Personality traits you wish you had

The ability to articulate my thoughts rapidly.

I'd like to be really entrepreneurial.
^ I've always found that with art, it's great fun when you're doing it for fun. I can spend hours without realising on silly doodles and sketches. As soon as that artwork becomes homework then bye-bye motivation. It just becomes another chore to me, like writing an essay or something. Which probably isn't the best frame of mind when you want to do something art-related for a living. :p

Yeah thats how it is with me. When I was just starting school I was like "whooo! im gunna make sweet art all the ****ing time! Whooo!" and two years later, im like "god damnit, I have to draw... Im just gunna play some video games."

Another thing: I wish I didnt mess up my words so much. It happens quite a bit normally, but it happens a lot when I start getting tired. Like if I tried to say that sentence aloud, it would probably come out like so:

"I wish I didnt mesh up... I mean MESS up my words so much. It happens quite a bit normally, but happens a lot when I start getting terd, I mean TIRED."

It makes me sound retarded and gets me nervous when speaking to a group. I HATE HATE HATE it.
Outside of maybe some more motivation, nothing really. <3 my personality.
I wish I were less cynical and pessimistic, mostly. That and I have really bad mood swings, and I hate it. A bunch of my friends have told me that they think I'm bipolar and would like me to go in to see a doctor. I really doubt anything that severe (although a good few people from my father's side of the family are diagnosed bipolar), but it's still really, really annoying.

And I can agree on the lack of drive. It gets in the way a lot.
Another thing: I wish I didnt mess up my words so much. It happens quite a bit normally, but it happens a lot when I start getting tired. Like if I tried to say that sentence aloud, it would probably come out like so:

Same thing, but only with my typing, and everyone that I've talked to on MSN for lengths can attest. I'll frequently switch entire words around, or flip the first letters of two words. Dyslexia I love.
Embrace it you must, like Yoda you must speak.

I'd go with being more assertive (braver is social settings). Unfortunately the opposite was ingrained into me at a young age, so it's hasn't been easy. I've made TONS of progress the last few years though. I've made enough progress that it's not a problem & I'm better than an average person, however I'm not exactly to the level I need to be. Other than that I'm happy with every one of my personality traits, more than happy. :)
More motivation; a drive, and being less of a hyprocrit.
People say I'm not really hyprocrit, but I really honestly think I'm a big one.
Personality traits I wish I had... I don't know, I'm pretty much at ease with the way my personality is shaped, apart of course from the fact that I'm not good at initiating contact(as in friendship) with new people. In other words, I'm not fond my "shyness".
I wish I was one of those people who really, truly, honestly cared about what others have to say. They do exist! My girlfriend is best friends with one of them and everybody loves her because all she does is let other people tell her about themselves, and since people love to talk about themselves, and because she loves to hear what others have to say, everybody loves her.
- I wish I wasn't terrible with women. (Might just be becuase I'm ugly.)

- Being able to say I'll do something and actually do it. An example would be work for my english class, I have a few essays I need to just finish, literally only 2 paragraphs, not more than 10 minutes of work yet I keep blowing it off. I'll sit down at mah pee-see, open Word, look at it, minimize it and open up Maya/Firefox/Photoshop and just do something else.

Also - I completely agree with the art thing, I wait to do my 2D Design work until the day before class, I just don't care - but when it comes to sketching for my reference images when I model in Maya, I can spend hours doodling away in my sketch book.
- I wish I wasn't terrible with women. (Might just be becuase I'm ugly.)

I don't get it, you're better looking than most people I've seen here, and most people I know.

But it's not so much about what you look like than the presence you command, being certain and strong about your decisions and the way you present yourself to everyone.

It's all about attitude.
Completely agree with Pesh. I've seen dudes who are much uglier than me "get chicks" because of their attitude.
EDIT: However, their 'attitude' is exactly the opposite of how I would ever want to be portrayed (e.g. misogynistic, asshole-ish, etc.), so I don't mind either way.
I wish I had the ability to feel no guilt whatsoever and to never feel remorse or dwell on past experiences.

And to be more a more motivated individual I guess.
I really wish I could sort out my patience. For example, I can sit for hours doing something stupid like playing with paperclips or the punched holes out of the holepunch, but when it comes to something important I get so impatient. If I can't do it within 5 mins, I screw it up. Or close it.
Meh, half the time I'm jealous of nearly everyone. But I guess that's mostly for matters above and beyond just personality, so...

Contentment would be nice. :P

And motivation, even just a little. Seems to be a pretty common problem around here...
I wish I was stupid, because it gets tiresome having all your friends come to you when they need help with stuff that requires simple basic logic to do, like building a computer.>:o
Everyone assumes I'm stupid. It's great! :D
Well, sometimes it's great, sometimes it's not. It's great, because you can surprise them with random comments filled with infinite wisdom
No. Should I have?

Asked to once, but TDE refused to do it :p
**** I never noticed you until recently. Goddammit.
Okay post all the avatars you had.
I haven't been around for over a year. Parental issues etc. Finally moved out etc. Still don't have internet, but I'm on at work until I do.

And I can't send them as I don't have them. The one I did have on when I came back was a white P on a blue background with little pixels coming off the corner.
It was upside-down due to the upside-down avatar week before I left :p.

Used to hang around in the Art Section of the forum.

Edit: Reading -

Found -

Edit: Edit: Miss Tr0n. And all that lot :(

Edit: Edit: Edit: That's why SD's avatar is spinning.