
Sep 19, 2003
Reaction score
Phantom-Ops site open!

(for those too lazy to click)

Phantom-Ops is a team-based multiplayer first-person-shooter that provides addictive and enjoyable gameplay. A wide variety of vehicles, weapons, and terrain encourage combat of all types and teamwork. It provides a relatively natural, realistic, recognizable feel that is easy to learn. With a completely new vehicle scheme, vast array of diverse weaponry, and custom player classes allow players to fight with their own style and at their own pace. An innovative reward system encourages players to develop skills and strategies. With non-laggy movement, clear visuals, large maps, and reduced dead-time, Phantom-Ops completely immerses players into a new and enjoyable gaming experience.

Goals of Phantom Ops
Gameplay is the most important aspect of Phantom-Ops. The goal is to create highly addictive gameplay, which not only keeps players coming back for more, but also makes the experience exciting and fun.

Phantom Ops supports a wide variety of gameplay styles to support a wide array of players. There are a number of ways this is achieved. Each map contains very-highly planned terrain to support multiple styles of combat. Custom player classes allow players to choose a feel that appeals to them most and supports their style of combat best.

The second most important aspect of Phantom-Ops is to be diverse and widespread in a way that encourages players to develop skills and strategies, even highly advanced or complex ones. Players are encouraged and have the capacity to develop their own entirely unique style of fighting that suits them best. While there are many ways this is achieved, one innovative feature is a kill by one of the gunners is automatically split between the gunner and the driver. Traditionally, being an excellent driver is never rewarded while the guy with the big gun in the back gets all the glory.
well, jsut to play devil's advocate....

"highly addictive gameplay"
This sounds like a CS rip with made up weapons. what makes the gameplay fun and addictive?

Most of your weapin models look like primatives thrown together in 3dsmax.

ok, anyway....

What makes this mod diffrent from CS in principle? (not in detail)
jsut to play devil's advocate

Fair question. In almost every battle, you have two sides. You have various items at your disposal to use in battle. From that aspect, a lot of fighting-based games are likely to be similar in that way. I would first like to say that I am not modeling it after CS or as an improvement of CS. I’d rather not be compared to CS. If I was cloning CS, I’d be completely wasting my time, and I would quit this project now. I won’t put forth effort to convince you it’s not a CS clone, as you will see for yourself when you start playing.

What makes a good game?
You may be wondering “where is the totally ‘unique’ wacked out game-play?” Sorry to disappoint some of you, but that’s not what will make my MOD what it is. I’ve seen a massive number of crazy MODs out there, and MODs that have incredibly stupid gameplay that are merely “wow, we have physics now…lets do boring real-life things in this game we couldn’t do before in games.”

I hold the same philosophy with this MOD as I do with my Automotive Designs. The idea is to make something HOT. Something people can enjoy & appreciate. Last I checked, chicks with blonde straight hair were still hot, and chicks with green and purple hair were still weird. Same works with cars, and the same works with games. Your purple hair may get you in the spot-light for short amount of time, but before long you don’t have anything.

Many aspects that separate my gameplay are not easily describable, or would give away too many secrets. Just like the previous example, there are a few things you may be able to describe about a hot chick like blue eyes, blonde hair, and nice body, but when it comes down to describing what makes her hot over a dorky clone, it may be rather difficult.

What I will say is the Maps and Vehicles will be quite impressive. You’ll know the rest when the game is ready for release. I hate to be vague, but to describe in detail would give away my best ideas.

I’m planning on attacking this MOD as a one-man-project initially. I’ll probably start accepting help once the first proper release is ready.

P.S. The models will look better when textured.