'm quite a happy person :D
EDIT: Maybe some humility too, because when it comes to my main stories (the ones I take pride in), I think they're pretty damned awesome and better than a lot of people could write, which they are, but it'd be nice to be able to fake some modesty.
Can I have some hapiness... please mr...? :(
Quick-response wit. That'd be nice.

And more motivation to do stuff. I should've finished my assignment by now... :/
I could definitely use more drive. I often can't be assed to do jack and it always bites me in the ass later. Even with really important stuff, I always wait until the last minute or just don't do it period.

I think my sociability could use a tweak too. While I am quite introverted, I'm not antisocial (at least not much). I can usually be as involved, loud, or obnoxious as the next guy. Talking to people isn't the problem. It's how I talk to people. I can get pretty acidic with others. Laden with sarcasm, minor insults, just my general tone of voice. I'm rarely serious, it's just the way I express myself. So there have been times where I'll be thinking everything is fine and dandy, but it eventually turns out the guy I'm talking to wants to kill me. I also have a tendency to cross the line with some of my actions and words, instantly provoking hostility.

Hence why most of my friends have said they had to build up some tolerance for me at the start and accept that I'm just harmlessly talking crap for the most part.
Dilligence, motivation, ability-to-speak-so-that-women-would-jump-into-my-bed-instantly.

The last bit is optional.
I wish I was a little more extroverted, and didn't hate small talk like I do.
I wish i could motivate/manipulate people to do things like ben from lost.

Darkseid. Diong your sketches..
I have some anger management issues.

I wish I could express myself better verbally and trough writing.
In fact 3/4 of what i have written here is never posted because i deleted it. It takes a shit load of time for me to fully express myself and even then I often can't find the right words. This made worse by the fact I use 3 distinctly different languages every single day.

I want to much, and I can't prioritize.
I do generally have the drive but I want to much.
I can easily be reading 5 different books at the same time, doing tutorials for 3 different 3d packages,
playing games off course and be doing homework.
I can't ever get to sleep without at least spending an hour thinking about what more I have to do, about what I am going to do.
In fact I hate going to sleep, I'm reguraly up till 3 am reading something,
be it a political article or the roper way to use the clipping tool in hammer.

I worry to much about things that I have no real power over.
This is a horrific thread, considering how I feel today, but I'm into it.

I'd be less defensive about everything, and much more calm. I'm not an angry person, but I'm terribly paranoid about a lot of things.
Woot, paranoia, it's one of the greatest inventions of the mind :hmph:
I am happy with myself the way I am, if I were any different I wouldn't be me.
I think my sociability could use a tweak too. While I am quite introverted, I'm not antisocial (at least not much). I can usually be as involved, loud, or obnoxious as the next guy. Talking to people isn't the problem. It's how I talk to people. I can get pretty acidic with others. Laden with sarcasm, minor insults, just my general tone of voice. I'm rarely serious, it's just the way I express myself. So there have been times where I'll be thinking everything is fine and dandy, but it eventually turns out the guy I'm talking to wants to kill me. I also have a tendency to cross the line with some of my actions and words, instantly provoking hostility.

Hence why most of my friends have said they had to build up some tolerance for me at the start and accept that I'm just harmlessly talking crap for the most part.

Ditto. But, tbh.. that's actually one of my favorite characteristics about myself. I'm able to deflect bullets with my acidic retorts, or watch even the toughest jackass crumble when confronted with the truth wrapped up in a super awesome verbal assault.

So, I guess maybe I'd love to keep that characteristic, but perhaps have a tad bit more compassion towards others. I have very little for most of humanity, so... that'd be a good place to go, I guess.

Oh, and women don't have it easier to the OP of that stupid comment. Yes, I'm a woman. Shut up. You'll get no pictures.. *see, I'm already learning compassion... I care about your retinas and the damage looking at me would cause.*
I wish I were less self-conscious. I'm not sure what the opposite trait of that would be, but I need more of it. In my current state, it keeps me from taking some risks that I should be taking.
I'd have to say motivation. Back at school, as I got older the harder I found it to bring myself to care. I've lost count of the amount of times I'd be up at some stupid hour the day before something was due. Then when I got to around 14 or 15, it was just a complete doss from then onwards. :laugh: A sense of urgency didn't really kick in until I was basically walking into the classroom on the date of something due. Then sixth form was even worse. Then basically no-one gave a shit. It was great really, two years of laughter. Going to the pub on a particularly empty day in between lessons. Looking back I could probably be in a much better position than I am in now if I just pulled my finger out.

All water under the bridge though really.

Pretty hard thing to learn I think. Need to spend less time thinking, and more time doing.
I'd have to say motivation. Back at school, as I got older the harder I found it to bring myself to care. I've lost count of the amount of times I'd be up at some stupid hour the day before something was due. Then when I got to around 14 or 15, it was just a complete doss from then onwards. :laugh: A sense of urgency didn't really kick in until I was basically walking into the classroom on the date of something due. Then sixth form was even worse. Then basically no-one gave a shit. It was great really, two years of laughter. Going to the pub on a particularly empty day in between lessons. Looking back I could probably be in a much better position than I am in now if I just pulled my finger out.

All water under the bridge though really.

Pretty hard thing to learn I think. Need to spend less time thinking, and more time doing.

Yeah, this. I'm sitting here right now doing my Psychology coursework, when I've had a week to do it already. I've only just started and I have a day to hand in the initial draft.
Yeah, this. I'm sitting here right now doing my Psychology coursework, when I've had a week to do it already. I've only just started and I have a day to hand in the initial draft.

Took me months to do one philosophy essay a couple of years back. Glad I dropped it, I got really high marks in the modules I hadn't done essays for, and a U in the one I'd done the essay for. How on earth does that make sense??
Hahah darkside. Im in almost exactly the same boat. I have a bunch of sketches that I need to do, and I just dont want to. The difference is, I HAVE to do them. I need to have most of them done by Wednesday, but even when I am in class for 8 hours I have no drive to do anything. I think last night I got 3 sketches done in four hours. I also have to do a maquette, which I started on the armature, but its just been like that for 3 days now.

So yeah, some drive would be nice.

Also, if I could just be one of those guys who can pick up and learn things really quickly, I think that would help. I think the main reason I have no drive for this is that im not that good at it, and I feel that putting effort into something that will suck anyways is a waste of time.

I guess thats circular though, since I suck because I have no drive to practice drawing.

^ I've always found that with art, it's great fun when you're doing it for fun. I can spend hours without realising on silly doodles and sketches. As soon as that artwork becomes homework then bye-bye motivation. It just becomes another chore to me, like writing an essay or something. Which probably isn't the best frame of mind when you want to do something art-related for a living. :p
I wish I could be more social and sustain a conversation for more than a minute.

I think it's all in the practice because I definitely was more social 4 years ago and am barely beginning to open up again.

But it sucks when a girl talks to you and then all I hear is the crickets chirping.
I wish I got pissed off less.. I find the slightest thing that annoys me, or doesn't go my way, I just get pissed (not just in a pissy mood, I mean like "oh you stepped on my shoe" *punch in face* ) It's quite the bullshit annoyance..

EDIT: Why do so many have trouble talking to girls? Just say random shit until a conversation starts..
I wish I had drive. I never have any drive to do anything. Work, everyday tasks, even hobbies that require extended effort or time like drawing or gaming I tend to shrug off.

That's mine too. ;(
Wish i could keep a conversation going, i always just run out of stuff to say after a few mins then its like '....ok this is awkward' and either I or they end up walking off...grrr
Ditto. But, tbh.. that's actually one of my favorite characteristics about myself. I'm able to deflect bullets with my acidic retorts, or watch even the toughest jackass crumble when confronted with the truth wrapped up in a super awesome verbal assault.

So, I guess maybe I'd love to keep that characteristic, but perhaps have a tad bit more compassion towards others. I have very little for most of humanity, so... that'd be a good place to go, I guess.

Oh, don't get me wrong. I love my ability disgust, repel, and frustrate people. I'd just like to channel it better so I don't come off as a complete jerk to new people. :)
I wish I had drive. I blame my 360's dust-gathering status on my lack of drive. It's all the way in the basement, and it's kinda cold down there. Plus, you know, school.

I wish I had a better voice. Not specifically for singing, I just hate the way my voice sounds.

I wish I could be more outgoing. Especially with girls. I haven't so much as talked to a girl who was interested in anything other than friendship, and those girls I did talk to are already my friends.
I only want to be famous! I only want to see my name in lights!
I'd have to say motivation. Back at school, as I got older the harder I found it to bring myself to care. I've lost count of the amount of times I'd be up at some stupid hour the day before something was due. Then when I got to around 14 or 15, it was just a complete doss from then onwards. :laugh: A sense of urgency didn't really kick in until I was basically walking into the classroom on the date of something due. Then sixth form was even worse. Then basically no-one gave a shit. It was great really, two years of laughter. Going to the pub on a particularly empty day in between lessons. Looking back I could probably be in a much better position than I am in now if I just pulled my finger out.

All water under the bridge though really.

Pretty hard thing to learn I think. Need to spend less time thinking, and more time doing.

This pretty much sums it up for me. On top of that I'm easily distracted - I should be doing some work right now, but something on the internets caught my attention while I was doing it and so its sitting there. Doing nothing. When it should be done.
I wish I was a bit better with money.

I never leave myself short of cash but I never really have anything to show for what I spend, it usually ends up going over the till in the pub.
Probably I wish I was less of a worrier. Things tend to work out in the end.
And maybe a bit more on top of things. I get all my stuff done and done very well, but I tend to wait a bit.
Not being anti-social (i go out once a month with friends, and thats if they're lucky)
Not being lazy

Can't be bothered to think of any others at the moment.
I could definitely use more drive. I often can't be assed to do jack and it always bites me in the ass later. Even with really important stuff, I always wait until the last minute or just don't do it period.

I think my sociability could use a tweak too. While I am quite introverted, I'm not antisocial (at least not much). I can usually be as involved, loud, or obnoxious as the next guy. Talking to people isn't the problem. It's how I talk to people. I can get pretty acidic with others. Laden with sarcasm, minor insults, just my general tone of voice. I'm rarely serious, it's just the way I express myself. So there have been times where I'll be thinking everything is fine and dandy, but it eventually turns out the guy I'm talking to wants to kill me. I also have a tendency to cross the line with some of my actions and words, instantly provoking hostility.

Hence why most of my friends have said they had to build up some tolerance for me at the start and accept that I'm just harmlessly talking crap for the most part.

I'm exactly the same way. My friends have a running motif when I talk: "Was that sarcasm?" because apparently it's impossible to tell in day-to-day conversation.

I'll go along with the drive want. I have stuff to do, but I have no drive to do anything whatsoever.
I'm not so much anti-social, but situations where a lot of people are crowded tightly, with loud music and no talking about interesting things just don't interest me in the slightest. I think it's the lack of alcohol. If they ever went somewhere like a quiet pub I'd be perfectly fine (and most of my funnest times in uni being social are in our flat kitchen talking to people).
I could, in theory, let go and just dance since everyone else won't remember. But I'm just not that kind of person.

Motivation is a key factor, especially for pretty much any writer. I'd like more of it, as at the moment I tend to rely on pure genius seeping through at the right time so I can capture it. Most writers force themselves to write a couple of hours a day. I just can't see that having a positive effect on my writing, as if I'm not in a creative mood, it will show on paper.

When I get going though it sorts itself out most of the time.
We're all against you, Phobie.

I wish I wasn't so god damn perfect.