Phase Tech is looking for new employees!


Feb 23, 2004
Reaction score
Phase Tech Studios have recently been undergoing expansion and have started production of our first retail game.
Due to us locating to new buildings and a far greater funding we are currently in need of the following:

3 Coders - You must be able to work as a part of the team and have EXPERIENCE in game production. English has to be spoken fluently to maintain a curtain point of understanding among each other ;) Programming languages like C++, C# are preffered but still don't hesitate to send in your application anyway! Other talents could be wanted :)

Besides coders we are also hiring

3 3D artists You should also be able to work as a part of a team and be willing to change stuff with a smile on your face. Be for modelling in all kinds of forms.

1 Sound producer, Be able to work together with our 2 current sound producers and create the "atmosphere" needed for our games.

* All applicants please send examples of your work. Only serious applications will be replied to.

* Since the company is located in Aalborg, Denmark, relocation to this area is a requirement

Hope to see a lot of new talent out there willing to give their kick into the gaming industry

Steffen Mandrup
President of Phase Tech Studios
Ermmm, link? I searched google and you are no where to be found?
Woops forgot to add the e-mail to write to =)

[email protected]

and to the google thing. Remember we haven't released anything yet =) we are a company that recently expanded from making software for specific companies to now being a game company. So google might not have us hehe

salary should be around 200000-300000 DKK a year (35000-50000$) all depending on the curtain skills of the individual. Who knows after the first game release people may get a raise depending on how it sells =)
yea i'm afraid it is a requirement.. Can't keep you people working if you aren't sitting in an office near me ;)
We will only be needing 2 3d artists as i have hired an experienced 3D artist today who have worked on several great titles :)

Send in your application! eventhough if you aren't sure that youre good enough! let us be the judge of that!

Well then you must be serious about this job then huh!

I've worked on Xbox titles in audio design. But for me to move so far away from home is just not worth it. Ecsepcially in audio design. I can do everything in my own studio. Why have to move so far away god dammit!

With people working here we will always be able to keep a view on the progress. Working from distant areas will make it harder for us to keep control. Control is needed when working on something pretty new... that is why it is a requirement
Damn, i live close but right now im doing my Computer Animation (everything in 3D modeling, animating, coding, texturing, everything needed for modeling for a game that is) and Engineer Draw CAD studies and classes, and will be going to DigiPen in America to get my exam....after that i can join you...if you are still up and running in let see....3 more years here..then...about 5 years...yeah, in 8 years lol. :D
we will be running no worries =) we have seconday incomes you know =) Phase Tech doesn't only do games =)
Which may or may not include posing for erotic calendars.

-Angry Lawyer
;) hehe naah we do software and flash art for companies =)
Where Flash Art means flash at a camera and post it on a website??

-Angry Lawyer
we help companies by producing flash presentations for their meetings etc. =) we aren't doing websites but could if we wanted but the market aint that big for that anymore hehe
zyd said:
we help companies by producing flash presentations for their meetings etc. =) we aren't doing websites but could if we wanted but the market aint that big for that anymore hehe
True. Every random Joe these days is able to build websites.

I'm one of them :D
Oddly enough I find myself buried in work sometimes :/

I live a bit closer (Belgium) than most forum posters here, but my skills are way too low for you guys :D ;)
flash presentations, flash dances, its all the same :p
Phase Tech Studios have hired all the people needed and
I would like to thank everyone who have applied!

Here at Phase Tech Studios we are glad to see that interest can be found from people from across the atlantic to come and work in europe.
Unfortunately we cannot hire everybody and we would like to thank everyone for sending in their applications. Please bare in mind that these will be stored for the next time we will be looking for people.

and i look forward to meeting the one member of this forum who recently got hired by us ;)

Good luck in the future everyone!