petition against hl2 delay

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Originally posted by DefaultUserName
This guy is gonna send all these stupid names to Gabe? Sounds exactly like spam to me. People like this should be publically whipped...

Go to hell, asshole.
spam is bad, but posts like those are worse

what if I forced you to use this toilet?
Using a toilet like that would force an apology out of me. Otherwise, I stand by my flames of glory.
Enough stupid bump spam. OK, I'm Gabe. I've lost say $10M in income including Viven's dropping share price and how overbuget I am, I'm not getting too much sleep and the phone rings non stop at the office .

I get one of one thousand emails a day with 45 people saying "release the game please I want it for Xmas"

Hmmm yeah I might just do that for you under 12's since you spent 3$ on a domain name.


I get one of one thousand emails a day with 45 people saying "release the game please I wan't it for Xmas"

well, I'll tell you, there's a flaw in the petition; if the game was ready, even just the single-player, then Valve might consider it, but obviously it's not.. there are many factors pointing to this

starting up a petition is like trying to push a car to go faster by running after it while it's already going 25mph; not much use, is it?
This petition is more like screaming at a doctor while he is performing open-heart surgery. The doctor isn't going to rush it just because people are bitching at him, he's gonna take his time and do it right.
It's like pushing a $2,500,000k prototype car into production that's over budget and not finished.

a few 12 yr olds aren't going to speed up the production.
You didnt really think this over did you?

A petetion wont get it done faster, do you want a buggy game?
Let them finish, and dont bring a petition into it.

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