Peter Jackson presents District 9


Space Core
Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
When I first started watching this trailer I thought it was a sequel to district 13, then I saw the delivery of this film and I thought it was a docudrama.

Then I found out it was a sci-fi and that Peter Hackson was behind it. Man I have a headache. It should be interesting :thumbs:

The website is even wierder. But I guess its a change from the other mainstream Sci-fi's
1) Yay Cliff Martinez music in trailer.

2) Change from mainstream? Lessee.

Giant mothership? check

Totally expected military involvement? check

Stereotypical interrogation scene? check

Humanoid/carapace alien that uses voice to communicate, and probably breathes? check

3) Way to show the bloody alien in the trailer. Where's the surprise now? :|
I must say I quite like the general concept (reminds me of a backwards version of Card's Lusitania), but I agree with most of what Viper is saying.
fairly interesting...will keep an eye on it.

edit: done some research...yes really seems a promising movie . actually, the fact that it's not a Michael Bay movie instantly makes it a top pick.
Looks stupid.
I lol'd at the alien's pixelated face.
actually, the fact that it's not a Michael Bay movie instantly makes it a top pick.

You have the lowest and stupidest standards of anyone I've ever met.
Irony meter.... overloading!!! EVACUATE THE BUILDING IT'S GONNA BLOW!!
Space Apartheid.

Lols black people oppressing a bunch of aliens, hilarity ensues.
and you have the smallest brain capacity for noticing sarcasm of everyone i ever met. :upstare:

Was there some reference or something to indicate sarcasm that I'm completely missing? I have absolutely no idea why I would just assume that you were being sarcastic.
Was there some reference or something to indicate sarcasm that I'm completely missing? I have absolutely no idea why I would just assume that you were being sarcastic.

1. if you knew me just a little bit you'd know
2. even if you don't you could still guess, since michael bay is notorious for making shallow movies. although he had some The Island, which was respectable only till half. then in went downhill fast.
and even more obviously "...instantly makes it a top pick" is way over exaggerated. who in their right mind would have such illogical black and white standards?

Yes, but Micheal Bay's reputation makes it more likely you're serious, not less. And yes, I thought you did have those illogical black and white standards. I've heard stupider things.

Also, watch The Rock. It's much better than The Island.
Yes, but Micheal Bay's reputation makes it more likely you're serious, not less. And yes, I thought you did have those illogical black and white standards. I've heard stupider things.

Also, watch The Rock. It's much better than The Island.

well now you know.

i did watch the rock...good action flick, but nothing specially engaging about it.
For those unfamiliar with Blokamps work:

The short film upon which this movie is based:

One of his other excellent short films:

My point being, this is not a monster movie or a normal science fiction action film with an odd trailer. Complaining about seeing the alien in the trailer is definitely missing the point of what Blokamp tries to do, which is use science fiction for commentary on the real world.
well now you know.

i did watch the rock...good action flick, but nothing specially engaging about it.

Yes, which is my point. From what I recall The Island was pretty bad generally.
Seriously looking forward to this. Read about it in Empire or Total Film a while back, also quite enjoyed Blomkamp's other short films. Looks very interesting if you ask me.

EDIT: Blom, even.
My point being, this is not a monster movie or a normal science fiction action film with an odd trailer. Complaining about seeing the alien in the trailer is definitely missing the point of what Blokamp tries to do, which is use science fiction for commentary on the real world.
Call me old fashioned, but the trailer should be able to give me the general sense the movie is going in and what it's about. This one did not. It played a two-part game of 'whoaaa what's inside the fence!!?1?!1' and then the big 'lol aliens' reveal.

If the point of the trailer was to trick the audience into immediately thinking it was about apartheid (or refugees or whatnot) then the editor failed and needs to relearn how to compile clips: the first half of it is completely built on tension. We know by the first 3 interviews that this isn't an ordinary situation: the constant references to 'they' with absolutely no other visual or verbal information leads us to immediately think something's amiss, that these are not ordinary refugees. No documentary trailer is ever going to spend its first minute making you wonder 'who' the subject is. So that's right out.

Then it goes on to show lots and lots and lots of military involvement. Sure, alright. Fine. Then the 'why don't you just leave' part. What's that supposed to imply? They're hostile? They're lost? Humans need the military for protection and want them gone? More tension! Brilliant! Except I still have no idea what this movie's about, so I'm reverting to the military vs. aliens default. I shouldn't have to do research to learn how 'deep' and 'non-mainstream' a movie's going to be. A trailer's purpose is to get me interested in the movie, which this didn't. I'm sorry, but a mockumentary does not by default equate to greatness, and should not be the only factor to this movie's purported quality. (note: I don't think really any trailers are really done right these days, so it's not like this movie has done anything wrong on that front.)

Looks interesting, I'm a sucker for any big-budget sci-fi film so this looks right up my alley... and Sheepo not a whole lot reminiscent of the Piggies from Lusitania in that trailer, I see what you're saying with the two species one of which is not welcome thing but still...
Blokamp is awesome and this is going to be awesome.

Also the trailer is fine seriously. I think the whole "OH SHIT ALIEN SHIP" reveal works pretty well in the trailer, although I think it would've been a better trailer if you left it at that and didn't include the interrogation scene but whatever.
Yes, which is my point. From what I recall The Island was pretty bad generally.

i think the first half was really entertaining in a deeper sense. but what went on later destroyed the whole movie.
my friend gets free movie tickets so I'll be seeing this I hope for free
So what exactly is Peter Jackson's role in this film's production?
Probably just a name to slap on it to get it noticed.
I think he's the producer and Neill the director

And that's the first problem. When people hear the name Peter Jackson, they are going to assume that he's directing this movie...
When in reality he's just providing funding for the project.

Who gives a shit who the producer is. The only things that matter are who's directing, who wrote the story, and the cast...
And that's the first problem. When people hear the name Peter Jackson, they are going to assume that he's directing this movie...
When in reality he's just providing funding for the project.

Who gives a shit who the producer is. The only things that matter are who's directing, who wrote the story, and the cast...

Yeah, the millisecond between where Jacksons name comes up as producer and Blomkamps as director is a really confusing limbo, right? :upstare:

You say ''who gives a shit about who the producer is'' as if fireworks are going off in the background when his name pops up. Hell, he isn't even on the IMDB page and as far as I can tell there isn't really any special emphasis. The only attention it's going to garner is simply due to the fact people know of Jackson more than they do Blomkamp, but thats to be expected. I'm not totally sure where you are basing all of this pointless negativity from.
I think his name holds enough credit for a wider audience to view the movie
Actually, producers have a lot to do with the movie, in that they decide which movies get made. Good producers fund good movies. Just look at Mike Medavoy.

They're also the scumsucking pukes who make Hollywood what it is. Double-sided coin and whatnot.
When people see this trailer in theaters they will say "Ooo, Peter Jackson, isn't he the one who directed Brain Dead?"
Yeah, the millisecond between where Jacksons name comes up as producer and Blomkamps as director is a really confusing limbo, right? :upstare:.

Sigh... I mean people that haven't seen a trailer yet, or done some info searching.

You say ''who gives a shit about who the producer is'' as if fireworks are going off in the background when his name pops up. Hell, he isn't even on the IMDB page and as far as I can tell there isn't really any special emphasis. The only attention it's going to garner is simply due to the fact people know of Jackson more than they do Blomkamp, but thats to be expected. I'm not totally sure where you are basing all of this pointless negativity from.

And they are taking advantage of the fame of Peter Jackson, even though he has absolutely nothing to do with the project whatsoever, except providing money.
My negativity stems from other examples I've seen where there's a trailer to some new movie and they go like, "from producer so and so another ****ing blockbuster" etc. etc. Example Cloverfield. J.J. Abrams' name isn't even mentioned on IMDB so why the heck is his name mentioned in commercials, interviews etc.

Good producers fund good movies

Good producers fund money factories.
Would would aliens travel thousands of light years just to allow themselves to be slave workers?
Sigh... I mean people that haven't seen a trailer yet, or done some info searching.

And they are taking advantage of the fame of Peter Jackson, even though he has absolutely nothing to do with the project whatsoever, except providing money.
My negativity stems from other examples I've seen where there's a trailer to some new movie and they go like, "from producer so and so another ****ing blockbuster" etc. etc. Example Cloverfield. J.J. Abrams' name isn't even mentioned on IMDB so why the heck is his name mentioned in commercials, interviews etc.

Good producers fund money factories.

Erm, where are the flashing lights broadcasting Jacksons involvement before this trailer hit the internet? I read an article about District 9 in Empire/TF that mentioned his name at the end, and then I saw this trailer which has his name next to Blomkamps. Where are you seeing all the JACKSON JACKSON JACKSON media?

Don't say he has nothing to do with this movie without even knowing anything more than a trailer. Blomkamp has worked with Jackson before as they were close during the time the Halo movie was in production and as such, WETA workshop, which Jackson is a part of, created many of the props and models for the short live action Halo film. I wouldn't be surprised if WETA was going to be working alongside Blomkamp and Jackson for this, too.

EDIT: Yep, WETA are down as working special effects in District 9.

In the end, whether the producer effects the movie or why his name is the credits is a really nittpicky thing to pick up on. It doesn't change anything, and if god forbid you are right, and Jacksons name does grab a few more peoples attention then so what. It's a movie.