Peter Jackson to produce Halo movie! Hell yeah!

i hope to god the film sucks, then i can laugh at all the halo fanboys while they bitch and moan
<RJMC> said:
gordon freeman hav a armor too

also brain can be good in batle,cuz yes you hav all that weapons and stuff but you dont know how to use it correctly

so dont start whit the inmature thing of "masterchief hav armor nd guns and explosives and gordon freeman is a nerd lolololololol!!!!111"

Yes, it did occur to me the after I wrote it that Freeman has the HEV suit thing. And yes, brains is good in battle. But again, the brains of Freeman with his teleportation knowledge and whatever else he does in Black Mesa or Master Cheif and his years of military and arms training in the book 'The Fall of Reach'? Again, its more likely for MC to be a 'one-man army' than it is Freeman.
I'll have to agree that MC is a far more realistic asskicker than Gordon Freeman (although we don't know what's going on behind the curtains in the HL universe).

But you people are forgetting that this has never been about realism. "Master Chief is more realistic!", "Gordon Freeman is more unique!", who cares? These characters alone do not make a game. How they fit into the rest of their respective stories is what matters.
RoboCop owns them all, he is more realistic than them all and looks cool with his "thumping" footprints and leg holster.
operative x said:
/me crushes riomhaire's face
Your punny smoker hands cannot crush my superior Vortigaunt face!
Everyone knows Vortigaunt's are of an inferrior race! Look at Gordon, he's human and he killed like thousands of them in HL1.
operative x said:
Everyone knows Vortigaunt's are of an inferrior race! Look at Gordon, he's human and he killed like thousands of them in HL1.
Gordon was a non-standard specimine. And everyone knows that Xen creatures have a weakness for hooked weapons and orange(it damages our retnas)
Oh wow, Petey's going to be handling the special effects?
Whoop dee doo.

Doesn't mean the movie'll be good.
xlucidx said:
Doesn't mean the movie'll be good.

When has anybody ever said that.

I honestly think you people intentionally ignore or misread things just to be irrational pessimists.
Absinthe said:
When has anybody ever said that.

I honestly think you people intentionally ignore or misread things just to be irrational pessimists.

Nope, I'm just an asshole who doesn't feel like reading all of the posts.
And it's my personal opinion.
xlucidx said:
Nope, I'm just an asshole who doesn't feel like reading all of the posts.
And it's my personal opinion.
Here's the gist of the thread:

"Awesome, Jackson is producing!"
"So? It's Halo, it can't possibly turn out good."
"Yeah, Halo sucks! Therefore this movie must, too!"
"Halo's story is awesome!"
"Halo's story is stupid!"
"HL2's story is about the same quality."
"Freeman could kick MC's ass, any day."
"You bashers are all idiots."
"........ The movie's still going to suck."
Oh in that case, I thoroughly enjoyed Halo.
Loved the story, gameplay, characters, vehicles, etc.

But I can't see it being a good movie, same with the Half-Life series.
xlucidx said:
But I can't see it being a good movie, same with the Half-Life series.
The problem with that comparison is, Halo's storytelling is much more "third-person" than Half-Life's. Halo can be told through multiple perspectives while keeping the same tone and feel (as in the Halo paperback trilogy), while Half-Life's story can be effectively told only through the original perspective, first-person, which is nigh-impossible to do through cinema.

Basically, since the MC actually said things, and you were removed from first-person on a regular basis, you had a clear idea that you were controlling a character, essentially playing through a pre-scripted sequence of events. But Gordon never said a word, and while playing, you were never removed from first-person. In effect, you were Gordon, and attempting to transfer that from an interactive medium to a non-interactive medium would most likely end in a cinematic trainwreck.
Halo is just a generic tough guy save the day game which cant really lead to much of a movie, although hl2 is not much different in that respect its extreamly cinematic and has a massive amount of question around its story/world which would make for a good movie.

personaly i dont really see the point in making games into movies. unless your someone who likes looking at pretty stuff..which is what halo is and will be (tombraider). or if it has a really good story/world such as hl2, and it wouldnt have to be viewd the same as the game..the idea is its cinema so aslong as it keeps the look and feel it would make a good conversion with freeman being lead. ;)

hl2 pwns halo

and peter jackson looks stupid since hes lost all that weight and had his eyes lazerd

I don't understand the big beef with Halo 2's storytelling people have. I didn't find the gameplay to be all that amazing, but I'll be damned if I didn't have fun and wasn't intrigued by the game's context and setting.

If I go to see a Halo movie, I'll be seeing it for the kickass epic battles between the Covenant and humanity, and I think Peter Jackson's ability to create such battles has been more than established.

Wow Peter Jackson will make this movie worth paying for to watch. Also WETA doing the effects? Dang this is definately going to be a movie worth my money. I won't say whether or not it will be any good in the end but it definately will be worth a shot to see since it has good potential now.
Everybody does realize Jackson is PRODUCING and not DIRECTING, right? Sure he will have his input, but the director is going to be the main guy on set. Supposedly Guillermo del Toro is directing, which could be interesting.
Icarusintel said:
Everybody does realize Jackson is PRODUCING and not DIRECTING, right? Sure he will have his input, but the director is going to be the main guy on set. Supposedly Guillermo del Toro is directing, which could be interesting.

It really depends on movie. But I can only see Peter Jackson's involvement as a good thing.
Is Peter Jackson the man who wrote the lion, the witch and gandalf?
Hehe....try to jumpstart the thread, or get buried in insults? :D
DeusExMachinia said:
The producer usually gives ideas and influences the movie. Exec. Producers just give money.

Actually a producer does quite a bit more than that.
I really couldn't care for crap how well it matches the game.

But the books... oh man. Were those good.
DeusExMachinia said:

Does he write the script too?

The producer hires everyone who works on the movie. They essentially decide how the movie will look and feel because they can decide which cinematographer/costume designer/vsfx company etc. will be involved in the production.