Phew, good thing its delayed


Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
I needed some time to get my cash together so i can upgrade my computation box. lol, that was really funny!

Dont you all think it was absurd? the whole delay thing? I mean, all the miscommunications, and the rumors all had our hopes up, now a bunch of people are going to be immature and send hate mail to gabe an co.
Plz dont, lets just hope for a small delay, and not a total game re-make ok guys?
I'd just like to know the reason for Valve being so tight lipped with the supposed release date just around the corner. If it's delayed, tell us already! If it's not, then bring it on home!

yeah, i am getting my new sweet machine only in october
though getting half life in december is kinda late..
mid oct would be nice ;)
2 bloody months we'll have to wait.

And notice that it's not even a promise. It's a "we'll try for the holidays."
haha. i still need to get my graphics card anyways.
Yeah, i thought valve handled all that all wrong. They were really secret for 5 years, then blurted it all out, then people asked questions and it was back to being secret.... They should have never even said a thing...
Originally posted by UltimateNinja
I needed some time to get my cash together so i can upgrade my computation box. lol, that was really funny!

Dont you all think it was absurd? the whole delay thing? I mean, all the miscommunications, and the rumors all had our hopes up, now a bunch of people are going to be immature and send hate mail to gabe an co.
Plz dont, lets just hope for a small delay, and not a total game re-make ok guys?

Fukc off with your upgrading, and your homosexual dual dildo look on this whole thing.
Mid Oct wouldn't be nice. Thats when Max Payne 2 comes out. I don't want to have to get both games in the matter of days of each other and be torn between the two.
True, I needed to upgrade my rig. (Ya think a P3 800 w/ GeForce-GTS could handle it?)

But I don't get to see Fragmaster in costume with free copies!
