Petition for larger avatar sizes!

Would you like to see bigger avatars?

  • Yes, they're too small.

    Votes: 40 40.8%
  • No, they're fine.

    Votes: 58 59.2%

  • Total voters


Jul 11, 2003
Reaction score
Please make the mazimum size for avatars bigger! I don't know if this is possible, but I think it would be really cool. Like maybe 100x100. I mean, we can save huge attachment files so its not like you guys are hurting for disk space.

I like 50x50, it's less crowded without huge avatars blinking everywhere..
i dont like the boards crowed with stuf other than the posts. That is why I enjoy the no picture in sig rules and the 4 line rule with sigs. 50x50 is the perfect size in my opinion.
But alot of the time, I can't even tell what the pictures are! Guess I'm all alone on this one.
Completely fine the way they are now. I frequent boards where the avatars are large and it completely messes up the look and the layout of the board.
If we did have them bigger, I imagine we'd also prevent people using animated ones, I've seen those on other sites, very annoying and almost all of them are illegally ripped from movies or TV shows etc.
No small avatars are stylish, big ones make the boards look like some crappy Geocities site n00b forum.
Besides, avatars are there so people can recognize you more quickly, not to show full size movies in them.
Fenric said:
almost all of them are illegally ripped from movies or TV shows etc.

You mean like yours? :angel:
..and mine? :angel:
..and Pendragon's? :angel:

I could go on.. but uhm, yep.
/me walks out of the thread

And for the record, I'm fine with 50x50. I'd like to have them bigger too, but it's not a big deal if they remain 50x50 at max.
50x50 is pretty much the norm, so why bother changing it? It's a good compromise between filesize and obscurity.
I've been to many forums, and most of them have bigger avatars... but I always find that very annoying. I would like a change to something like 60x60, but thats so minute that it doens't matter. 50x50 is fine by me (although making it longer horizontally might be cool)

I am so very contradicting.
i wouldn't mind a larger avatar.. (yeah its hard to find a good avatar that fits and looks good when resized) but it ain't the end of the world at 50x50 i guess..
The avatars are fine at their current size. Just change the resolution on your desktop to make 'em bigger. ;)

Now if there was only a way to increase the pixel limitations...
snak3y3z1001 said:
[off topic] why cant we have pic sigs?
People on slow connections, bandwidth etc.
ComradeBadger said:
Plus they always look like arse.

* ComradeBadger pokes Chris_D

It's 2:30AM ;(

/me laughs with an evil tone

Oh god no pictures in signatures. I hate browsing through forums reading one line of text then seeing a thousand times the same lame picture. I'm sure many people feel the same way.
Personally I'm never going to be in favour of pic signatures and oversized avatars, the y juts look hideous in the end and are a rather pointless waste in server resources oO
You can make a size limit for pic sigs? and edit a memeber's sig who doesn't follow the rules?
ANd to second (third? fifth?) the motion regarding sig's. Please NO picture sigs... waste of space..
Pic sigs + larger avatars = bad idea.

Basically you're petitioning for a more cluttered, slower loading page. I come here to read news and engage in discussion, not to see somebody's totally awesome sportscar / Dragonball Z / assault rifle / bloody knife signature. No thanks.
Just be happy with the ones you've got. 50x50 look fine, no image sigs is fine.
Damn kids, never happy with what they've got. ;D
as for pixel size, they are fine. as for file size, i'd like to see em a bit bigger :)
small is beautiful, simple is beautiful

keeping 50x50 prevents people from using them as anoying banners, penis extensions and over the top identifiers.
Maybe slightly larger but I like how the size is now. Keeps everything uncluttered and really slick looking :D
DarkStar said:
But alot of the time, I can't even tell what the pictures are! Guess I'm all alone on this one.
You need glasses or a bigger monitor...Or the pic isn't meant to be anything :hmph: :burp:
Now plz make it so I can 400x400 avatar kthxbyesm
as someone who makes lots of avatars, i voted that theyre too small, because they are. but i dont really care either way, i can still make good avatars on 50X50. if anything i'd say increase the size of file allowed (20k is tiny) , so we can have longer GIFS as avatars.
Suicide42 said:
as someone who makes lots of avatars, i voted that theyre too small, because they are. but i dont really care either way, i can still make good avatars on 50X50. if anything i'd say increase the size of file allowed (20k is tiny) , so we can have longer GIFS as avatars.

Your new avatar is the ultimate in ass-kissing :p
I'd like.

I'd like if the whole forums and site got a new fresh look. It's good as it is but it could get better. I find all these gray shades too.. too gray. Too much sorrow. It feels like the inside of a 14'year old little goth girl.

Yeah, so HL2 got delayed. But that is like a year ago. Now, get over it! =D

But, as I said. It is still good the way it is. And i understand if redesigning the whole page would require quite a lot of work. 8]

Traesko, flying turd of the year, signing off.