Phone cooks egg!


won't hotlink D:
Your brain won't actually get cooked. You blood and other tissue fluid will carry the heat to other places and cool down.
I don't think they factored the surrounding eletrical equipment or the fact that no one holds two mobile phones so close together when they're making a call.
gweedodogg69 said:
Which is why I use a headset. That and so I can play CS while on the phone.

I think you don't know it. For most of the phone and radio, if you plug in a headset, the headset will automatically become the reception wire. Say goodbye to your brain.
bbson_john said:
I think you don't know it. For most of the phone and radio, if you plug in a headset, the headset will automatically become the reception wire. Say goodbye to your brain.

God, you guys are being ignorant.

I'm assuming none of you know anything about radio waves...

Cellphones don't work how they show you. Putting an egg between two cellphones won't do ANYTHING.

AFAIK, phones don't send signals straight to other phones. They go to a local reciever that hits it back to the other phone.
sinkoman said:
God, you guys are being ignorant.

I'm assuming none of you know anything about radio waves...

Cellphones don't work how they show you. Putting an egg between two cellphones won't do ANYTHING.

AFAIK, phones don't send signals straight to other phones. They go to a local reciever that hits it back to the other phone.

Don't think I am stupid, even though for most of the time I am. I am just making joke of it. That is, I am not being serious. The one that directly cooks egg is called microwave oven. The basic principle of it is that the oven release a specific type of microwave, which has a low energy in comparison with most of the other EM waves, to resonate the hydrogen bonds between water molecules. The resonace of hydrogen bonds casing the water molecules vibrate violently. That is heat which cooks food. :p

Still, the energy of EM waves released by cell phones cannot be overlooked. EM waves with wavelength that does not resonate with water do slightly heat an object. A egg, as a closed system, tends to let energy of the EM wave accumulate inside it. So later, it is possible that the egg is cooked. As I said before, body-tissue fluid and blood will carry the heat away from our brain. So our head will not actually get cooked, even if it does actually heated by the phone.