

May 12, 2004
Reaction score
Would you rather have a third-person perspective or a first-person perspective while playing a mod? :thumbs:
first-person perspective. I think it makes you feel like being the person in the game
Yeah, you could implement a quick switch button without too much trouble.
thats true but most of the gamplay need your player to be in third-person ill think about it:)
Hmm...Vampires eh? Is it an RPG? RPG + Third-Person = Good.
I've always preferred first person, because I find it so much easier to control. And Morrowind was one of my favourite RPGs, and that was first person.

-Angry Lawyer
I think you should do fourth person and surprise everybody

failing that, first person.
Hazar Dakiri said:
Yeah, you could implement a quick switch button without too much trouble.

Wich if he keeps first person he is still going to have to do third person animations. :hmph:
Morrowind ROCKS!

First person adds so much depth to any game, on it's own. Good choice is First person.
well its a rpg>thirperson>shooter i want to do it third person because heres a post i made at my forums:

Q:What kind of elements would you like to emphasize a Vampire ?
Hands? Faces? Shadows? Colors? Claws?

A:The player models will focus ont the body build of your character. In the beginning of the game you look like a normal human but as it goes along you start changing form into more of a vampire like creature.And to show this ive decided to make the game third-person.
1st person is more suitable for games that don't have large outdoor levels.
thats true i never thought about it that way good point.but the hole premise of the mod is that its more like a max-payn2 catagory.but im using the source engine because it has more possibilties when making a mod.i might change it so we can use the max-payne2 sdk but not likely.
I'd say third. There are wayyy too many first-person mods. As long as you get the walking/running animations matching up to the ground well (so you don't look like you're skating) it should look great.

I'm dying on someone making an Ico mod or something.
RPGs for me must be either 3rd person or at least have a switch button.

And you'll have tough competition anyway (Vampires : The Masquerade)