Pet Peeves Vol. 2

I don't think anyone has to make the things you say unfunny.

People that say something ****ed up to you and then later they tell you they were just joking.

Cars with windshield wipers on the headlights.

Cars with no cup holders.

People who have a long list of pet peeves.
1. People who hate a religion/ethnicity for irrational reasons (in short, bigots).

2. Stupid T shirts with brand names or random shit written on them

3. Stupid, shallow people who wear stupid T shirts.
1. People who hate a religion/ethnicity for irrational reasons (in short, bigots).

2. Stupid T shirts with brand names or random shit written on them

3. Stupid, shallow people who wear stupid T shirts.
This basically.
Even your own?
I'm weak agnostic, its not really a religion so much a philosophy.
Family's religion is Hinduism and while I'm inclined to say no, the roots of it are probably no different (made up by fanatics) than others.