Phantasy Star Online -BLUE BLAST


Feb 3, 2005
Reaction score
SEGA's Phantasy Star Online (PSO)

Its futuristic, and sleek.

The game that I played every hour of every day for like 2 years on the dreamcast, met a woman and had my first experience with long disance relation ships and online relationships. Met a woman, that I may marry one day.

It was phantastic.... -untill I got kicked out of my mama's house

Now sega is releasing PSO for the PC!.

Phantasy Star Online - Blue Blast.


Its unlike any other MMORPG, but still very similar concept of finding rare weapons/armor/very cute and collectable pet kits that evolve by leveling them up and they improve your stats..

The problem is.. The graphics started almost this good on the Dreamcast system and spoiled it!

They released it for Game Cube and Xbox (voice chat!!!!w000000000000000000000)
... But the graphics never improved AS much as Everquests did, I think SEGA couldn't afford to completely shock the world.

Its a phenomanal game playing experience. Quite a few children play it but there are alot of adults so everyone should find alot of friends.

The game plays a mean game. You meet in Lobbies where you show off your sleek ass costume, and Artwork (think 10 avatars with some other preset graphic and if you are good you can get the pictures to animate)

then you can chat and do emotions and make a group of up to 4 people go down to the alien planet and fight mobs in real time.

It plays better than any other RPG- the targeting is automatic when an enemy is onscreen. If you do your chain sword attack combo up to 3 times it will do more, and harder damage. The button presses have to be in a rythm to the animation. You don't always want to start off with the 3 piece combo becuase they may take more than 3 hits to knock down or kill, and then you will be waiting for a hard ass counter.

YOU actually avoid mobs who are generally slower but more powerfull. There is also a block and evade stat for characters but you controll the fighting- its not like WoW where you and the mob trade hits.

In PSO you can flawlessly cut someone the **** up with lightsabers and ancient Japanese Samurai blades and shit.

Lots of awesome guns -Modern, and futuristic.
(machineguns - Rocket launchers, etc.) are everywhere to be found.

The game is truly awesome, but I don't know if I can play 2 or 3 MMORPG's. Right now I'm playing WoW, dreaming of EQII. But I miss PSO- You can even play it offline!

Sadly, whereever this game goes.- Expect tons-o-hacked items and cheaters.

If you like MMORPG's, you should love this game to death.

If you have already played this game before there is no reason to buy it for the PC, its hardly an upgrade from the DC version. The Xbox and GC versions offer 2 episodes and muchly improved everything in episode II.
I have PSO Plus and I love it, might think about getting this one because of episode 4. Oh BTW, its Blue Burst.
If you look hard enough you can play the dreamcast version for free on the PC, it's very buggy though and looks like garbage.
I've still got PSO Ep2 for Xbox

Somefool said:
I have PSO Plus and I love it, might think about getting this one because of episode 4. Oh BTW, its Blue Burst.

So what exactly is this game. They don't tell you much. The show 12 screenshots that are from Episode 1!

How many Episodes does it have?

And what is PSO Plus?
I was a huuuuuge pso player on the DC, I had the kb and everything :) anyways notice the lvl 200 :eek: wow did they up the level cap? anyways that looks like a new avatar as well. Temping, although doesen't seem as if they added enough to warrant a purchase. I'l wait on this.
Blue Burst contains Episode 1, 2, and 4 I believe, or atleast that's what the japanese ver have.

Ep 3 is a card game which is on GCN.

PSO Plus is for GCN and it's an updated ver of the regular one. It's mainly for those who play offline, because it includes some fixes and a couple of new quests that is online.
Monthly fee?

Srry never played PSO ever before... I'm pretty sure there isn't though, correct?
Iced_Eagle said:
Monthly fee?

Srry never played PSO ever before... I'm pretty sure there isn't though, correct?

on PSO for DC there was no fee.

Then when they released a "VER. 2" they added$10 a month i think- first one is free. U had to play by credit card.

Then on PSO Episodes I & II for Xbox and GC it was maybe up to $15 a month.

I think its more addictive becuase of the whole stand around and chat in a pimped-out custom character thing. Its like a chat room game, but the game is really deep RPG. The quests are a matter of your level and your skill.

The game has always been very hard. It has some ineresting modes of play but most just go kill stuff looking for rares, which are, possibly the rarest Rares ever to be put into an RPG.

You will never really find anything good. Which is why the cheating isn't so bad.

People create any item in the game and then duplicate it, by using cheat discs that boot up in your Xbox.

Its alot of work to transfer this amount of items around and its a pain in the ass, and since they have everything they dont feel like trading, so some cool people get some copies and spread them around.

it all works out so u get to use the good weapons, instead of getting your ass beat, looking busted and boring, you get to use exclusive awesome looking stuff.
****ed economy, but youll be glad to finally get another item from a cool person. an item you haevnt seen before. Lots of very interesting futuristic armor/weapons/MAGS (pets)
Played an alpha demo or something awhile back on PC. Was kinda crappy, but probably very unfinished. Is this really an MMO? The way you describe going into a lobby and finding a 4 player squad makes it seem like a regular online RPG (which would be a first I think...).
Bad^Hat said:
Played an alpha demo or something awhile back on PC. Was kinda crappy, but probably very unfinished. Is this really an MMO? The way you describe going into a lobby and finding a 4 player squad makes it seem like a regular online RPG (which would be a first I think...).

I consider it a MMO type becuase everyone is online at the same time. They could be sending you mail or invites, playing with other people, or standing (or sitting) in a lobby talking to people with voice chat.

But you can only have 3 people fighting along with you.

Its just like other grouped MMO but you won't come across other people while you are in one of the game modes. -Only in the lobbies.

This game came out in 2000. It has won 14 or 17 awards or something. It's a great game. It may become your favorite game. After a friend of mine saw how cool it was he went and bought a DC, The game, and some Cheat devices.

The people had figured out how to player kill, duplicate items, use NPC costumes, etc, etc. My favorite was the Wraith costume

SEGA tried to patch all this stuff but didn't want to Ban anyone(my opinion) so they just basically wouldn't BAn them for long - they need the money.

The thing I wantd to say was that I played this game to death, then I tried everquest and was really addicted to that.

Right now Im playing WoW and am really addicted to that.

Since SEGA won't change PSO very much over the years, its gotten very old to me, after playing as much as I did.