Phillipine Muslim terrorists (Abu Sayyaf) get money after YouTube campaign

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Dec 22, 2004
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Manila - An al-Qaeda-linked Muslim militant group in the southern Philippines has been able to raise funds after posting video clips about the organization on the popular internet site YouTube, police said Monday.

The video clips seeking funds and support for the Abu Sayyaf rebel group, blamed for some of the worst terrorist attacks in the Philippines, were posted on YouTube in August.

The clips featured the late Abu Sayyaf founder Abdurajak Janjalani and his younger brother and replacement Khadafi Janjalani. Abdurajak Janjalani was killed by security forces on Basilan in 1998, while his brother died last year on Jolo.

Chief Superintendent Samuel Pagdilao, national police spokesman, warned that with the fresh funds, the Abu Sayyaf was reportedly eyeing to launch bomb attacks 'to inflict mass casualties.'

He said national police chief Director General Avelino Razon has ordered all unit commanders, especially in the southern region of Mindanao, to remain vigilant because of a high threat level in October.

'There are significant reports on new money received by the Abu Sayyaf financial network in the area,' Pagdilao said in a statement, citing reports by the National Intelligence Coordinating Agency.

'The money notably arrived after the Abu Sayyaf uploaded in the internet the video of the late Janjalani brothers seeking material and financial support for the beleaguered bandit group,' he added.

The NICA did not say where the money came from and how the Abu Sayyaf was supposed to have received the funds.

In August, the military stepped up offensives against Abu Sayyaf rebels in the southern island of Jolo and Basilan province following a series of battlefield losses.

The video clips appeared on YouTube shortly after. The speakers on the clips used Arabic in an apparent attempt to appeal to wealthy would-be benefactors from the Middle East.

The Abu Sayyaf is believed to have tied up with the regional Jemaah Islamiyah terrorist group to train operatives in the southern Philippines and launch attacks not only in the country but also in the region.
Wow -- should we be suprised that people in the YouTube community donated?

This freaks me out. Like if Hallibourton had a fundraiser co-sponsored by Black Water. Who in they're right mind would ...
Youtube is the biggest and easiest place to find terrorist videos, Islamist propaganda, and secret Islamist networks, anything of that sort really, so it isn't really all that strange. What is strange is that YouTube does virtually nothing whatsoever about this.
Really? So please nemesis, please explain this to me. I just went through a selection of jihad organizations on youtube. I found the one that suits me best. How exactly do I give them money? Pay pal it to them? Or were they smart enough to attach a mailing address? :laugh:
Please cut this bullshit out. I'm not gonna engage you in this level of debate.

But for some reason I do: That's up to the various groups to decide, now, isn't it?
But for some reason I do: That's up to the various groups to decide, now, isn't it?

The article you posted says that they got a bunch of donations because they put up a you tube video? Do you not understand how this doesn't pass the smell test? How do people that see your terrorist propaganda on you tube donate to your terrorist organization? By Pay Pal, money order, check, what?

Unless I am missing something here it shouldn't be that difficult to call bullshit on this article.
It's simple. Video shows where you can do it or profile does.
It's simple. Video shows where you can do it or profile does.

The video shows what information? The mailing address? You don't think that the NSA, CIA, MI-6 and all the other intelligence communties around the world would catch on to this?

Gee, this terrorist group is asking for checks mailed to that address, maybe we should check it out? Come on dude, do you really fall for this propaganda bullshit that easily?
The article you posted says that they got a bunch of donations because they put up a you tube video?

On youtube, you can donate money very similiary to

Thats how they were able to raise what money they needed.
Er...great? I guess it's pretty disgusting that youtube taking things down because of copyright violation and threat of lawsuit from media companies is more common than youtube taking things down because they are supporting terrorism.

Or is it?

Do we have statistics on how often youtube takes down terrorist videos? Where are all these 'secret terrorist networks on the site'? Links would be nice.
Islamist networks you mean. One example would be one called "Burn the boats". It's a secret network on YouTube and seemingly, it has spread to other websites such as MySpace, too. You do not join if you are not invited and you do not find out what it's about unless A: You join. B: You know your Islamic history and realize what the name refers to. Here's the specifics on this particular secret group:

Another example would be that the MSA(Muslim student association use it, too, for their antisemitic and misogynistic propaganda. Here's an example:
Now, before you view the above, know that they've edited it from when it was first shown: They edited out a portion where the "reporter" asks the guy "What is the Jewish people's greatest achievement in America? 9/11?".

So these are two examples of groups using YouTube to spread their filth. I'm sure I could find more. Oh wait, yes, I do remember one, slightly off-topic, but it'll do. Some guy uploaded some videos where he desecrated a Quran. Soon after, an attack was organized through a lot of Arab sites to flag his videos and spam them(with very poor English, I might add). And they succeeded. In case you doubt it, his username on there was Allah00100

MSA, CAIR, various Muslim "flagger" and rating groups, whatever, there are many.
omg someone call the national guard, people are furiously clicking their mice whever they find something offensive on the interwebs!!!

where the hell is Aquaman when you need him?

I like playing the alarmist ..all I have to do is use words like terrorist, thinking about children, OMFG and I can sound exactly like our resident kneejerkist revivalist Nemesis
So there's... nothing wrong with Abu Sayyaf using YouTube to finance itself and succeeding at doing so? Because you seem very indifferent about it since you're just spamming bullshit.
and? should we shut down the internets? and yes I dont give a shit whether they're using youtube to collect money ..why should it bother me in the least? does anyone have anything to say about the iraq war funding Haliburton, Beschel, Boeing and dozens of other corporations making money on the misery of others ..your stupid little youtube story pales in comparison ..but god knows you wouldnt comment on the bigger issue because it doesnt suit your agenda ..once again you prove your hypocricy
Dumbass. Apparently I have to explain to you that it's actually easy for YouTube to prevent them from fundraising on their site. By the way, great logic - Iraq is a quagmire, therefore you don't care about terrorists infiltrating and using the biggest media site on the planet to finance itself and its kidnappings and beheadings.
There is no proof you have that this money came from donations because the video was posted on you tube. Kerberos, I am fully aware of this. But if you open up an account there like pay pal you need bank account information, personal addresses, etc. Why in the hell would a terrorist organization post this type of information on the internet giving all those intelligence agencies where they are located, where their bank accounts are located, etc...

Do you people honestly not see how unrealistic this concept is? With a little common sense you can see the bullshit these types of media, and alarmists like nemesis, are spreading.
They put videos on YouTube asking for donations, the Philippine police notes that Abu Sayyaf subsequently recieves a lot of money, the police believe that an increase of funds for Abu Sayyaf is the result of these videos, but according to you, this is just plain not plausible. Stonewall, meet No Limit.
They put videos on YouTube asking for donations, the Philippine police notes that Abu Sayyaf subsequently recieves a lot of money, the police believe that an increase of funds for Abu Sayyaf is the result of these videos, but according to you, this is just plain not plausible. Stonewall, meet No Limit.

It isn't plausible. Do you have a hard time understand this, really?

I've been working with online banking transactions for years, but you don't need that much experiance to understand this basic concept.

Why the **** would a terrorist organization post their personal contact and financial information online? You are right, I am banging my head into a stonewall right now, it seems like you drive me to do this with every discussion I start with you.

Why are you so incapabale of addressing simple points I make? I know I'm fairly sloppy when I make posts sometimes but I don't see any simpler way I can explain this to you.


Its called critical thinking nemesis, try it.
Basic sense: They do not necessarily provide their personal information, and it doesn't necessarily go directly to them, it can travel back and forth untill it reaches them. Sorry, I trust the police assessment more than I trust some guy who only denies this because Muslims are involved.

Anyway, more info: The user is called BAYTURX, and he had a video called "Abu Sayyaf Group: "The Filipino Lions are Coming"", it has since been taken offline due to TERMS OF USE violations. It was posted the 16. of August.
Basic sense: They do not necessarily provide their personal information. Sorry, I trust the police assessment more than I trust some guy who only denies this because Muslims are involved.

Lets take baby steps since you seem to lack the basic skill of thinking about anything.

We'll take it step by step.

How did they receive this money?
Well we'll never know, will we? The videos are offline now and the money has most likely reached them. By the way, stick your snarky attitude up your ass, please.
Well we'll never know, will we? The videos are offline now and the money has most likely reached them. By the way, stick your snarky attitude up your ass, please.

So translation: You have absolutely no idea yet you think you have a right to call me the asshole?

This means that you are taking what the opinionated article said and using it as gospel. They provided absolutely no information as to how this money was transfered which means they provided absolutely no evidance of You Tube being responsible for this. If that doesn't set off your BS meter I have a bridge in brooklyn I would like to sell you.
Here's another article from yesterday on this:

So in essence, we know that the video existed, the user who posted it exists and is still pumping out Jihad videos, and police believe an increase of funding that occurred after this was posted as proof that they got the money from e-begging. That's what we know for fact so far. Whether the money actually reached them - That's debatable.
Here's another article from yesterday on this:

So in essence, we know that the video existed, the user who posted it exists and is still pumping out Jihad videos, and police believe an increase of funding that occurred after this was posted as proof that they got the money from e-begging. That's what we know for fact so far. Whether the money actually reached them - That's debatable.

You believe they got money from e-begging but you can't possibly explain how. WTF is wrong with you.

Collecting money off the internet isn't a very hard concept to understand nemesis. You can do it with a credit card (requires bank account), online payments through services like Pay Pal (which require you to link a bank account), or by posting a mailing address to send the money to.

Do you dispute this? Again, we are doing baby steps here.
I'd leave this open if it had even the slightest glimmer of hope for reconciliation or closure of any sort, but it doesn't.
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