Pheeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwww-zhit THUNudududunk!

Private Snafu

May 28, 2003
Reaction score
that sound was an arrow whizing by your head!

(850 polys in mesh)


  • arrowpic.jpg
    24.8 KB · Views: 326
I think its ok, but really, you should remove some of the polies out of the Shaft, if your to use it in a mod, as lots of them flying around and sticking into things (and people, hopefully) would soon slow down the server without due need
wow...maybe like 200 polys is good for an arrow. make it like a 6 sided cylender, u proberly wont see this very upclose....
er.. this is the weapon arrow, the flying arrow will be a scaled down version of this
oh ok, well u should of said....cos u didn't :P (had to check incase i made an ass of myself)
well, even still, i'm trying to get the poly's down (gotta wory about the bow too!) Maybe we can get use the same model for both the weapon model and the flying arrow....
if u get it low enough yes, u could use the same model,

what type of bow is it, modern or long, or what?
You model the bow yet? Might be hard to animate the flex of the bow. Arrow looks great though.
450 polies is still way to much for a bow with that amount of detail. Even if it is supposed to be a view model. Try to scale it down even more.
Anyone ever play neverwinter nights? I loved how the enemies walked around with thesee bowshafts sticking out of them. Seeing that in a HL2 mod would be cool...

What's wrong with 450 polys anyway? I thought that the view models for HL2 were aimed at 5000 or something... i cant see a single bow and an arrow being too much trouble.

speaking of, have you thought of multishot (i think legolas did this in LotR), and flaming arrows and stuff? i have no idea what kind of mod this is for, but that would be awesome!.

Cant wait to see it textured!

P.S. maybe it's just me, but the title reminds me of 'the knights formally known as the knights who say ni'

"Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-PTANG! Zoom-Boing! Z'nourrwringmm"

There might be flaming arrows at some point, but we probably won't have multishot. And it's for a mod called The Wild West.